TO Philosophy, Logic and Human Existence

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Is thinking.
Is critical thinking.
Is deep thinking.
sequential thinking.
Concise thinking.
 Man in action.
 Man the thinker.

 Man the subjective being.

 Philosophy derives from the Greek
words “Philo” and “Sophia” which
are interpreted as love for wisdom.
Man here is seen involved in
seeking for knowledge in order to
solve problems encountered in his
day to day living. This definition
derives from etymology.
 Philosophy is the theoretical vision,
mirror, illuminant, road map, signpost
that guides a person’s actions. It is the
guiding principle that propels every man
into action, no matter his field of study
or religion. Examples include “the end
justifies the means”, “do unto others as
you want them do to you” “whatever
will be will be”, etc.
 Is that which motivates a person to ask
pertinent questions about life with the
intent to discover the way forward. For
instance is it possible for an infant to
remain so forever, what is the
implication of such a situation, where
did man originate from, what is his
destination after death, cannot man
choose when to die. etc.
 Is the rigorous rational inquiry into
the nature and meaning of reality. Is
reality beyond what is seen, smelt,
heard, tasted and felt? Which is
more real – the seen or unseen?
How does one see the unseen, how
does one know that he knows?
 Is thought after thought or a second
order course as it ventures beyond
the limit of other disciplines. While
other subjects are after the “how,
where, what, who and when
philosophy proceeds to ask ‘why”.

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