Fundamentals Understanding Rasi Dristi2 PowerPoint
Fundamentals Understanding Rasi Dristi2 PowerPoint
Fundamentals Understanding Rasi Dristi2 PowerPoint
French researcher. He was Dean of Medical Research at the University of Paris 1866-
1875 and then Professor of Organic Chemistry. Wurtz made valuable contributions to
the theories of the arrangement of atoms in organic compounds. Lagna Lord in
Scorpio—research—and 5 planets in fixed signs.
Creation’s Kingdoms in the Rasis: 3
• Dual signs (dwisvabhava rasis) govern the animal and
human kingdom. Such living beings are not fixed in
place like plants, but can move. They are drdh-adridh,
with the flexibility to stay or go.
Chara Rasi Dristis are complementary to Sthira Rasi Dristis: plants depend on
weather, and weather responds to the green world. Dhatu and Mula seek each
Chara and Sthira: opposites attract
• Chara rasis, or cardinal signs, are rajasic. They have
passionate, ambitious qualities springing from action and
restlessness; they push. They are adridh, not fixed. Like
weather, they move and travel anywhere. They are dhatu, of
the mineral and non-organic realm, including the forces of
• Sthira rasis, or fixed signs, are tamasic. They have a
contracting, withdrawing, in-turning nature which gives a
heavy, sluggish quality. They cling like plants adhering to the
earth. They are mula, of the vegetable world. They are drdha,
stubbornly fixed, and being moved can kill them, like uprooting
a tree.
• As opposites, rajas and tamas have strong attraction for each
other. They need each other as complements, action plus
inertia, push followed by rest.
Dual Signs Keep to Themselves
• The dual signs have sattvic guna and thus they are
different from the chara-sthira pairs. Sattva has
equilibrium, equipoise, flexibility, and
highmindedness. Dual, or dwisvabhava, signs are
both drdha and adridha, fixed and movable.
• Sattvic signs seek paths of moderation and fairness.
They aspect each other, as in religion “the company
of the holy” are those who keep to themselves far
from the madding crowd. Sattvic signs are
interested in the living beings, people and pets,
populating their world.
Dwisvabhava drstis