Deion Cardwell, Elana Jenkins, Faith Dunlap Joseph, Johanna Mosquera, Kayla Mathis
Healthy 10% improvement rate on
number of new reported Goal incidence rate: 194.8
People cases of gonorrhea per 100,00
2020 among males age 15-44
Sulzbacher Center
Goal and Objectives
Learner: By the end of the 7 Behavioral: At the end of Outcome: After 3 years,
weeks, participants will be the 7-week course, 65% of Gonorrhea incidence rates
able to correctly identify participants will report a within Black MSM
the correct steps to putting condom use during their community will decrease by
on a condom. last sexual encounter. 10% in Heath zone 1.
Evidence Based Program
Many Men, Many Voices (3MV) is a According to the literature, 3MV has
small, group level behavioral also been proven to be effective in:
intervention that decreases the HIV • Reducing rates of unprotected sex
and STD risk behaviors and • Increasing consistent condom use
increases health promotion • Reducing numbers of sex partners
behaviors like HIV testing and STD • Increasing HIV testing rate
screening among black men who
have sex with men (MSM).
Health Belief Model
Have panel (with Present a Provide fact Have a Give out free Conduct
real-life stories) PowerPoint and sheets/brochure communication condoms and condom and
provide statistics issue and health on healthy activity to send out dental dam
and discuss risk belief activity sexual discuss effective reminders demonstrations.
behaviors (social about Super behaviors. communication text/emails
norms) Gonorrhea, strategies. Help about staying
infertility, participants up-to-date on
increased form support testing (every 3-
contractions of groups. Provide 6 months).
HIV. free rapid
Program Manager – 12 months 20,000/year $40,000.00
3 Program Facilitators (Health Educators) - 2,000/month (4 months) $24,000.00
Pizza luncheon for taking pre-& post- test - 200 students $1,000.00
Incentives ($100 cash) $20,000.00
Location- Sulzbacher Center/JASMYN* In Kind
Program Materials (paper, flyers, brochures, surveys) $4,500.00
Eating Materials (silverware, plates, etc.) Sponsored
Male Condoms In Kind
Facilitator Answer Key (Correct Steps for Condom Use) In Kind
Facilitator's Resource about Condoms In Kind
Whiteboard In Kind
Whiteboard markers In Kind
External Evaluator $3,000.00
Miscellaneous $500.00
Total Cost $94,000.00
Program Budget
• External evaluator to eliminate
possible internal biases
Evaluating • Participants will be asked the
following questions to evaluate
Many Men 1.
our interventions impact
Identify the correct steps to
Many Voices putting on a condom
2. During your last sexual
encounter did you use a
• Compare current stats from
Duval County Health
Department to stats in 3 years