Diagnosis Dan Tatalaksana: Nyoman Purwadi

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Diagnosis dan Tatalaksana

Nyoman Purwadi
Div. Gastro-Entero-Hepatology
Bagian Penyakit Dalam
FK Unud/ RS Sanglah
Denpasar Bali
Apakah IBS ?

Ggn Fungsi tanpa kelainan struktural dan

kelainan biokimia

Bukan Radang, infeksi atau keganasan

Keluhan bisa dicetuskan oleh : bahan

makanan tertentu dan stres

Sangat mempengaruhi kwalitas hidup

Drossman DA et al. Gastroenterology 1997;112:2120-37;

Drossman DA et al. The Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders, 2000 p366.
Perubahan Fungsi Usus pada IBS

Perubahan fs. Usus

Perubahan Straining
frekuensi Urgensi
dan gerakan usus

Bloating Babf Feses bercampur

(fullness/swelling) tidak lampias mukus
 20% pdd. USA dilaporkan memiliki keluhan yang
sesuai dengan IBS
 Diagnosis tersering pada gastroenterologist di
 Satu diantara 10 alasan untuk tidak masuk kerja
 Terbanyak mengenai wanita (~70% ) 4

 “functional bowel disorder” tersering

1. Camilleri and Choi. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 1997;11:13–15
2. Everhart and Renault. Gastroenterology. April 1991;100:998–1005
3. Physician Drug & Diagnosis Audit (PDDA), April 1999, Scott–Levin
4. Sandler. Gastroenterology. August 1990;99:409–415
5. Thompson et al. Gastroenterol Int. 1992;5:75–91
IBS : Patofisiologi

 Kelainan pada “enteric nervous system”

merupakan “hallmark” keluhan IBS
 Visceral hypersensitivity
• Meningkatnya respon aferen terhadap
• Mediators : 5-HT, bradykinin, tachykinins, CGRP,
and neurotropins
 Gangguan motilitas pada GI tract
• di perantarai oleh : 5-HT, acetylcholine, ATP,
motilin, nitric oxide, somatostatin, substance P,
and VIP

1. Bueno et al. Gastroenterology. May 1997;112:1714–1743

2. Goyal and Hirano. N Engl J Med. April 1996;334:1106–1115
Distribusi Normal 5-HT

CNS – 5%

GI tract – 95%
– enterochromaffin cells
– neuronal

Gershon. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 1999;13(suppl 2):15–30

Patogenesis IBS:
Factors Pencetus
Makanan dan zat yg dikandung

Obat obatan

Problems psikis /stress

Hormones (siklus menstruasi)

Perubahan musim
Faktor Psikis yang mempengaruhi
Fungsi Saluran Cerna

Ansietas, panik, depresi

“Unexplained bodily symptoms”

Fisikal, sexual atau emosional abuse

Alkohol atau penyalah guna obat

Gangguan makan
IBS: Understanding the condition
Early life

Psychosocial CNS
factors Physiology
Life stress, Motility, sensation
psychological state,
coping, social support

Medications, physician
visits, daily function,
Drossman, 1997; 1999
quality of life
“Irritable Bowel Syndrome”
Perkembangan Diagnosis IBS

1950s – Meningkatnya “gut motility”

1970s – Petanda kusus motilitas usus
1980 to 1999 – kriteria khusus
• Manning criteria
• Rome criteria

1999 – kriteris Rome II

1. Drossman. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 1999;13(suppl 2):3–14

2. Thompson et al. Gut. 1999;45(suppl 2):1143–1147
The Manning Criteria (1978)
Four symptoms significantly more common in IBS:

Pain relieved by defecation

More frequent stools at the onset of pain
Looser stools at the onset of pain
Visible abdominal distention

A strong trend for the following:

Passage of mucus
Sensation of incomplete bowel emptying

Manning AP et al. Br Med J 1978;2:653–4

The Rome Criteria (1992)
3 months continuous/recurrent symptoms:
1. Abdominal pain or discomfort that is
• Relieved with defecation
• Associated with a change in frequency of stool and/or
• Associated with a change in consistency of stool; and

