Human Resource Development: - Gurpreet Kaur

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Human Resource

-Gurpreet Kaur
If you want to plan for a year
Sow the Seeds
If you want to plan for 10 years
Plant the trees
If you want to plan for the lifetime
then Development
It is positive concept in HRM

 Believe in investment in human beings

 Aims at overall development

 Rooted in belief that human beings

have the potential to do better

 People can do better, they can do wonders

 Involve them trust them and empower them

 Focus on strength of people

 Integrate the needs and aspiration of individuals

 Encourage individual initiative and response by providing and

fostering culture
Human Resource Development
• What is it ?
Is a process in which the employees of an
organisation are continuously helped in a
planned way to:

I. Acquire or sharpen their capabilities required to perform various

obligations, task and functions associated with and related to their
present or future expected roles
Human Resource Development
II. Develop their capabilities as individuals so that they may be able to
discover their potentialities and exploit them to full for their own
and/or organizational development purpose
III. To develop an organizational culture where superior subordinate
relationships, team work and collaboration among different sub-units
are strong and contribute to the organizational wealth and pride of
the employees
Objectives of HRD
• To maximise the utilization of Human Resource for the
achievement of individual and organizational goals
• To provide an opportunity and comprehensive
framework for the development of human resource in an
organisation for full expression of their latent and
manifest potentials
• To develop the constructive mind and an overall
personality of the employees
Objectives of HRD
• To locate, ensure, recognise and develop the enabling
capabilities of the employees in the organisation in
relation to their present and potential roles
• To develop the sense of team spirit, team work and inter-
team collaborations
• To humanise the work in the organization
• To develop dynamic human relationship
• To generate systematic information about human
HRD policies
• HRD policies are general statements which guides
thinking and action in decision-making
• Being only guides to thinking and action in decision-
making they have always room for discretion. Otherwise
they would be rules
• Sound HRD policies provide base for management by
principle as contrasted with management by expediency
HRD policies
• HRD policies can be formulated to cover
the following subjects:
i. Selection
ii. Training
iii. Compensation
iv. Arrangement for work
v. Employee Services
vi. Industrial relation
• The selection policy of an organization should
provide clear guidelines on the following points:
 Reservation of seats for scheduled castes and schedule tribes
 Employment of local people or family relations or people
working in competing firms.
 Promotions from within or outside the organisation
 Preference to be given to handicapped persons.
 The basis to be followed in discharging an employee
 Role, if any, to be given to the union in the recruitment and
selection of workers
 Preview of the job to be given to applicant
 Expenditure to be incurred on selection . This may include
advertising, test, training and travelling expenditure
• With regard to training, the basic policy issues to
be decided are

 How are training needs to be decided?

 How should training curriculum be designed?
 How should follow-up and evaluation be done?
 How should post-training support be given?
• On the question of compensation the
major policy issues to be decided are:

 The relation of wages to the market and to the industry rate, i.e.
Whether the employees are to be paid a higher or lower wage
level than that prevailing in the community or industry.
 The relation of wages paid to different employees within the
company; and
 Recognition to be given to differences in individual
Arrangement for work
Policies should be formulated about;
 Hours of work
 Number and duration of rest pause
 Vacations and working conditions
Employee Service
Here employer should formulate policies
about ;
 Organising cooperative societies
 Festival celebration
 Recreation centres
 Sports and family budgeting
Industrial Relation
• Here employer should explicitly express the
extent of his faith in collective bargaining
• Right of workers to decide the union and the
union leader
• Lay down the organization policies regarding
third party(E.g. Police) intervention in industrial
Personnel Administration VS
Point of Personnel HRD
distinction function
Orientation maintenance Development

Structure Independent function Interdependent parts

Philosophy Reactive function Proactive function

Responsibility Exclusively personnel All managers

Motivators Monitory rewards High order needs

Aim Improve efficiency Develop organization

Personal level Existential Process tells us how an individual perceives
process his environment and how he interact

Interpersonal Empathic How much empathy individual has for other

level process person and establishes relationship with him

Role level Coping Individual is required to cope up with

process pressures and stresses in relation to his role
in organizaion
Group level Building How various groups form themselves as
process distinct entities

Intergroup Collaborativ Positive if promote group and negative if do

e and not promote to reach goals
organizational growth issues relating to self renewal and change
 How individual perceives his environment
and how he interacts with other

 How he achieves his goals in life

 Process helps in integration of individual

At personal level : with organization

Existential process  Career planning, performance appraisal,

feedback, counseling
job enrichment improve this process
 How much empathy one individual has
for the other person

 How person reach out to the other

person and establishes a
Relationship with him
Interpersonal level :
 Neglecting this process affect the
Empathic process interpersonal effectiveness of
individuals In an organization

