Contractual Liability of The Government: Tusharika Singh Roll Number-411
Contractual Liability of The Government: Tusharika Singh Roll Number-411
Contractual Liability of The Government: Tusharika Singh Roll Number-411
Class LL.M. I Semester
• What is the importance of the contractual Liability of the Government ?
• Identify that the contracts are made following the prescribed procedure.
1. Written Contract
2. Execution by authorised person
3. Expression in the name of president( Governor)
Difference B/w Government Contract
And Private Contract
Government Contract Private Contract
2. There may arise problems of public law as 2. There is nothing like that
Fundamental right, writ jurisdiction, Natural
4. It may involve not only supplies or 4. It may just to provide supplies and services
services but also livelihood , be instrument of
implementation of Government policies.
.Before 1947- immunity . Till 1978 there was ‘dispute; . Before constitution-
based on two doctrines- clause . Charter Act 1833- East India
1. The King by his writ can . Contract Disputes Act 1978 company
not command itself . Sec. 65 of GOI Act 1858-
2. The King can do no secretary of state
wrong. .Post Independence- Liability
same as of an individual u/ ICA
.Crown Proceedings Act,1947. 1872, only requisites of Art. 299
has to be fulfil
Judicial Interpretation w.r.t Contractual Liability of Government
The basic principle relating to power of the state to entre into or not
to entre contract with individuals has been clearly laid down .
“ it is well settled that every action of the state or an instrumentality in exercise of
executive power, must be informed by reason , actions unformed by reason may
be questioned as arbitrary in proceeding under Art. 226 or 32 of the constitution.
Supreme court held that the object of Art. 299 of the constitution
of India is to protect the state not to saddle with liability for unauthorised
State of Punjab v. Omprakhash Baldeo Krishan AIR 1988
When an agreement becomes invalid for non compliance with art .299 of
the constitution , person enjoying benefit must restore under sec .70 of the contract.
•The tender committee of the railway board fixed one rate for big manufacturers
and another for smaller manufacturers
•Such as action under the circumstances was held reasonable and bona fide and it
is not hit by Art . 14 of the constitution .
In Sterling Computers Ltd. v. M & N Publication Ltd. AIR 1996 SC 51
SC held that
•In exercising the power of judicial review in govt. contracts, the court is to
consider primarily as to whether there has been any infirmity in the “decision
making process”
•By way of judicial review the court can not examine the details of the terms of the
contract which have been entered into by the public bodies or the state .
The court has the inherent limitations on the scope of any enquiry
•But at the same time the court can certainly examine whether “decision making
process ” was reasonable ,rational , not arbitrary and violation of Art.14 of the
Teaching Methods Teaching Tools
Unit- 1 Legal framework of government contract