Decision Making
Decision Making
Decision Making
Programmed/routine decisions
• These are regularly made decisions and have
predictable results.
• They depend on policies and procedures to guide the
Types of decisions cont...
Semi-programmed/Adaptive decisions
• A combination of moderately unusual and
partially known problems and solutions.
• The implementer would gradually modify
partly routine decisions and practices to make
continuous improvements.
Types of decisions cont...
Non-programmed/non-routine decisions
• These are new, risky and non-recurring decisions based on
the discovery of unusual problems and the development of
creative solutions.
• They are often made in dynamic environment with
unpredictable results.
• These decisions are not logically made since the process
involves defining unusual problems using limited information
and changes that come in different times.
Conditions under which decisions can be made
Certainty condition (programmed decisions)
• This is when the manager is fully informed about the
problem, the alternative solution and the possible
outcomes of each solution.
Uncertainty condition (semi-programmed decisions)
• It is when managers have insufficient information
to assign probability to a decision outcome.
Risk condition (non-programmed decisions)
• When managers have no information to assign
probability to the outcome of a decision.
Group decision making