Chapter 6

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What is Motivation?

 Derived from Latin word “movere” which means “to move”

 Those psychological processes that cause the arousal, direction, and
persistence of voluntary actions that are goal directed
Need Theories of Motivation
Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory
Need Theories of Motivation
McClelland’s Need Theory
Motivating Employee Through Job Design

Top Down Approaches:

 Scientific Management Herzberg’s Motivator-Hygiene Model
 Job Enlargement
 Job Rotation
 Job Enrichment

Bottom Up Approaches

Idiosyncratic Deals
Job Characteristic Model
The cause of Job Satisfaction

 Need Fulfilment
 Discrepancies
 Value Attainment
 Equity
 Dispositional/Genetic Components
Key Correlation to Job Satisfaction
Counterproductive Work Behavior (CWB)

 Mistreatment of Others
 Violence at Work
Cause and Preventions?
 Personality Traits ➡Hiring individuals who are less prone to CWB
 Unsatisfying jobs ➡Designing Jobs that promote satisfaction and prevent
abusive supervision
 Others (more resource powers, intelligence, etc) ➡ Organization should
respond quickly

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