Financial Futures Markets
Financial Futures Markets
Financial Futures Markets
To Speculate
Take a position with the goal of profiting from expected
changes in the contract’s price
No position in underlying asset
To Hedge
Minimize or manage risks
Rr Rc * A * (days basis )
1 Rr * (days basis )
Rr = the reference rate,
Rc = the contract interest rate,
A = the notional contract amount,
days = number of days in the contract period, and
basis = the day count convention (360 for $ and 365 for £).
.0515 .0525* 75,000,000 * (90 / 360)
1 .0515 * (90 / 360
So, the buyer owes a settlement payment to the seller of $18,512
and the payment is made at the beginning of the coverage
10/15/2018 Financial Future Market-skw
Characteristics of FRAs (continued)
0 3 months 6 months
Difference discounted
at actual rate to here
Live Cattle LC
Class IV Milk DK
Feeder Cattle FC
Butter DB
E-mini Feeder Cattle FM
Lumber LB
Lean Hogs LH
Oriented Strand Boards (OSB) BD
Frozen Pork Bellies PB
e-Hogs HM
Milk DA
Now, we take the money from the sale of the old plant
($10 mil.) and invest in T-bills at a yield of 5.55%
We earn $138,750 = 10,000,000*5.55%*3/12.
Bank has corporate bonds (similar to T-bonds)
If “i” is expected to increase=>price of corporate bonds
decrease=> sell T-bond futures
If “i” increase as expected=>lose from corporate bonds but
offset with T-bond futures.
If “i” decrease=>loss
Long position; purchase futures contracts
A strategy to use if speculator anticipates interest
rates will decrease and bond prices will increase
Expect “i” go “down”=>T-bill price go “up”=>buy futures at
$90=>settlement day
1.if T-bill price > $90 => profit
2.if T-bill price < $90 => loss
Market risk
Speculators win or lose based on changing market value of
futures contracts
Hedgers, with a position in the underlying asset, are not
significantly impacted by contract price volatility
Basis risk
Futures contract prices do not vary in exactly the same way as
the underlying asset’s price
Price correlation of contract and underlying asset impacts the
ability to hedge market risk
Credit risk
Counterparty defaults
Operational risk
Inadequate management or controls