L10 Cadbury Committee and CG in India
L10 Cadbury Committee and CG in India
L10 Cadbury Committee and CG in India
Corporate Governance
Cadbury Committee & its Report
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Major Recommendations of the
Cadbury Committee
A single person should not be vested with the decision
making power e.g. the roles of Chairman or CMD should be
separated from that of CEO.
Non executive directors should act independently and give
their frank / unbiased opinions / judgments on all matters of
strategy, performance, resources including key / important
appointments (e.g. CEO / COO) and standards / Code of
A majority of the directors should be independent, non
executive directors i.e. they should not have any financial
interests in the Company.
Major Recommendations of the
Cadbury Committee….contd….
The term of the directors can be extended beyond three
years only with the approval of the shareholders.
A remuneration Committee with majority of its members
as non-executive directors should decide about the
remuneration of executive directors.
Interim report of the financial performance of the
company should give its balance sheet information and
review of Auditors.
Information about the appointment and fees of the
Auditors should be made public and there should be
regular rotation of the auditors.
11 Major Recommendations of the
Cadbury Committee….contd….
An objective and professional relationship should
be maintained with the Auditors of the firm.
It must be reported that the firm is a going
Corporate Governance
Concern for CG in India
© 2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or
posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Senior Executives permitted and in fact encouraged
misrepresenting of accounting data / misleading of
accounting treatment.
Accounting and Audit Committee also signed the
misleading accounts
Board was ineffective in supervising the actions of
Whistleblowers complaints/actions were ignored or
Transactions enriched individuals at the cost of the
organization that employed them
18 Why is Governance so important?
PNB lost almost 25% of its share value once the Bank
accepted that the total money at stake was Rs. 11,300
crore (Initial Estimate)
Satyam lost its share value much more..almost 30%.
Worldcom lost 75% of its share value when its top
executives resigned after accepting that the accounts
they had signed were misrepresented. WorldCom's
chief executive, John Sidgmore, blamed the
company's former chief financial officer, Scott
Sullivan, and the former controller, David Myers. The
two were fired for claiming $3.8bn in regular
expenses as capital investment in 2001.
What is the role of Independent Directors? How
are they appointed? Who decides about their
remuneration? Give your answers in the light of
the recommendations of Cadbury Committee
Give in summary form the major
recommendations of Cadbury Committee.
What are the responsibilities of the Board of
Directors on financial reporting and controls?