Palliative Care: Aristo P, M.Ked - Trop

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Palliative Care

Aristo P,M.Ked.Trop

An approach that improves the quality of life of patient

s and their families facing the problems associated
with a life-threatening illness, through the preventio
n and relief of suffering by means of early identificati
on and impeccable assessment and treatment of pa
in and other problems, physical, psychosocial and s

sebuah pendekatan untuk meningkatkan kuali

tas hidup pasien dan keluarga mereka mengha
dapi masalah yang terkait dengan penyakit ya
ng mengancam kehidupan, melalui pencegaha
n dan meringankan penderitaan melalui identi
fikasi awal dan penilaian sempurna dan pengo
batan masalah meringankan rasa sakit dan lai
nnya, fisik, psikososial dan spiritual.
What is the goal of Palliative Care?

 The goal is to improve the quality of life for ind

ividuals who are suffering from severe diseases

 Palliative care offers a diverse array of assistan

ce and care to the patient.
The History of Palliative Care

 Started as a hospice movement in the 19th century, re

ligious orders created hospices that provided care for
the sick and dying in London and Ireland.

 In recent years, Palliative care has become a large mo

vement, affecting much of the population.

 Began as a volunteer-led movement in the United sta

tes and has developed into a vital part of the health c
are system.
Who receives Palliative Care

 Individuals struggling with various diseases

 Individuals with chronic diseases such as cance

r, cardiac disease, kidney failure, Alzheimer's,
HIV/AIDS and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (AL
Who Provides Palliative Care

 Usually provided by a team of individuals

 Interdisciplinary group of professionals
 Team includes experts in multiple fields:
 Doctors
 Nurses
 social workers
 massage therapists
 Pharmacists
 Nutritionists

Therapists and Spiritual Cou

Home Health Aid

es Social Workers

Palliative Care Patient Support Se
 Three categories of support:

1. Pain management is vital for comfort and

to reduce patients’ distress. Health care
professionals and families can collaborate to
identify the sources of pain and relieve
them with drugs and other forms of
Palliative Care Patient Suppo
rt Services

 Three categories of support:

1. Pain management is vital for comfort and to r

educe patients’ distress. Health care professio
nals and families can collaborate to identify th
e sources of pain and relieve them with drugs
and other forms of therapy.
2. Symptom management involves treating sym
ptoms other than pain such as nausea, weaknes
s, bowel and bladder problems, mental confusio
n, fatigue, and difficulty breathing
3. Emotional and spiritual support is important
for both the patient and family in dealing with t
he emotional demands of critical illness.
Palliative Care

• provides relief from pain and other distressing symptoms

• affirms life and regards dying as a normal process
• intends neither to hasten or postpone death
• integrates the psychological and spiritual aspects of patient care
• provides support to help patients live as actively as possible
• provides support to the family during the illness and bereavement
• uses a multidisciplinary team approach
• enhances quality of life and influences the course of the illness
• is applicable early in the course of illness alongside therapies that are inte
• to prolong life (e.g. chemotherapy, radiotherapy) and diagnostic investigati
Where is palliative care deli

• In patient units – hospice

• Hospital teams
• Community teams
• Out patient clinics
• Day care
• Respite service
• Bereavement support services
• Alternative and cemplementary therapies
• Counseling and psychological support
• Spiritual and relifious support

• Communication skills
• Physical skills
• Psychosocial skills
• Teamwork skills
• Intrapersonal skills
• Life closure skills
Benefits and Burdens of Palli
ative Rehabilitation

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