ITC 12 BaptismandConfirmation PPP

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Chapter 12: Baptism and

1. Baptism (pp. 262-272)


Incorporate the story of St. Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch (cf.
Acts 8:27-39) into the Opening Prayer and write for a few minutes on
what it reveals about the Sacrament of Baptism.
1. Baptism (pp. 262-272)
 What is the Sacrament of Baptism?
 Who can be baptized?
 What are the matter, form, and minister of Baptism?

 Baptism is the first of the Seven Sacraments. Through Baptism, God forgives
personal and Original Sin, infuses sanctifying and actual graces, and
incorporates the recipient into the Church.
 Baptism is given both to adults, usually through a process called the
catechumenate, and to infants.
 The matter of Baptism is water; the form is “I baptize you in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”; and the ordinary minister is a
bishop, priest, or deacon, although in an emergency anyone can baptize.
1. Baptism (pp. 262-272)

The Ethiopian eunuch was a Gentile and, as a eunuch, prevented by the

Mosaic Law from entering into the Covenant of Abraham. What significance
did his Baptism have for the early Church?
The salvation offered by Christ was universal, i.e., it was for people of all nations, Gentile
as well as Jew. A person did not have to become Jewish before becoming Christian.

What is significant about the people of Samaria receiving the Word of God
and Baptism?
Samaritans were considered unclean and were traditionally shunned by the Jews.
Again, this stresses the universality of Christ’s redemption and message of salvation.

What Sacrament was conveyed by the laying on of hands, and what was its effect?
The Apostles conveyed the Sacrament of Confirmation, which conferred the Holy
Spirit on the recipients.
1. Baptism (pp. 262-272)


What are the two methods of Baptism?

The two methods of Baptism are (1) immersion in water and (2) water
poured over the head while the baptismal formula is pronounced.

What is the effect of Baptism?

The effect of Baptism is the cleansing of all sin and the reception of
sanctifying grace.
1. Baptism (pp. 262-272)


How is Baptism a “door”?

Baptism is the entrance to the Church and to the other Sacraments.

What are some Old Testament prefigurations of Christian Baptism?

Old Testament prefigurations of Baptism include God’s Spirit hovering
over the waters at the Creation, Noah’s deliverance from the great Flood,
the Israelites’ escape from enslavement in Egypt by crossing the Red Sea,
and the entrance of the Chosen People into the Promised Land by
crossing the River Jordan.
1. Baptism (pp. 262-272)


Perform a focused reading of the paragraph “The importance of

Baptism” (p. 265), using the following question:
 What is the connection between St. John’s and Christ’s baptisms?
1. Baptism (pp. 262-272)

How can it be known that Christ instituted Baptism?

The New Testament reveals that, after his Resurrection, Christ commissioned his
Apostles to baptize and to teach what he commanded.

What connection did Christ make between Baptism and salvation?

He taught that Baptism is necessary for salvation: “He who believes and is baptized
will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned” (Mk 16:16).
Extension: However, Baptism by water is not always strictly necessary for salvation.
Please see the sidebar “Baptism of Blood and Baptism of Desire” (p. 272).

How is Baptism a rebirth?

Jesus told Nicodemus one had to be “‘born anew’” (Jn 3:3) of water and the Spirit to
enter the Kingdom of God.
1. Baptism (pp. 262-272)


What does being born of water and the Spirit mean?

Being born of water and Spirit means entering into the life of the Holy
Spirit through the waters of Baptism.

How is Baptism related to the Death and Resurrection of Christ?

Being immersed in the waters of Baptism is a death to sin, and being
raised out of the waters is a birth to new life. By Baptism a person is
incorporated into the Death and Resurrection of Christ.
1. Baptism (pp. 262-272)


Where is Baptism normally celebrated?

Baptism is normally celebrated in a church using a baptismal font.

Who are catechumens?

Catechumens are unbaptized persons (usually adults) who have been
taking part in an extended formation process to prepare them to enter the
Catholic Church.
1. Baptism (pp. 262-272)

Must a person have reached the age of reason in order to be

No; Baptism may be received either by persons who have or who have
not reached the age of reason. Extension: The age of reason refers to
the age at which a person is mature enough to be responsible for his or
her actions. It is usually about age seven.

What are the requirements for Baptism for those who have reached
the age of reason?
They must want to be baptized, receive sufficient instruction to
understand the Faith and its obligations, demonstrate by their actions they
intend to live the Christian life, and be sorry for their sins.
1. Baptism (pp. 262-272)

What are the requirements for Baptism for those who have not reached
the age of reason?
At least one of the parents must consent to the Baptism, and there must be
hope that the child will be brought up in the Faith.

Is infant Baptism a new practice in the Church?

No; it has been practiced since the earliest days of the Church and is implicit
in Scripture.

What is the Scriptural evidence for infant Baptism?

The Acts of the Apostles speaks of whole households receiving Baptism.
1. Baptism (pp. 262-272)

How soon should Christian parents have their children baptized?

