Philippine Grid Code
Philippine Grid Code
Philippine Grid Code
The Philippine Grid Code establishes and documents the basic
rules, requirements, procedures and standards that govern the
operation, maintenance and development of the high-voltage
backbone transmission system in the Philippines.
The Act assigns to the ERC the responsibility of enforcing the
Philippine Grid Code.
The ERC shall establish the Grid Management Committee (GMC) to
monitor Philippine Grid Code compliance at the planning and
operations level and to submit regular and special reports pertaining
to Grid planning and Grid operations.
The GMC shall also initiate an enforcement process for any perceived
violations of Philippine Grid Code provisions and recommend to the
ERC the appropriate fines and penalties for such violations.
Suspension of Provisions
Any provision of the Philippine Grid Code may be suspended,
in whole or in part, when the Grid is not operating in the
Normal State or pursuant to any directive given by the ERC or
the appropriate government agency.
All data submitted by any User of the Grid to the Transmission Network
Provider, System Operator or Market Operator in compliance with the
data requirements of the Philippine Grid Code shall be treated by the
Transmission Network Provider, System Operator, or Market Operator as
confidential. These include data requirements for connection to the Grid
and those that are required in the planning, operation, and maintenance
of the Grid.
Unless the context otherwise requires, any reference to a particular
Chapter, Article, Section, Subsection, or Appendix of the Philippine Grid
Code shall be applicable only to that Chapter, Article, Section,
Subsection, or Appendix to which the reference is made.
A cross-reference to another document shall not in any way impose any
condition or modify the material contained in the document where such
cross-reference is made.
Definition and Acronyms
■ Enforcement Process
■ Fines and Penalties
■ Unforeseen Circumstances
■ Philippine Grid Code Revision Process
The ERC shall prescribe, after due notice and hearing, Reliability
Performance Indicators that will:
a) Measure the total number of power Interruptions in the Grid;
b) Measure the total duration of power Interruptions in the
Grid; and
c) Measure other parameters affecting the Reliability
performance of the Grid.