Calibration of Platform Scale: By: Kent John A. Caburnay & Jose Canillo
Calibration of Platform Scale: By: Kent John A. Caburnay & Jose Canillo
Calibration of Platform Scale: By: Kent John A. Caburnay & Jose Canillo
In a laboratory setting, where results are dependent upon exact weights, scale calibration is
of particular importance. An inaccurate scale could significantly hurt your business. In
processing and manufacturing, incorrect measurements could result in product quality issues,
scrapped batches, or even a product recall.
Accuracy and Sensitivity of the Platform Scale
When you purchase a scale for your business, it may have been calibrated at the
factory. However, there is a very good chance the scale will have calibration errors
when it finally arrives and is set up for use.
Scales are sensitive instruments. The normal bumps and bruises experienced during
shipment can result in calibration errors that are hard to detect without proper test
weights and test procedures. Even a perfectly-calibrated scale with a perfectly smooth
shipping process could show calibration errors simply due to the differences in altitude
and latitude and differences in gravitational effects at different geographic locations.
So the odds are stacked against anyone who hopes that their scale will be accurate if it
has not been calibrated at its point of use.
Five Factors That Can Affect Your Weighing
System’s Accuracy
Hysteresis is the difference between two load cell output readings for the
same applied load -- one reading obtained by increasing the load from zero,
the other by decreasing the load from the load cell’s maximum rated capacity.
As with nonlinearity, the worst-case ±0.025 percent hysteresis specification is
seen over the load cell’s full range, and the error caused by hysteresis
diminishes with small weight changes.
Non-repeatability is the maximum difference between load cell output readings for repeated
loadings under identical loading conditions (that is, either increasing the load from zero or
decreasing the load from the load cell’s maximum rated capacity) and environmental conditions.
The non repeatability specification is ±0.01 percent over the load cell’s full range. Non-repeatability
can affect the weight measurement in any weighing application.
Creep is the change in load cell output over time when a load remains on the cell for a long time.
In a 2- to 3-minute batch or filling cycle, creep isn’t a significant problem. But if you use load cells to
monitor inventory in a storage silo, you need to consider creep effects.
Temperature changes can cause weighing errors. Most load cells are temperature-compensated
to reduce these errors. Temperature changes affect load cell output by changing the load cell’s
sensitivity, and you must consider this effect unless you perform a new calibration for each large
temperature change.
Ensure that the load is applied to each load cell in your weighing system as specified by
the manufacturer. An improperly applied load, such as a twisting load, causes the
strain gauges in the cell to experience strain and send a signal change proportional to
the twisting rather than the load’s weight. For accurate weighing, the load cells alone
must support all the weight to be measured.
For example, rigid conduit connections and rigidly mounted piping on a weigh vessel
will support some of the load and prevent the total load from being transmitted to the
load cells. To avoid this problem, use flexible connections that won’t support part of
the load. And if you use bumpers or check rods to keep the weigh vessel from swinging
and swaying, make sure that they don’t support any of the load.
Ensure that only the weight force is transmitted to each load cell. Other forces, including
environmental forces such as wind loading, shock loading, vibration, large temperature
changes, and pressure differentials, can produce errors in the load cell signal.
1. Wind loading can affect an outdoor weighing system or a low-capacity indoor system.
2.Shock loading occurs when heavy material is dumped onto a weighing system, causing forces greater than
the system’s rated capacity and damaging the system. You can use higher-capacity load cells that can handle
this shock loading, but this will degrade the system’s resolution (the smallest increment that the system can
weigh). Controlling the material flow onto the weighing system with a feeder, specially designed loading chute,
or other device can prevent shock-loading damage.
3. Vibration from process equipment and other sources near the weighing system can cause the load cells to
measure the weight of material as well as vibration that’s transmitted to them, which the cells sense as
mechanical noise. You can reduce or prevent vibration effects by isolating the weighing system from vibration
sources when possible or using weighing system instrumentation with algorithms that remove vibration effects.
4. Large temperature changes whether your weigh vessel is indoors or outdoors, large temperature
changes can cause it to expand or contract. This causes errors in the weight reading and can damage the
load cells. If your weighing system is exposed to large temperature shifts, install load cells and mounting
hardware that can handle the vessel’s expansion and contraction.
5. A pressure differential can create weighing errors by applying unwanted forces to the weighing
system. A pressure differential can occur, for example, when a weigh vessel is installed between a
pressurized plant floor and another floor at ambient pressure. To minimize weighing errors, calibrate
the load cells to the pressurized floor’s constant pressure level. If the pressurization isn’t constant,
install the weigh vessel elsewhere.
In addition to ensuring that the load cells measure only the desired weight, it’s equally
important to ensure that the weight controller measures only the load cell electrical
signal. Radio frequency interference (RFI), electromechanical interference (EMI),
moisture, and temperature can all interfere with this electrical signal.