2. Two or more of the following at least on one quarter

of the time
• Altered stool frequency (>3 / day or <3 / week)
• Altered stool form (lumpy/hard or loose/watery stool)
• Altered stool passage (straining, urgency)
• Passage of mucus
• Bloating or feeling of abdominal distention
Thompson WG et al. Gastroenterol Int 1992;5:75–91
Rome II Criteria

 At least 12 weeks, which need not be consecutive,

in the preceding 12 months, of abdominal discomfort
or pain that has 2 of 3 features:

• Relieved with defecation

• Onset associated with a change in frequency of


• Onset associated with a change in form

(appearance) of stool

Thompson et al. Gut. 1999;45(suppl 2):1143–1147

1 2
Rome I Criteria Rome II Criteria
1. At least 3 months of continuous or 1. At least 12 weeks, which need not be
recurrent symptoms of abdominal consecutive, in the past 12 months of
pain or discomfort that is: abdominal discomfort or pain that has
• Relieved by defecation and/or 2 of 3 features:
• Associated with a change in • Relieved by defecation; and/or
frequency of stool; and/or • Onset associated with a change in
• Associated with a change in frequency of stool; and/or
consistency of stool • Onset associated with a change in form
(appearance) of stool
2. 2 or more of the following at least
25% of the time:
• Altered stool frequency
• Altered stool form
• Altered stool passage (straining,
urgency, feeling of incomplete evacuation)
• Passage of mucous; and/or
• Bloating or feeling of abdominal
distension 1Thompson WG et al. Gastroentrol Int 1992;5:75–91;
2Thompson WG et al. Gut 1999;45(Suppl II):II43–II47.
Rome III criteria for IBS if your symptoms
began at least 6 months ago, you have had
abdominal (belly) pain or discomfort at least
3 days each month in the last 3 months, and
at least two of the following statements are
true: 1
The pain is relieved by having a bowel
The pain is linked to a change in how often
you have a bowel movement.
The pain is linked to a change in the
appearance or consistency of your stool.
Perubahan Motilitas Usus

Hipomotilitas Hipermotilitas


Subtipe IBS (~Rome)
Rome II Rome II
$1 of A + none of B $1 of B + none of A
$ 2 of A + 1 of B $ 2 of B + 1 of A

A - <3 bowel movements / week

- hard lumpy stool
- straining during bowel movements

B - >3 bowel movements / week

- loose or watery stool
- urgency of bowel movements
Evaluasi IBS

Pemeriksaan Darah
Pemeriksaan feses
Pemeriksaan Radiologi

Drossman, 1997; 1999

Differential Diagnosis
“Food Intolerance”
“Inflammatory bowel disease” (IBD)
Kelainan Psikis
Gangguan ginekologis

1. Drossman. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 1999;13(suppl 2):3–14

2. Moore et al. Br J Obstet Gynaecol. December 1998;105:1322–1325
Defining IBS: by exclusion of disease
Dietary Factors Giardia lamblia UC
Lactose Bacterial CD
Coffeine Ameba
Fat Psychologic
Gas-producing Differential Anxiety/panic
Diagnosis Depression

Malabsorption Miscellaneous
Intestinal Endometriosis
Pancreatic Endocrine tumours
‘Red Flags’ May Suggest an
Alternative or Coexisting Diagnosis
Additional diagnostic screening needed for atypical
presentations such as

 Anemia  Nocturnal symptoms of

pain and abnormal bowel
 Fever function
 Persistent diarrhea  Family history of GI cancer,
 Rectal bleeding inflammatory bowel disease,
or celiac disease
 Severe constipation
 New onset of symptoms in
 Weight loss patients 50+ years of age

Paterson et al. Can Med Assoc J. July 1999;161:154–160

Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Tatalaksana Umum
 Hubungan dokter - Pasien yang baik
= Lakukan anamnesa yang baik dan teliti
= Identifikasi “Patient’s concern”
= Jelaskan : ini penyakit medis
Diet dan stres : pencetus
 Singkirkan penyakit organik
 Ongoing review
 Atasi Stres dan modifikasi gaya hidup
 Obat obat
Terapi IBS

Screening for Organic Diseases

Symptomatic subgroups

Constipation Diarrhoea Pain / gas

Fiber/Laxative Loperamide Antispasmodic

Prokinetic Diphenoxylate Antiflatulence

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