Christian parents should have their children baptized as soon as possible after
birth. Extension: Catholics in the Eastern Churches generally baptize their
children about forty days after birth in imitation of Christ’s Presentation in
the Temple, celebrated on February 2.

Why should Christian parents have their babies baptized?

Parents have the obligation to nurture the life that God has entrusted to
them. Baptism is a priceless gift that releases children from the power of
darkness, gives them the freedom of the children of God, and initiates them
into the life of grace.
1. Baptism (pp. 262-272)

What is an exorcism?
It is an act whereby the Church, publicly and authoritatively, asks in the name of
Jesus Christ that a person or object be protected against the power of the Evil
One and from his dominion.

How many prayers of exorcism are there in the Rite of Baptism?

There are two prayers of exorcism in the Rite of Baptism in the Latin Rite of the

What does the Church do in her baptismal exorcisms?

By the power of Christ, the Church casts out any impure spirits who may be
present in the person to be baptized, and she prays that the person will now be
disposed to hear and proclaim the Faith.
1. Baptism (pp. 262-272)

What are the matter, form, and minister of Baptism?

The matter is water; the form is “I baptize you in the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”; and the ordinary minister is a
bishop, priest, or deacon.

Who can baptize in a grave emergency?

Anyone can baptize in a grave emergency, as long as he or she intends to
confer the Sacrament, pours water over the person’s head, and recites the
words of Baptism.
Extension: Even an unbaptized person can baptize in this case.
1. Baptism (pp. 262-272)

What is the difference between immersion and affusion?

Immersion is Baptism by going under water. Affusion is Baptism by
pouring water over a person.

What is the method of Baptism ordinarily used in the Eastern

Triple immersion is the method of Baptism ordinarily used in the Eastern
1. Baptism (pp. 262-272)


How is the reception of the Sacraments of Initiation different in

the Eastern and Western Catholic Churches?
In the Eastern Catholic Churches, all three Sacraments of Initiation—
Baptism, Eucharist, and Chrismation (Confirmation)—are ordinarily
conferred at the same time, even for infants. In the Western Church,
however, the three Sacraments are normally conferred together only in
the case of an adult convert.
1. Baptism (pp. 262-272)

What is a godparent?
A godparent is a practicing Catholic, at least age sixteen, who helps teach
and model the Faith for the newly baptized person.

Who makes the baptismal promises for children who cannot speak
for themselves?
The parents or godparents make the baptismal promises for such
1. Baptism (pp. 262-272)


Working with a partner, make a bullet-point list of the many

effects of Baptism, expressing each one as briefly as possible.
1. Baptism (pp. 262-272)

How does Baptism bond Catholics with many other Christians?

Many other Christian churches validly baptize, and all who are validly
baptized are fellow Christians despite being separated.

Are validly baptized Christian converts to Catholicism re-baptized?

No; a valid Baptism is celebrated only once.

What is conditional Baptism?

Conditional Baptism is given to a convert when it is not certain whether
he or she was validly baptized.
1. Baptism (pp. 262-272)

Work with a partner to write and answer what you consider to be the three
most important Focus Questions that can be asked about the material in
the Sidebar, “The Catechumenate” (p. 270).
1. Baptism (pp. 262-272)


Work with a partner to articulate in writing how people can be saved with
or without formal Baptism, based on the sidebar, “Baptism of Blood and
Baptism of Desire” (p. 272).
1. Baptism (pp. 262-272)

Write a paragraph defining the Sacrament of Baptism.

1. Baptism (pp. 262-272)


 Study Questions 1-14 (p. 282)

 Practical Exercises 1-2 (p. 283)
 Workbook Questions 1-24
 Read “II. The Sacrament of Confirmation” through “Conclusion”
(pp. 272-278)
1. Baptism (pp. 262-272)


Choose two or more effects of the Sacrament of Baptism and free write
about the relationship among them.
2. Confirmation (pp. 272-278)


Write for a few minutes about what the account of Sts. Peter and
John in Samaria (cf. Acts 8:14-17) reveals concerning the Sacrament
of Confirmation.
2. Confirmation (pp. 272-278)
 What is the Sacrament of Confirmation?
 What are the matter, form, and minister of Confirmation?

 Confirmation is the second of the Sacraments of Initiation. It
completes the grace of Baptism by a special outpouring of the gifts of
the Holy Spirit, seals or confirms the baptized in union with Christ, and
equips him or her for worship and apostolic life in the Church.
 In Confirmation, the matter is anointing with Sacred Chrism and the
laying on of hands; the form is “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy
Spirit”; and the minister is the bishop or a delegated priest.
2. Confirmation (pp. 272-278)

What is the purpose of Confirmation?

Confirmation perfects the grace received in Baptism, passing on the grace of
Pentecost, including an increase of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Why is Confirmation important in the modern world?

The Church is under attack in modern society for her faithfulness to Jesus Christ.
In Confirmation, Christians receive the spiritual strength needed to bear witness
to Christ in the world.

How is Confirmation prefigured in the Old Testament?

