Behavioural Theory of Leadership
Behavioural Theory of Leadership
Behavioural Theory of Leadership
Prepared by: Treepthee PRITHIPAUL
Khushboo MANGAR
What is behaviourism?
• Since behaviours can be conditioned in a way that one can have a specific
response to a specific stimuli, behaviourists believe that anyone can be
made a leader through the teaching of appropriate behavioural response for
any situation.
Areas of activities in the theory
Benefits of behavioural theory
• As stated by Ghee and Daft (2004), a wide range of studies on
leadership behaviour validates and gives credibility to the basic
principles of the approach.
• Leaders are not born, but made- focuses on the actions of leaders
rather than on mental qualities or internal states.
Pitfalls of the theory
Disadvantage of Autocratic Leadership
An autocratic leader makes his own decisions which can be very dangerous in
this age of technological and sociological complexity.
Discourage employees from thinking about process improvements.
It creates problems both with employee morale and production in the long-run,
due to their resentment.
Employee dissatisfaction
Does not prepare employee for promotion or possible advancements.
It is unsuitable when the workforce is knowledgeable about their jobs and the job
calls for team work and cooperative spirit.
Disadvantage of Democracy
Difficult to control
Lack of efficiency when group members back maturity and skills.
Disadvantage of Laissez – Faire (“Let it be)
• Avolio B., Walumbwa F., Weber, T. (2009). Leadership: current theories, research, and future
directions. Annual Review of Psychology, 60, 421-449.
• DeRue, S. & Myers C. (2013). Leadership development: a review and agenda for future
research. The Oxford Handbook of Leadership and Organizations, 37, 832-855.
• DeRue, S., Nahrgang, J., Wellman, N., Humphrey, S. (2011). Trait and behavioral theories of
leadership: an integration and meta-analytic test of their relative validity. Personnel
Psychology, 64, 7-52.