Biomedik 2 Sesi 1 - 2015

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Departemen Kesehatan Lingkungan

Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat

Universitas Indonesia
Pengertian Mikrobiologi
Microbiology could be defined as the study of organisms too
small to be seen with the naked eye

Microbiology is the study of organisms that can exist as single

cells, contain a nucleic acid genome for at least some part of
their life cycle, and are capable of replicating that genome
Mengapa Mempelajari Mikrobiologi?

• Allows humans to
– Prevent food spoilage
– Prevent disease occurrence

• Led to aseptic techniques to prevent

contamination in medicine and in microbiology
Yang dipelajari dalam mikrobiologi

 Virus
 Bakteri
 Jamur
 Alga
Pengertian Parasitologi
• Parasitology is the study of parasites, their hosts, and the
relationship between them.
• It is the study of a type of symbiotic relationship known as
• The scope of parasitology is not determined by the
organism or environment in question, but by their way of
• Types of parasitism:
• Endoparasites: parasites that live inside the body of
the host (e.g., hookworms that live in the host gut)
• Ectoparasites: parasites that live on the outside (e.g.,
some mites).
Yang dipelajari dalam parasitologi
1. Protozoa
a. Protozoa usus
b. Protozoa darah dan jaringan
c. Protozoa atrial
2. Helminth
a. Nematoda (cacing gilik) usus dan jaringan
b. Trematoda (cacing daun) & Cestoda (cacing pita)
3. Fungi (Mikologi)
a. Mikosis Superfisialis
b. Mikosis Sistemik
4. Artropoda (Entomologi)
a. Artropoda sebagai vektor dan hospes perantara
b. Artropoda sebagai parasit dan penghasil toksin
Naming and Classifying Microorganisms
 Linnaeus established the system of scientific nomenclature.
 Each organism has two names: the genus and specific epithet.
 Scientific Names:
 Are italicized or underlined. The genus is capitalized and
the specific epithet is lower case.
 Are “Latinized” and used worldwide.
 May be descriptive or honor a scientist.
 Staphylococcus aureus
◦ Describes the clustered arrangement of the cells (staphylo-)
and the golden color of the colonies.
 Escherichia coli
◦ Honors the discoverer, Theodor Eshcerich, and describes
the bacterium’s habitat, the large intestine or colon.
 Penulisan nama genus dapat disingkat. Contoh:

• Staphylococcus aureus and Esherichia coli are found in the

human body. S. aureus is on skin and E. coli, in the large
Peran Mikroorganisme:
• Bacteria recycle carbon, nutrients, sulfur, and phosphorus
that can be used by plants and animals.
• Decompose organic waste
• Are producers in the ecosystem by photosynthesis
• Produce industrial chemicals such as ethyl alcohol and
• Produce fermented foods such as vinegar, cheese,
and bread
• Produce products used in manufacturing (e.g., cellulase)
and treatment (e.g., insulin)
• A few are pathogenic, disease-causing
 Bacteria degrade organic
matter in sewage.
 Bacteria degrade or
detoxify pollutants such
as oil and mercury
Biological Insecticides

 Microbes that are pathogenic to insects are

alternatives to chemical pesticides to prevent insect
damage to agricultural crops and disease
• Bacillus thuringiensis infections are fatal in many
insects but harmless to other animals including
humans and to plants.
Modern Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering
 Biotechnology, the use of microbes to produce foods and
chemicals, is centuries old.
 Genetic engineering is a new technique for biotechnology.
Through genetic engineering, bacteria and fungi can produce
a variety of proteins including vaccines and enzymes.
 Missing or defective genes in human cells can be replaced in
gene therapy.
 Genetically modified bacteria are used to protect crops from
insects and freezing.
Normal microbiota

 Bacteria were once classified as plants which gave

rise to use of the term flora for microbes.
 This term has been replaced by microbiota.
 Microbes normally present in and on the human
body are called normal microbiota.
 Normal microbiota prevent growth of pathogens.
 Normal microbiota produce growth factors such as
folic acid and vitamin K.
Normal Microbiota and the Host
 Transient microbiota may be present for days, weeks, or
 Normal microbiota permanently colonize the host
 Symbiosis is the relationship between normal microbiota
and the host
• In commensalism, one organism is benefited and the other
is unaffected.
• In mutualism, both organisms benefit.
• In parasitism, one organism is benefited at the expense of
the other.
 Some normal microbiota are opportunistic pathogens.
Normal Microbiota and the Host

• Locations of normal
microbiota on and in
the human body
Normal Microbiota and the Host

 Microbial antagonism is competition between microbes.

 Normal microbiota protect the host by:
 occupying niches that pathogens might occupy
 producing acids
 producing bacteriocins
 Probiotics are live microbes applied to or ingested into the
body, intended to exert a beneficial effect.
Mikroorganisme sebagai indikator kualitas lingkungan

Escherichia coli
 Merupakan mikrobiota normal usus manusia dan hewan
 Dijadikan sebagai indikator kualitas air bersih, air minum,
dan makanan
 Keberadaan E. coli dalam air dan makanan menandakan
bahwa air dan makanan tersebut terkontaminasi feses
 Tumbuh dengan baik pada perairan yang mengandung zat-
zat organik seperti nitrogen dan fosfor
 Pertumbuhan alga yang melimpah (blooming algae)
menjadi tanda bahwa perairan tersebut terpolusi
Silabus / Materi yang dibahas
Sesi Topik Metode
A. Pengantar Mikrobiologi dan Parasitologi Kuliah & tanya jawab
B. Penjelasan Silabus dan Pembentukan Kelompok
2 Klasifikasi Mikroorganisme dan Parasit Kuliah & tanya jawab

3 Virus Patogen Presentasi & diskusi

4 Bakteri Patogen Presentasi & diskusi

5 Bakteri Patogen & Alga Presentasi & diskusi

6 Fungi Patogen Presentasi & diskusi

7 Protozoa Patogen Presentasi & diskusi

8 Protozoa Patogen & Artropoda 1 Presentasi & diskusi

9 Artropoda 2 Presentasi & diskusi

10 Helminth Presentasi & diskusi

11 UAS Ujian tertulis (PG)

12 Praktikum 1
13 Praktikum 2
PR / Tugas Individu
• Tugas diserahkan pada sesi berikutnya (minggu depan)
• Menuliskan contoh mikrobiota normal pada bagian-bagian
tubuh manusia sesuai gambar di bawah ini

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