Confirmation is prefigured in the Old Testament when Isaiah prophesized that
the Holy Spirit would rest upon the Messiah and empower him for his mission of
salvation (cf. Is 11:2).
2. Confirmation (pp. 272-278)

When was Isaiah’s prophecy fulfilled (cf. p. 272)?

This prophecy was fulfilled when the Holy Spirit descended on Christ at
his Baptism.

When was Christ’s promise of an outpouring of the Holy Spirit

His promise was fulfilled at Pentecost.

How did Sts. Peter and John confer Confirmation on the Samaritan
converts to Christ?
They conferred Confirmation on the Samaritan converts by the laying on
of hands.
2. Confirmation (pp. 272-278)


Who may receive Confirmation?

Every baptized person may and should receive the Sacrament of

In the Western Catholic Church, when is Confirmation normally

It is normally received after a person reaches the age of reason. The exact
age is left to the discretion of the local bishop.
2. Confirmation (pp. 272-278)

What is the rationale for young people receiving Confirmation between

the seventh and twelfth grades?
The expectation is that young people of these ages are capable of spiritual
maturity and have the will, with the help of grace, to act as Christ wishes even
in difficult situations.

According to the Catechism, no. 1309, what should be the focus of

catechesis for Confirmation?
It should focus on the confirmand attaining a more intimate union with
Christ; a more lively familiarity with the Holy Spirit; a sense of belonging to
the Church, at both the universal and local level; and an understanding of a
mature Christian’s responsibilities.
2. Confirmation (pp. 272-278)

What are the matter, form, and minister of Confirmation?

The matter is anointing with Sacred Chrism and the laying on of hands.
The form is the words, “N., be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
The minister is the bishop, who may delegate this authority to a priest
(extraordinary minister).
Extension: In the Eastern Catholic Churches, the form is, “The seal of
the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
2. Confirmation (pp. 272-278)


What does oil signify, according to Isaiah?

According to Isaiah, oil signifies abundance and joy.

What does the laying on of hands signify?

The laying on of hands signifies the calling down of the Holy Spirit upon
a person, generally one being commissioned for a special task or in need
of healing.
2. Confirmation (pp. 272-278)


What is the purpose of the light slap on the cheek in the

extraordinary form of the Rite of Confirmation?
It reminds the recipient that the service of Christ is difficult and can even
be dangerous, and so he or she needs strength.

What does it mean to be a soldier of Christ?

It means to seek strength through grace, to share and teach the Catholic
Faith, and to be willing to suffer for the sake of Jesus Christ.
2. Confirmation (pp. 272-278)

What is the meaning of being sealed by the Holy Spirit?

A seal “is a symbol of a person, a sign of personal authority, or ownership of an
object” (CCC 1295). Being sealed with Holy Spirit means a person belongs totally
to Christ, is enrolled in his service, and is under his protection.

Why is a priest the usual minister of Confirmation in the Eastern Catholic

Infants receive Baptism and Confirmation at the same time.

What is the role of a Confirmation sponsor?

He or she assists in preparing the candidate for the Sacrament and helps the
confirmed act as a true witness of Christ, faithfully fulfilling the obligations that
he or she has undertaken.
2. Confirmation (pp. 272-278)

Who conferred the three Sacraments of Initiation in the early

The local bishop conferred the three Sacraments of Initiation.

Why did this practice become a problem as the Church grew?

As the number of converts and the size of his diocese grew, the bishop
had a hard time administering these Sacraments to everyone who asked
for them.
2. Confirmation (pp. 272-278)


What was the usual solution to this problem in Western part of the
Baptism was celebrated by the parish priest, and Confirmation was
celebrated by the bishop occasionally throughout the year.

What was the usual solution to this problem in Eastern part of the
The parish priest conferred Baptism and Confirmation together.
2. Confirmation (pp. 272-278)

In the Eastern Catholic Churches, how is the bishop’s tie to

Confirmation maintained?
The Sacred Chrism, called myron, used in Confirmation is blessed by the

What does each practice emphasize according to CCC 1292?

The practice of the Eastern Catholic Churches emphasizes the unity of
the Sacraments of Initiation, whereas the practice of the Western Catholic
Church emphasizes communion with the bishop and the connection with
the apostolic origins of the Church.
2. Confirmation (pp. 272-278)


Conduct a Think/Pair/Write/Share using the following question:

 Why do you think that not only the forehead but also the eyes, nose,
ears, lips, chest, back, hands, and feet are anointed in the Byzantine
2. Confirmation (pp. 272-278)


Work with a partner to make a bullet-point list of the effects of

Confirmation, expressing each one as briefly as possible.
2. Confirmation (pp. 272-278)


 Study Questions 15-21 (p. 282)

 Practical Exercises 3-5 (p. 283)
 Workbook Questions 25-41
2. Confirmation (pp. 272-278)


Write a paragraph summarizing the significance of the Sacrament of

2. Confirmation (pp. 272-278)


Read sidebar “An Examination of Conscience” (p. 266) and then work
independently to complete Practical Exercise 2, an examination of
conscience in regard to living baptismal and confirmational promises.

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