CQI Study ZhouXY

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• CSI: Channel State Information

• CQI: Channel quality indicator
• PMI: Precoding Matrix Indicator
• RI: Rank Indication

cqiParams from MMT
cqiAperMode: ECqiAperMode_m30 (0x00000003)
cqiPerEnable: ECqiPerEnable_Enabled (0x00000001)
numOfCqiPmi: 0x00000001 (1)
iCqiPmi: 0x00000011 (17)[0]
iCqiPmi: 0x00000000 (0)[1]
resourceIndexCqi: 0x00000000 (0)
cqiPerMode: ECqiPerMode_Wideband (0x00000000)
riEnable: MW_TRUE (0x00000001)
numOfRi: 0x00000001 (1)
iRi: 0x000001e3 (483)[0]
iRi: 0x00000000 (0)[1]
cqiPerSimulAck: ECqiPerSimulAck_Disabled (0x00000000)
cqiPerSbCycK: 0x00000001 (1)
cqiParams In API
cqiParams - - - -
> cqiAperMode 4 1 0..4 3..4 OP AP/PF cqiReportingModeAperiodic
> cqiPerEnable 4 1 0..1 1 spe - 1
> iCqiPmi 4 1 0..1023 0..316, API enbRBSID CQI PMI Config Index
318..541 Set
> 4 1 0..1185 0..1185 API enbRBSID CQI PUCCH Resource
resourceIndexCqi Set Index

> cqiPerMode 4 1 0..1 0 Sp 無線インタ 0

ec フェース
> riEnable 4 1 0..1 0..1 API enbRBSID RI-ConfigIndex 0 if RI Config Index = 65535
Set (as an index) 1 otherwise

> iRi 4 1 0..1023 0..965 API enbRBSID RI-ConfigIndex


> cqiPerSimulAck 4 1 0..1 0..1 OP AP/PF simultaneousAckNackAnd

Common Cqi

> cqiPerSbCycK 4 1 1..4 1 spe 無線インタ 1 periodic subband CQI feedback not
c フェース used in DCM eNB
Then the IE value will be just ignored
CQI reporting parameter from SDATA
cqiReportingModeAperi D0~D2: cqi-ReportModeAperiodic 3 (rm30) if transmissionMode
odic 【設定値に対する実際の値】 = 0..2 (tm1..3)
0:rm12 4 (rm31) if transmissionMode

1 rm20 = 3 (tm4)
D3~D15: 予約
「transmissionMode = 0~2(tm1-3)」の場合3(rm30)のみ有効
「transmissionMode = 3(tm4)」の場合4(rm31)のみ有効

nomPdschRsEpreOffset D0~D3: nomPDSCH-RS-EPRE-Offset PF Not Used (just ignore)

実際の値 = 設定値 - 1
D4~D15: 予約

simultaneousAckNackA D0: simultaneousAckNackAndCQI 0 (false)

ndCqi 【設定値に対する実際の値】
D1~D15: 予約
CQI and PMI Feedback Types for
PUSCH CSI reporting Modes
PMI Feedback Type

Wideband Mode 1-2

(wideband CQI)
Feedback Type

UE Selected Mode 2-0 Mode 2-2

(subband CQI)

Higher Layer-
configured Mode 3-0 Mode 3-1
(subband CQI)
Transmission mode & Reporting mode
• Transmission mode 1: Modes 2-0, 3-0
• Transmission mode 2: Modes 2-0, 3-0
• Transmission mode 3: Modes 2-0, 3-0
• Transmission mode 4: Modes 1-2, 2-2, 3-1
• Transmission mode 5: Mode 3-1
• Transmission mode 6: Modes 1-2, 2-2, 3-1
• Transmission mode 7: Modes 2-0, 3-0
• Transmission mode 8: Modes 1-2, 2-2, 3-1 if the UE is configured
with PMI/RI reporting; modes 2-0, 3-0 if the UE is configured
without PMI/RI reporting
• Transmission mode 9 : Modes 1-2, 2-2, 3-1 if the UE is
configured with PMI/RI reporting and number of CSI-RS ports > 1;
modes 2-0, 3-0 if the UE is configured without PMI/RI reporting or
number of CSI-RS ports=1
Mode 3-0 description
• A UE shall report a wideband CQI value which is
calculated assuming transmission on set S subbands
• The UE shall also report one subband CQI value for
each set S subband. The subband CQI value is
calculated assuming transmission only in the subband
• Both the wideband and subband CQI represent channel
quality for the first codeword, even when RI>1.
• For transmission mode 3 the reported CQI values are
calculated conditioned on the reported RI. For other
transmission modes they are reported conditioned on
rank 1.
Mode 3-1 description:
• A single precoding matrix is selected from the codebook subset
assuming transmission on set S subbands
• A UE shall report one subband CQI value per codeword for each
set S subband which are calculated assuming the use of the single
precoding matrix in all subbands and assuming transmission in the
corresponding subband.
• A UE shall report a wideband CQI value per codeword which is
calculated assuming the use of the single precoding matrix in all
subbands and transmission on set S subbands
• The UE shall report the selected single precoding matrix indicator
except for transmission mode 9 with 8 CSI-RS ports configured in
which case a first and second precoding matrix indicator are
reported corresponding to the selected single precoding matrix.
• For transmission modes 4, 8 and 9, the reported PMI and CQI
values are calculated conditioned on the reported RI. For other
transmission modes they are reported conditioned on rank 1.
• For a UE that is configured with a single serving cell and is not
configured with PUCCH format 3, in case of collision between a
periodic CSI report and an HARQ-ACK in a same subframe without
PUSCH, the periodic CSI report is multiplexed with HARQ-ACK on
PUCCH if the parameter simultaneousAckNackAndCQI provided by
higher layers is set TRUE, otherwise the CSI is dropped.
• For FDD and for a UE that is configured with more than one serving
cell, in case of collision between a periodic CSI report and an HARQ-
ACK in a same subframe without PUSCH, the periodic CSI report is
multiplexed with HARQ-ACK on PUCCH if the parameter
simultaneousAckNackAndCQI provided by higher layers is set TRUE
and if the HARQ-ACK corresponds to a PDSCH transmission or
PDCCH indicating downlink SPS release only on the primary cell,
otherwise CSI is dropped

pd/ PMI ,CQI


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