Design Pattern (Gof) : Hoa Nguyen

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Design Pattern (GoF)

Hoa Nguyen

 Definition
 Define an interface for creating an object, but let subclasses decide which class to
instantiate. Factory Method lets a class defer instantiation to subclasses

 Definition
 Define an interface for creating an object, but let subclasses decide which class to
instantiate. Factory Method lets a class defer instantiation to subclasses

 When and Where?

 Class constructors allow client create instances of a class. However, some
situations, client does not, or should not know which one of several candidate
classes to instantiate. Factory Method (FM) allows client to use an interface
for creating an object while still retaining control over which class instantiate
 Key objective of FM is extensibility.
 Frequently used in applications that manage, maintain, or manipulate collections
of objects that are different but at the same time have many characteristics in
 Frequently used in ‘manager’ type components such as Equipment Manager,
Controller Manager, Document Manager, …

 Example

 How to know a FM ???

 The method create a new object
 The method returns an abstract class or interface
 The abstract class or interface is implemented by several classes.
Abstract Factory

 Definition
 Provide an interface for
creating families of related or
dependent objects without
specifying their concrete
Abstract Factory

 Definition
Abstract Factory

 When and Where?

 Provide a class that create objects that are related by a common theme.
Ex: GUI component factory which create UI controls for different window
 Simpler notion which is the creation of individual object instances
 Create objects using another class???
 Creation object involves object caching, sharing or re-using of objects, and
applications that need to maintain object and type counts
 The client does not know exactly what type to construct. It is easier to code
against a base type or an interface and then let a factory make this decision for
the client
 Constructor do not communicate their intention very well because they must be
named after their class (or Sub New in Vb). Having numerous overloaded
constructors may make it hard for the client to decide which constructor to
Abstract Factory

 Example

 Definition
 Separate the construction of a complex object from its representation so that the
same construction process can create different representations

 Definition

 When and Where?

 Allow client constructs a complex object by specifying the type and
content only. Construction details are hidden from client entirely
 Builders frequently encapsulate construction of Composite objects
because the procedures involved are often repetitive and complex
 Builder is creational pattern just like the Factory pattern. However,
Builder gives you more control in that each step in construction process
can be customized. Factory patterns create objects in a single step

 How to know a Builder???

 When you know exactly steps by steps to create an object and you don’t want user
do these steps in constructor.
 Example: Build TM control (CX5, CX6, CX7, CX8,…) that know exactly location of
image, type.

 Definition
 Specify the kind of objects to create using a prototypical instance, and create new
object by copying this prototype

 Definition

 When and Where???

 Clone a pre-existing sample object
 Should use built-in ICloneable interface
 There are 2 types: Shallow and Deep Copy

 Definition
 Ensure a class has only one instance and provide a global point of access to it

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