Numerical Modeling: Tube-Wave Reflections in Cased Borehole
Numerical Modeling: Tube-Wave Reflections in Cased Borehole
Numerical Modeling: Tube-Wave Reflections in Cased Borehole
Tube-wave reflections in
cased borehole
Alexandrov Dmitriy,
Saint-Petersburg State University
Outline Modeling approaches 1D effective wavenumber approach
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Limitations Conclusions
Modeling approaches:
1D effective wavenumber approach
Wave field in cased borehole
wave field in isotropic homogeneous fluid
wave field in isotropic homogeneous elastic media
Reflection from geological interfaces behind casing;
Reflection from corroded section of the casing;
Response of perforation in cased borehole:
Idealized disk-shaped perforation
Idealized zero-length disk-shaped perforation
1D approach limitations;
Modeling approaches
Boundary conditions:
Motion equation: r
�2ui �
tik x1 ur
rf 2 = tik = l f d ik divu = - pd ik T
�t �
�u 2 r
r f 2 = l f grad div u Ti = tik nk
1 2
Dp( x, y, z , t ) - 2 �t p( x, y, z , t ) = d (t )d ( x, y, z )
r 1 lf
p = -div u, =
vf r f
DP(r , k , w ) + 2 P(r , k , w ) = d (r )
i (2) k2 1
P(r , k , w ) = C f J 0 (-ia f r ) + H 0 (-ia f r ), af =w 2 - 2
4 w vf
Ur �
� a
�f 1J ( - ia f r ) � 1 a f H1 (-ia f r ) �
� (2)
� �= C f �- - a �- 2 �
� �
�z� � kJ 0 ( i f r ) � 4 r f w -
� 0kH (2)
( -ia f r ) �
Tube-wave reflections in cased borehole
AlexandrovDmitriy, StPSU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
Outline Modeling approaches 1D effective wavenumber approach
Wavefield in cased borehole Results Limitations Conclusions
Motion equation:
�2ui �
t r 1 �� uk �
ui �
r f 2 = ik tik = l f d ik divu + 2me ik , e ik = � + �
�t �
xk 2 ��
xk � xi �
�u 2 r r
r 2 = (l + 2m )grad div u - m rot rot u
Ur �
� �a p H1(2) (-ia p r ) � �-kH1(2) (-ia s r ) �
� �= C p �
� �
+ Cs � (2) �
�-kH 0 (-ia p r ) � � a s H 0 (-ia s r ) �
Uz �
Boundary conditions
Continuity of displacement:
U r ( R + 0) = U r ( R - 0)
ur ur
U ( R + a + 0) = U ( R + a - 0)
Continuity of stress vector:
trr R+0
= trr R -0
trr R+a+0
= trr R + a -0
trz R+0
= trz R -0
trz R+a+0
= trz R + a -0
ur ur ur � ur
MC = D � C = D,
det M
C = { C f , C pc + , C pc - , Csc+ , Csc- , C pe + , Cse+ }
Dispersion equation:
det M = 0 � k = k (w )
Zero-length perforation
(break in casing)
Low frequency approximation
for tube-wave slowness
(White J.E. 1984):
�1 1 �
cT = r � + �
�B M �
ur p
- =0
R 2M
ur p
deviation = 2 R 2M
�u p �
max � r - �
�2 R 2 M �
Relative error defined as:
� |R
1D ( f ) - RFD ( f ) | df
� (R
fmin 1D ( f ) + RFD ( f ) ) df
Considered model:
Reflection coefficients
Reflection coefficients
Finite-difference code h =2
1D approach R
Tube-wave reflections in cased borehole
AlexandrovDmitriy, StPSU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
Outline Modeling approaches 1D effective wavenumber approach
Wavefield in cased borehole Results Limitations Conclusions
Reflection coefficients
Finite-difference code h =4
1D approach R
Tube-wave reflections in cased borehole
AlexandrovDmitriy, StPSU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
Outline Modeling approaches 1D effective wavenumber approach
Wavefield in cased borehole Results Limitations Conclusions
Validated 1D approach for
multi-layered media (cased boreholes)
inhomogeneous borehole casing
idealized perforations in cased borehole
Defined the limitations for 1D
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Formation parameters
Longitudinal Shear velocity Density
velocity (m/s) (m/s) (kg/m3)
Elastic half- 3500 2500 3400
Fluid 1500 - 1000
Casing 1 6000 3000 7000
Casing 2 2840 1480 1200
Layer 1 3100 1800 2600
Layer 2 3700 2400 3000
Corroded 1200 600 1400
section 1
Corroded 3000 1500 3500
section 2
Corroded 4200 2100 4900
section 3