Bell - S Palsy Dan Lesi BAtang Otak - Blok 5
Bell - S Palsy Dan Lesi BAtang Otak - Blok 5
Bell - S Palsy Dan Lesi BAtang Otak - Blok 5
The number of new cases of Bell's palsy : 11-40 kasus per 100.000
Peak age: 15-45 years
Highest incidence >60 tahun
lowest incidence: <10 tahun
1. Bell palsy appears to affect
the sexes equally
2. most frequently in the third
C. Etiologi parese n VII perifer
Symptoms of Bell palsy Early symptoms
1. Motorik N. VII
- lagoftalmus.
- flattening of the forehead and
nasolabial fold-
- distorted and lateralize to the side
opposite the palsy
2. Ocular examination
- refleks kornea (-)
- Bell phenomenon
- Schirmer
3. Otologic examination : hiperakusis
4. Gustometri : decreased taste
compared with the normal side
Signs And Symptoms Based on the location of lesions
Meatus akustikus + + + + +
internus-ganglion Hiperakusis
Ganglion + + + + –
genikulatum-N. Hiperakusis
N.stapedius-chorda + + + + –
Chorda tympani + + – + –
Infra chorda + – – – –
1. Imaging
2. Audiometri
PP 3. Lab : DM
1. HSV : Asiklovir 5 x 400 mg 10 hari.
2. VZV : Asiklovir 5 x 800 mg
(gerakan tidak sadar
yg mengikuti gerakan
Sequele sadar)
Spasme spontan/
Tic Fasialis
Crocodile tears
hemiplegia alternans
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