 Communication, conflict, cooperation

and competition are important areas
Of study in this process

 Training, communication improve this


 Individual should cope with pressures and

stresses in relation to his
Role in organization

 Individual can cope up with these pressures

Role level : coping if he is aware of the
Competencies required for performing the role
 Role analysis improve this process

 This process tells us how various groups

form themselves as distinct
Entities in an organization

 How group contribute effectively to the goals

Group level : Building of organization

process  OD and team building exercise improves

this process
 Competition is positive if it poses a
challenges to a group in terms
of standard of performance and achievement

Intergroup level:  Competition is negative if it prevents or aims

at escaping hard work
Collaborative and
competitive  Process is improved by creating the climate
of trust, authenticity
And openness clarifying norms and standards

Organizational level: • Growth process involves

issues relating to
Growth process organizational climate,
• Self renewal and change
HRD Outcomes
 People become more competent as they are aware of the skills required

 People understand their role better because communication increases and

They are aware of the expectations of other members

 People become more committed to their jobs because there is greater

Objectivity in administration of rewards

 People develop greater trust and respect for each other. They become more
authentic in their behavior

 Greater collaboration and team work produces synergy effect

 People are equipped with problem solving capabilities more prone to risk
Taking and proactive in their orientation

 Lot of useful and objective data on employees are generated which facilitate
Better HRP

 Performance appraisal

• Help employee in self-appraisal

 Potential appraisal • Review his performance in
relation to the objectives and
 Career planning other behaviours
• Check reviews done by the
 Training and development
• Send summary information for
central storage and use
 Organization development

 Performance appraisal

• Mapping out the entire career of

 Potential appraisal an employee from employment
to retirement
 Career planning • Developing the successor for
higher positions

 Training and development

 Organization development

• Assess training needs of

different groups of employees
 Performance appraisal
• Search available outside
training facilities
 Potential appraisal • Develop in company training
strategy including pre training
 Career planning and post training activities
• Prepare training packages and
 Training and development • Organise specific programmes
as well as general development
 Organization development programme with own and
outside resources
• Evaluate training efforts

 Performance appraisal
• Personal goals and
organizational goals often
 Potential appraisal differ. OD attempts to achieve
the goal congruence i.e.
 Career planning Communion of the personal
goals and organizational goals.

 Training and development

 Organization development

 Rewards

 Employee welfare and • QWL is the degree to which

members of a working
quality of work life
organization are able to satisfy
important personnel needs
 Human resource through their experience in the
information system (HRIS) organization
HRD Framework
Need Assessment in HRD
• What is Need?
A discrepancy between expectations and
• Not only ‘Performance’ needs involve
-Diagnostic Need:
Factors that can prevent problem from occurring
- Analytical Need:
Identify new or better ways to do things
- Compliance Need:
Mandated by law or regulation
Levels of Assessment
• Organisational Assessment:
- Where is training needed and under
what condition
• Task Assessment:
- What must be done to perform the job
• Person Assessment:
- Who should be trained and how ?
Levels of Assessment
• Organisational • A broad System
Assessment: view is needed
• Need to identify:
- Where is training - Organisational Goals
needed and under - Organizational
what condition Resources
- Organizational Climate
- Environmental
Levels of Assessment
• It involves collection of data
about specific job or group of
• Task Assessment: job
• What employee needs to know
to perform a job or jobs
- What must be done • Sources of Information for
to perform the job Task Analysis:
- Job description
- Performance Standard
- Perform Job
- observe Job
- Ask questions
- Analysis of problem
Levels of Assessment
• Determining Training
needs for specific
• Person Individual
• Based on many sources
of data
- Who should be • Summary Analysis:
trained and how ? Determine overall
success of the individuals
• Diagnostic Analysis:
Discover reasons for
HRD Climate and Culture
Climate Culture
“Organizational climate is the summary “Organizational culture is the set of
of perception which people have assumptions, beliefs, values and
about an organization” norms that are shared by
organization’s members.”
- Are social relationship warm and
- Shared things(e.g. The way people
- Are people treated fairly for reward/
- Shared saying (e.g. Let’s go to work)
- Shared actions (e.g. A service-
- Do people take pride in excellence? oriented approach)
- Shared feelings (e.g. Hard work is
rewarded here)
Factors Affecting HRD climate
• Top-Management Style and Philosophy
• Personnel policies
• HRD Instruments and System
• Self renewal Mechanisms
• Attitude of Personnel and HRD Staff
Elements of HRD Climate
Top Management

Line Management
• A general commitment

Supportive climate Good Personnel


Positive attitude
towards development
Elements of HRD Climate

Potential Appraisal

Career Planning

• Use of HRD Performance


Mechanisms / Subsystem Feedback &



Employee welfare

Quality work life

Elements of HRD Climate
• O Openness

C Confrontation

T Trust

A Culture Autonomy

P Proactivity

A Authenticity

C Collaboration

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