This document discusses the biomechanics of the spinal column, including:
- Range of motion for axial rotation in the lumbar, thoracic, and cervical regions. Total axial rotation between the pelvis and skull reaches 90 degrees.
- Angles formed by structures in the lumbar spine region, including the sacrovertebral angle, lumbosacral angle, and pelvic inclination angle.
- Flexion and extension ranges in the lumbar spine, with extension associated with hyperlordosis to 30 degrees and flexion allowing flattening of the lordotic curve to 40 degrees.
- Side flexion amplitude in the lumbar spine, which decreases with age from a maximum of 62 degrees between ages 2-13 to
This document discusses the biomechanics of the spinal column, including:
- Range of motion for axial rotation in the lumbar, thoracic, and cervical regions. Total axial rotation between the pelvis and skull reaches 90 degrees.
- Angles formed by structures in the lumbar spine region, including the sacrovertebral angle, lumbosacral angle, and pelvic inclination angle.
- Flexion and extension ranges in the lumbar spine, with extension associated with hyperlordosis to 30 degrees and flexion allowing flattening of the lordotic curve to 40 degrees.
- Side flexion amplitude in the lumbar spine, which decreases with age from a maximum of 62 degrees between ages 2-13 to
This document discusses the biomechanics of the spinal column, including:
- Range of motion for axial rotation in the lumbar, thoracic, and cervical regions. Total axial rotation between the pelvis and skull reaches 90 degrees.
- Angles formed by structures in the lumbar spine region, including the sacrovertebral angle, lumbosacral angle, and pelvic inclination angle.
- Flexion and extension ranges in the lumbar spine, with extension associated with hyperlordosis to 30 degrees and flexion allowing flattening of the lordotic curve to 40 degrees.
- Side flexion amplitude in the lumbar spine, which decreases with age from a maximum of 62 degrees between ages 2-13 to
This document discusses the biomechanics of the spinal column, including:
- Range of motion for axial rotation in the lumbar, thoracic, and cervical regions. Total axial rotation between the pelvis and skull reaches 90 degrees.
- Angles formed by structures in the lumbar spine region, including the sacrovertebral angle, lumbosacral angle, and pelvic inclination angle.
- Flexion and extension ranges in the lumbar spine, with extension associated with hyperlordosis to 30 degrees and flexion allowing flattening of the lordotic curve to 40 degrees.
- Side flexion amplitude in the lumbar spine, which decreases with age from a maximum of 62 degrees between ages 2-13 to
Rotatia axiala in coloana toracala (1-58) : 35° Rotatia axiala in coloana cervicala (1-59) : 45-50°. Rotatia axiala dintre pelvis si craniu atinge 90°. Inclinarea laterala
Atingerea amplitudinii totale este
conditionata de participarea tuturor segmentelor coloanei vertebrale. Coloana lombara (A) Unghiul sacrovertebral – format de tangenta pe platoul superior al primei vertebre sacrate si planul orizontalei, ≈30°
(B) Unghiul lombosacrat (promontoriu)
– unghiul format intre cea de-a 5-a vertebra lombara si axa baza sacrumului ≈140°
(C) Unghiul de inclinatie al pelvisului –
unghiul format de baza sacrumului si simfiza pubiana≈60° Flexia extensia coloanei lombare Extensia - este acompaniata de hiperlordoza; - atinge o valoare de aprox. 30°; Flexia - presupune aplatizarea curburii lordotice - atinge o valoare de aprox. 40°; Inclinarea laterala a coloanei lombare • Magnitude of slope of the lumbar spine, as in the case of fiexão- extension, the amplitude of the infiexão side, also called slope, varies depending on the age and of individuals: however, it can be argued (fig. 3-68) that, on average, the slope is 20 to 30° on each side. S. Tanz studied the amplitudes of the slope (fig. 3-69). These decreases considerably with age, they are highest of two to thirteen years, reaching 62° from one side and the other from middle position; between the ages of 35 and 49 years old, the amplitude is only 31° on each side; decreases to 29° between the ages of 50 and 64 years and 22° between 65 and 77 years. After you have been very important to the thirteen years, the side infiexão remains relatively stable at around 30° from 35 to 64 years, then decreases to 20°. The average age of life, the full breadth of infiexão between right and left is 60°, which is almost equal to the total amplitude of fiexão- extension of the lumbar spine. It is interesting to note that the amplitude segmentária the slope at the level of the hard LS-Sl is quite limited, since 7° in youth decreases rapidly to 2°, 1° and including 0° in advanced age. The maximum amplitude is located between L4-LS and, especially, between L3 and L4 which is 16° in youth and then to remain relatively stable at around 8° between the ages of 35 and 64 years old and, finally, decrease to 6° in age. Rezistenta vertebrei lombare la forte compresive este data de structura ei corticala iar rezistenta la nivelul articulatiiei interapofizare este data de orientarea acesteia, capsula ligamentara si intr-o anumita masura de orientarea fatetei laminare. In ortostatism vectorul fortei de greutate trece ventral de corpul vertebrei lombare. Cu cat distanta dintre vector si corpul vertebral este mai mare cu atat bratul fortei(Lw) este mai mare si deci valoarea acesteia este mai mare. In suporturile pentru spate, cu cat inclinarea acestora este mai mare cu atat forta de greutate care actioneaza asupra vertebrelor este mai mica.
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