Galileo's "Sidereus Nuncius" and Our Perception of The Universe
Galileo's "Sidereus Nuncius" and Our Perception of The Universe
Galileo's "Sidereus Nuncius" and Our Perception of The Universe
Better Maps
Hartman Astrolabe
(1532) Mariner’s Compass
Ian Vermeer
De astronoom, 1668
the “looker”
(spyglass, eyeglass)
Astronomical Telescope
Structure of the Moon surface
Enormous number of stars invisible to the
naked eye
Nature of the Milky Way
Existence of Nebulae
Jovian Planets
Evidence in support of Copernican system
our galaxy
Galileo’s point:
Frequent strokes of
creative genius
Visionary-far reaching
Very often (but not always)
Profound knowledge of
scholastic philosophy
Sarcastic (more than ironic)
True catholic
Principle of “mediocrity”
Nature is intelligible