Other Software Processes: Project Management Inspection Configuration Management Change Management Process Management
Other Software Processes: Project Management Inspection Configuration Management Change Management Process Management
Other Software Processes: Project Management Inspection Configuration Management Change Management Process Management
Configuration management
Change management
Process management
Other Processes 1
Other Processes
Other Processes 2
Other Processes In the
context of Dev Processes
Other Processes 3
Other Processes
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Other Processes 5
The Typical PMs Role
Overall responsibility for the successful
planning, execution, monitoring, control and
closure of a project.
Primary point of contact with project
Key tasks
Project Management == Leadership
Other Processes 6
10 Qualities of a PM
1. Inspires a Shared Vision
2. Good Communicator
3. Integrity
4. Enthusiasm
5. Empathy
6. Competence
7. Ability to Delegate Tasks
8. Cool Under Pressure
9. Team-Building Skills
10. Problem Solving Skills
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What does a PM do?
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PM Process Phases
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Project Management Concerns
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Project Management Tools
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Monitoring and control
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Communication Facilitation
Realistically no plan covers everything!
Additional decisions are made during development
Documents should be updated and communicated
Typical environment
Multiple teams
Multiple user groups
Multiple disciplines
Multiple locations
In many setting PM is center of communication hub
Will discuss in more detail later
Other Processes 14
Meeting Types
Project Planning Meetings
Review of progress against schedule
Update plan, identify pain points and
Publically call team leads to task
Content Meetings
Regular meetings focused around content topics
E.G. “Reporting”, “Backend API”
Make decision, Record them, Communicate them
Use of the “Rolling Email”
Other Processes 15
Meeting Types
Issues Meetings
Regularly schedule meeting (ie. open in everyone’s
Issues gathered the day before and distributed
Issue initiator indicates required attendance
QA Meetings
Discussion with business
Discussion with developers
Regular Review of open tickets
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Meeting Modalities
In person
Video Conference
Voice Conference
Shared Desktop + Voice Conference
Pros/Cons of each?
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Postmortem Analysis
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Relationship with Dev Process
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Risk Management
From “Keep Your Projects On Track”
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Risk Management
Usually performed
1. at the start of a project,
2. at the beginning of major project phases (such as
requirements, design, coding and deployment),
3. when there are significant changes (for example,
feature changes, target platform changes and
technology changes).
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Risk Management
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1) Risk Identification
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1) Risk Identification
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3) Risk Management Planning
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4) Risk Review
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Risk Management
Time Effective!
90 to 120 minutes for projects that are 12 to 60
Control the length of the session by controlling
the scope you choose,
most sessions usually take less than two hours
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Communication Facilitation
Other Processes 30
Meeting Types
Project Planning Meetings
Review of progress against schedule
Update plan, identify pain points and
Publically call team leads to task
Content Meetings
Regular meetings focused around content topics
E.G. “Reporting”, “Backend API”
Make decision, Record them, Communicate them
Use of the “Rolling Email”
Other Processes 31
Meeting Types
Issues Meetings
Regularly schedule meeting (ie. open in everyone’s
Issues gathered the day before and distributed
Issue initiator indicates required attendance
QA Meetings
Discussion with business
Discussion with developers
Regular Review of open tickets
Other Processes 32
Meeting Modalities
In person
Video Conference
Voice Conference
Shared Desktop + Voice Conference
Pros/Cons of each?
Other Processes 33
Face to Face Communication
A verbal message is affected by:
The message itself
Paralingual attributes of the message (ie. the pitch, tone,
and inflections in the speaker's voice)
Nonverbal communication (ie. Posture, facial expression,
shoulders, tugging on the ears, crossed arms, hand
To be an effective communicator, you must ask
Do you understand me?
Questions help the project team, ask for clarification, and
achieve an exact transfer of knowledge.
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Writing Email
1) Understand why you’re writing
have explicit answers for two questions:
Why am I writing this?
What exactly do I want the result of this message
to be?
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Writing Email
2) Get what you need
Really just three basic types of business email.
Providing information - “Larry Tate will be in the office
Monday at 10.”
Requesting information - “Where did you put the ‘Larry
Tate’ file?”
Requesting action - “Will you call Larry Tate’s admin to
confirm our meeting on Monday?”
The recipient must immediately know which type of
email it is.
Other Processes 36
Writing Email
3) Make One Point per Email
If you need to communicate a number of different
Consider writing a separate email on each subject,
especially if they related to different topics or have
different timescales.
Consider presenting each point in a separate, numbered
paragraph, especially if relate to the same project.
Making each point stand out, significantly
increasing the likelihood that each point will be
Other Processes 37
Writing Email
3) Write a great Subject line
Help your recipient to
immediately understand why you’ve sent them an email
quickly determine what kind of response or action it
Avoid “Hi,” “One more thing…,” or “FYI,”
Best is a short summary of the most important
Lunch resched to Friday @ 1pm
Reminder: Monday is "St. Bono’s Day"–no classes
REQ: Resend Larry Tate zip file?
HELP: I’ve lost the source code?
Thanks for the new liver–works great!
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Writing Email
3) Brevity is the soul of…getting a response
But be presise…
Other Processes 39
Bad Example Good Example
Subject: Proposal Subject: Checking On Reliable Landscapes Proposal
Lynn, Lynn,
I just wanted to check that you have received the
Did you get my proposal last landscaping proposal I emailed to you last week. I haven't
week? I haven't heard back heard back and wanted to make sure it went through.
and wanted to make sure.
Can you please call me by Thursday so we can discuss? This
is when our discount offer expires, and I want to make sure
Can you please call me so we you don't miss it!
can discuss?
The quickest way to contact me is by cell phone.
Peter Peter Schuell, Owner
Reliable Landscaping, Inc.
555.135.4598 (office)
555.135.2929 (cell)
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Some Characteristics
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Steps in Typical Review
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Overview and Self-Review
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Self-Review Log
Project name:
Work product name and ID:
Reviewer Name:
Effort spent (hours):
Defect list
No Location Description Criticality
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Group Review Meeting
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Group Review Meeting…
Other Processes 50
Group Review Meeting…
Other Processes 51
Summary Report Example
Project XXXX
Work Product Type Project plan
Size of work product 14 pages
Review team P1, P2, P3
Effort (person hours)
Preparation 10 (total)
Group meeting 10
Total 20
Other Processes 52
Summary Contd.
No of critical defects 0
No of major defects 3
No of minor defects 16
Total 19
Review status Accepted
Reco for next phase Nil
Comments Nice plan
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Rework and Follow Up
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Roles and Responsibilities
Main roles
Moderator – overall responsibility
Author –Listen, inform, avoid defensiveness
Reviewer(s) – to identify defects
Reader – not there in some processes, reads line
by line to keep focus
Scribe – records the issues raised
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Guidelines for Work Products
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Guidelines for Work Products
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Other Processes 59
A software project produces many items -
programs, documents, data, manuals, …
All of these can be changed easily – need to
keep track state of items
Software Configuration Management (SCM)
Systematically control the changes
Focus on changes during normal evolution (req
changes will be handled separately)
CM requires discipline as well as tools
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SCM Process and Dev process
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Need for CM
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Functionality Needed
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CM Mechanisms
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Configuration Items
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Version and access control
Key issues in CM
Done primarily on source code through source
code control systems, which also provide access
Allows older versions to be preserved and hence
can undo changes
CVS – Original open source system (1986)
Subversion – Open source CVS replacement (1999)
Microsoft Visual SourceSafe (VSS) – targeted for
smaller dev projects
IBM Rational ClearCase – Industrial strength solution
Other Processes 67
Version and Access
When programmer developing code – is in
private area
When code is made available to others, it goes in
an access-controlled library
For making changes to an item in library, it has
to be checked out
Changes made by checking-in the item –
versioning is automatically done
Final system is built from the library
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Version/Access Control
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CM Process
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CM Planning
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CM Audit
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Summary – CM
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