Biomedik 2 Sesi 1 - 2015
Biomedik 2 Sesi 1 - 2015
Biomedik 2 Sesi 1 - 2015
• Allows humans to
– Prevent food spoilage
– Prevent disease occurrence
Pengertian Parasitologi
• Parasitology is the study of parasites, their hosts, and the
relationship between them.
• It is the study of a type of symbiotic relationship known as
• The scope of parasitology is not determined by the
organism or environment in question, but by their way of
• Types of parasitism:
• Endoparasites: parasites that live inside the body of
the host (e.g., hookworms that live in the host gut)
• Ectoparasites: parasites that live on the outside (e.g.,
some mites).
Yang dipelajari dalam parasitologi
1. Protozoa
a. Protozoa usus
b. Protozoa darah dan jaringan
c. Protozoa atrial
2. Helminth
a. Nematoda (cacing gilik) usus dan jaringan
b. Trematoda (cacing daun) & Cestoda (cacing pita)
3. Fungi (Mikologi)
a. Mikosis Superfisialis
b. Mikosis Sistemik
4. Artropoda (Entomologi)
a. Artropoda sebagai vektor dan hospes perantara
b. Artropoda sebagai parasit dan penghasil toksin
Naming and Classifying Microorganisms
Linnaeus established the system of scientific nomenclature.
Each organism has two names: the genus and specific epithet.
Scientific Names:
Are italicized or underlined. The genus is capitalized and
the specific epithet is lower case.
Are “Latinized” and used worldwide.
May be descriptive or honor a scientist.
Staphylococcus aureus
◦ Describes the clustered arrangement of the cells (staphylo-)
and the golden color of the colonies.
Escherichia coli
◦ Honors the discoverer, Theodor Eshcerich, and describes
the bacterium’s habitat, the large intestine or colon.
Penulisan nama genus dapat disingkat. Contoh:
• Locations of normal
microbiota on and in
the human body
Normal Microbiota and the Host
Escherichia coli
Merupakan mikrobiota normal usus manusia dan hewan
Dijadikan sebagai indikator kualitas air bersih, air minum,
dan makanan
Keberadaan E. coli dalam air dan makanan menandakan
bahwa air dan makanan tersebut terkontaminasi feses
Tumbuh dengan baik pada perairan yang mengandung zat-
zat organik seperti nitrogen dan fosfor
Pertumbuhan alga yang melimpah (blooming algae)
menjadi tanda bahwa perairan tersebut terpolusi
Silabus / Materi yang dibahas
Sesi Topik Metode
A. Pengantar Mikrobiologi dan Parasitologi Kuliah & tanya jawab
B. Penjelasan Silabus dan Pembentukan Kelompok
2 Klasifikasi Mikroorganisme dan Parasit Kuliah & tanya jawab