Modules development and maintenance
Poland contributing
Konrad LIPIEC POC, coordinator
Countries are given a clear message: „you invent, we code” Simple, formalities-free delivery process with a significant
involvement of interested countries
Development server – offline but fully functional system with Factory web-page
real-life data to safely develop and debug custom modules • Scripts repository, roadmap follow-up, news corner,
contact form and FAQs to facilitate usage and work
modules searching
Under trial LA/TA Optimization. The phase 1 module generates a file feeding current
Constellation (LA/TA All vendors and
Ph1: Q2 2018 Constellation application and in this way automates the process of input data
optimization) technologies
Ph2: Q4 2018 creation.
Verification of Cell Plan data both in OSS and Cell Plan import file with
Cell Plan Audit All Official consistency check. Error detection includes: coordinates, azimuths,
duplicates of cell id etc.
RAN vs. CORE consistency NOKIA/ALU 2G/3G, Detection of inconsistencies between RAN and Core Network
check Huawei CORE configurations
Backhaul congestion
Official Detection of backhaul congestion based on RAN KPis
The module creates a link between cells and RETs based on local
Automatic RET mapping Huawei 4G Official
naming conventions for other regular modules to proceed
UL interference report Huawei, all Identification of sites with uplink interference problems and their
Official for OTN
(OTN) technos classification depending on source (internal, external)
France Telecom Group restricted
Portfolio – Energy Save Features Optimization
Role: Parametrization of existing vendor delivered energy saving features
Results: globally 5% more efficient functioning of energy feature was seen during the first trial in Morocco (3G). The
benefits may however vary from network to network and should be evaluated during trial.
Advantage: Possibility to detect cell plan errors that may results in not correct
functioning of other modules (CCO, dynamicCellshutdown etc.)
Error types:
Error1 No azimuth.
Error2 Incorrect same azimuth.
Error3 Too small azimuth difference.
Error4 Out of boundaries.
Error5 Duplicates.
Error6 Different coordinates under same site.
Error7 Cell Plan File - OSS inconsistencies.
We can compare
different vendors on one
13 CSON Custom Modules Factory
chart to see the effect of
a swap on QoS
Portfolio - RAN vs. CORE consistency check
Role : Detect inconsistencies between RAN and Core Network
Speeding-up operations when
Quick detection and correction of
issues – limiting negative swap
impact on user experience
External cell definition: „virtual” cell object in one controller pointing at a target cell in
another controller to enable inter-controller and inter-RAT HOs
Potential inconsistencies: parameters like cell id, lac, rac, bcch etc. existing in both
Logic: Based on local naming rules for each 4G cell module finds corresponding
RETs and adds its id to Cell Plan file
Modules updates Cell Plan csv file but also generates human-friendly report of matching
Logic: Optimization logic is input as excel configuration file to the module which will
run every 15min and take necessary actions to improve quality.
Advantage: audit GSM network to detect areas of poor accessibility due to BCCH