E-The Obstetric Examination
E-The Obstetric Examination
E-The Obstetric Examination
Always explain to the patient the need and the
nature of the proposed examination.
Obtain a verbal consent once she has been told
what the examination would entail.
The examiner (male or female) should be
accompanied by another female(chaperone).
Examination performed in a private side-room,
respecting patient's privacy at all times.
Patient should be covered at all times and
relevant parts of her anatomy only exposed.
Make sure the room is well lit and comfortably
Ensure the patient has emptied her bladder
before examining her abdomen.
Patient should lie in the supine position with
a pillow under the head and arms by her
She is slightly rolled to the left side to
prevent compression of the inferior vena
cava by the enlarged uterus (inferior
venacaval syndrome or supine hypotensive
Ask for any tender area before palpating
the abdomen.
- Describe the abdominal
distension (pyriform).
- Previous
- Striae gravidarum or
stretch marks
- Linea nigra- a dark vertical
line appearing on the
abdomen from the pubis to
above the umbilicus during
pregnancy due to increase
hormone made by the
- Visible foetal movements.
Fundal height (Symphysis-fundal height)
Foetal poles
Foetal lie
Presentation- cephalic(head),breech,etc
Level of engagement of presenting part
State of uterine wall/ myometrium
Liquor volume
Estimate foetal weight
Foetal movements
1) Symphysis-fundal height(Size
and gestational age of the
More objective, distance from the
symphysis pubis to the uterine
fundus (top of the uterus)- size of
the uterus directly related to the
size of the fetus.
-Palpate down from xiphi-sternum to
determine the highest part of the
uterus(fundus),may not always be
in the midline.
-Mark this point with a pen after
obtaining her permission.
-A tape measure turned upside-
down(blinded to avoid bias) is then
placed from the mid-point on the
uppermost border of the symphysis
pubis over the curve of the uterus
to the marked highest point of the
-The tape is then turned and actual
measurement in cm is recorded,
preferably in graphic form.
Recording of the symphysis- fundal
height (SFH) on antenatal growth
-The first SFH plotted against a particular
gestational age(if this is known), on
the horizontal axis of the graph.
-If menstrual dates uncertain and no
early ultrasound scan available, the
first SFH plotted against its own
particular measurement on the
vertical axis, placed on the 50th
percentile line.
-The estimated gestational age read off
the horizontal axis.
-All subsequent SFH measurements then
plotted at the correct time intervals
from the first measurement.
-SFH should increase by about 1cm per
wk from 20 to 34 weeks with normal
2) Palpation of the contents
of the uterus:
Palpated using four Leopold's
The fundal grip(foetal
-Both hands placed over the
fundus and the contents of
the fundus determined.
-A hard smooth, round pole
indicates a fetal head.
-A softer triangular pole
continuous with the fetal
body is the fetal
The lateral grip(Fetal lie):
-Move both hands in a downward
direction from the fundus along the
sides of the uterus to determine the
"lie" of the foetus.
-"Lie" is the relationship btw the
longitudinal axis of the foetus and the
longitudinal axis of the mother.
-The "lie" is usually longitudinal, hence
baby is lying length-wise in the same
direction as mother's longitudinal
-Other "lies" are transverse lie (fetus lies
across the long. axis of mother) and
oblique lie (foetus lies at an oblique
angle to the mother's long. axis).
-Can also determine which side the
foetal back is situated by feeling the
firm regular surface of the foetal back
on one side and the irregular, lumpy
surface as the foetal limbs on the
Pawlik's grip (Presenting
-The thumb and middle fingers
of the right hand are placed
wide apart over the
suprapubic area to determine
the presenting part.
-Presenting part of fetus is the
lowest most part of the fetus at
the inlet of the pelvis(the
lower fetal pole as opposed to
the fetal pole in the fundus).
-Cephalic or breech
presentation distinguished
from each other as indicated
in the previous slide.
Deep pelvic grip:
Determines two points about the fetus
1)The attitude of the fetal head:
-The examiner turns around to face patients
-Each hand placed on either side of the fetal
trunk lower down.
-The hands moved downwards towards the
fetal head.
-Note made as to which hand first touches the
fetal head (This point called cephalic
-Cephalic prominence helps determine the
attitude (i.e. flexion, deflexed or extended)
of fetal head.
-If cephalic prominence is on the opposite side
of fetal back, fetal head is well flexed
(normal position).
-If cephalic prominence on the same side as
fetal back, fetal head is extended
(abnormal position).
-If examiners hands reach the fetal head
equally on both sides, fetal head is
deflexed ('Military position, indicating mal-
2)Engagement of the fetal head: - If you divide the fetal head into
- Continue moving both hands five-fifths, you estimate how many
down around the fetal head, fifths of the fetal head can be felt.
determine how far around the - If 5,4 or 3 fifths can still be
head you can get. palpated, most of the head is still
- Engagement of the fetal head up, hence the widest part of the
defined as having occurred once head has not engaged into the
the widest transverse diameter of pelvis.
the fetal head (bi-parietal - If only 2,1 or 0 fifths of fetal head
diameter) has passed through the felt, the widest part of the head
pelvic inlet into the true pelvis. has engaged into the pelvis.
- Examiner should be able to
palpate part of fetal head still in
the lower abdomen (also called
the 'false' pelvis but cannot
palpate the part of fetal head in
the true pelvis.
Additional uterine assessment:
1) The myometrium (uterine wall):
-Comment on whether the myometrium is soft (normal antenatal
state) or contracting (normal state when in labour is 30-60 sec
period of being firm to hard followed by 2-5 min interval of
being soft).
-It may also be hard in abruptio placentae or irritable whenever
palpation of uterus attempted as in intrauterine growth
impairment of the foetus).
2) The liquor volume:
-Assessment made of the volume of amniotic fluid surrounding the
-Reduced volume called Oligohydranios and foetal parts are easily
-Increased volume called polyhydramnios and there is difficulty in
feeling the foetal parts.
3) Estimate foetal weight:
-Difficult and requires practice.
- Foetus of 28wks gestation and SFH of 28cm is approx 1.1kg
- A 34wk foetus with SFH of 34cm is approx 2.2kg
- A term foetus (40wks) with variable SFH btw 36 and 40cm is
approx 3.3kg.
- Each week btw these parameters accounts for about 200g.
4) Foetal movements:
-During the examination note any foetal movements (kicks and
rolling motions).
-Healthy foetuses move, sick or sleepy foetuses don't move.
Auscultation of the
foetal heart:
- Auscultated with a foetal
stethoscope( Pinard's
foetal stethoscope) or
with a doptone machine.
- Best place to listen is
over the foetal back,
closer to the cephalic
- The normal foetal heart
rate is btw 110 to 160
beats per minute.
Part 2
Learning objectives
The Partogram
Stages of labour
Mechanism of a normal delivery
Labour divided into 3 stages: