Professional Development

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Nicole Donos
Direct Patient Care Abilities
Strengths Areas of Improvement
 Empathy  Self-confidence
 Positive Mental Attitude  Effective Communication
 Desire to Learn  Flexibility

Short Term Goals Long Term Goals (3-5

(Present-2 years) years)
 Continue reviewing  Increase Confidence
research articles
 Develop personalized
organizational tool
Unit Leadership Abilities
Strengths Areas of Improvement
 Comfortable seeking help  Delegation
 Trustworthy  Strategic Thinking
 Respecting all roles  Conflict Resolution

Short Term Goals Long Term Goals

 Improve delegation skills  Join unit-related
 Become a Charge Nurse
 Become a preceptor
Professional Nursing
Short Term Goals Long Term Goals
New nurse residency  Maintain active
program membership of Philippine
Nurses Association of
Complete Advanced Arizona
Cardiovascular Life  Become active member of
Support (ACLS) American Association of
Critical-Care Nurses
Subscribe to Journal (AACN)
of Intensive and
 Attend specialty
Critical Care Nursing conference
 Apply to Doctors in Nurse
Practice Program
Book Selection
 Addresses readers’ doubts
 Mindfulness activities
 Utilizes Research

Areas for Improvement

 Repetitive

Benefits to Professional
 Increasing confidence
 Mindfulness and focusing
Leadership Shadow
Experience: Charge Nurse
 Knowledge Gained
 Charge nurse responsibilities vs. other staff
 Communication along the chain of
 Organizing patient flow
 Bed meetings
Professional Activity: Mass
Casualty Training
Knowledge Gained Cons
Education on PowerPoint
various situations Presentations
Hands-on training
Professional Activity:
Improving Wellness Workshop
Knowledge Gained Cons
Mindfulness Physical
exercises environment
Continuing Education in
Personal Aspirations Potential Opportunities
Transition from low- On site facility courses
acuity to high-acuity
Continuing Education
Become a nurse
practitioner Long Term Goals

Short Term Goals Apply to Doctors in

Nurse Practice program
Specialized certification
Expected Timeline
August 2018:
Begin nursing August 2020:
residency Transfer to August 2023:
program at an intensive care Transition
adult medical- unit from working
May 2018: surgical unit Become in-hospital to
Graduate or cardiac member of working out-
with BSN unit AACN patient.

June-July August 2019: August 2021: August 2025:

2018: Transfer to Become Begin
Pass the post-acuity Charge Nurse applying to
NCLEX step-down Become Doctors in
unit Preceptor Nurse
Be accepted Practice
into a new Obtain ACLS Join Unit program
nurse Subscribe to Committee
residency Journal Attend
program conferences
Harris, R. (2011). The Confidence Gap: From Fear to Freedom.
Boston, Massachusetts: Trumpeter Books.

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