From The Beginning To Man:: How God Declares His Love To Us
From The Beginning To Man:: How God Declares His Love To Us
From The Beginning To Man:: How God Declares His Love To Us
How God declares His love to us
By Rich Deem
Smaller Star:
Larger Star:
Planet’s rotation
Rapid, unstable
period is too
God Proclaims His Love:
Design of Our Solar System
"Modern astronomers are learning more about the motions they observe and uncovering
some astonishing examples of chaotic behavior in the heavens. Nonetheless, the long
term stability of the solar system remains a perplexing, unsolved issue.” (Ivars Peterson.
1993. Newton's Clock: Chaos in the Solar System)
…the skies proclaim the work of His hands.
God Proclaims His Love:
Design of the Earth
Formation of the Moon
God Proclaims His Love:
Design of the Earth
Formation of the Moon
Created through the collision of a Mars-
sized planet with the Earth
The core of the Mars-sized object became
part of the Earth’s core
Much of the Earth’s crust was ejected into
orbit and coalesced to form the moon
God Proclaims His Love:
Design of the Earth
Formation of the Moon
Ejected Earth’s primordial
atmosphere, preventing
runaway greenhouse
effect like that seen on
God Proclaims His Love:
Design of the Earth
Formation of the Moon
Magnetic Field:
if stronger: electromagnetic storms
would be too severe
if weaker: ozone shield and life on
land would be inadequately
protected from stellar and solar
God Proclaims His Love:
Design of the Earth
Electrical Storms:
Required for fixation of nitrogen from
the atmosphere
If too high frequency there would be
too many fires for life’s existence
Reliability of the Genesis
Creation Account
1. Creation of the universe, Solar
System, and Earth (Genesis 1:1)
2. Appearance of the light of the Sun
through the clouds (Genesis 1:3)
3. Establishment of a stable water cycle
(Genesis 1:7)
4. Formation of continents (Genesis 1:9)
5. Creation of plants (Genesis 1:11)
Reliability of the Genesis
Creation Account (cont.)
6. First appearance of the Sun, Moon,
and stars through the clouds
(Genesis 1:14)
7. Creation of birds and whales
(Genesis 1:20)
8. Creation of cattle, rodents, and wild
mammals (Genesis 1:24)
9. Creation of Man (Genesis 1:26)
God Proclaims His Love:
Creation of Humans
What is the Purpose of Human Life?
When asked what was the greatest
commandment, Jesus said, “You shall
love the Lord your God with all your
heart, and with all your soul, and with
all your mind.' This is the great and
foremost commandment. The second
is like it, 'you shall love your neighbor
as yourself.' On these two
commandments depend the whole
Law and the Prophets." (Matthew
Why Does God Want Us to Choose
to Love Him and Our Neighbors?
Parable of the banquet: