Artificial Neural Networks For Structural Damage Detection Using Modal Data

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Presented By :
VII Sem. C.E.
Seminar Contents
Slide no.

 1. Introduction
 2. Modal analysis
 3. Damage detection process
 3. Design of ANN.
 4. Damage detection in cantilever plate
 5. Training data for ANN
 6. Test/Validation data
 7. Damage detection scenarios
 24. Applications of ANN
 25. Conclusion
Biological Neurons

 Neuron : computational unit in the nervous system. It has:

 (i) Dendrites (inputs) Neuron receives input from other neurons
 (ii) Cell body An electrical pulse that travels from the body, down the
 (iii) Axon (output) Touch the dendrites or cell body of the next
Artificial Neurons

 Multiple inputs and a single output.

 The neurons can be trained to fire (or not), for particular input
 Inputs associated with weights.
 These weights correspond to synaptic efficacy in a biological
 Each neuron also has a single threshold value.
 The weighted sum of the inputs is formed, and the threshold
subtracted, to compose the activation function.
 Note also that weights can be negative, which implies that the
synapse has an inhibitory rather than excitatory effect on the
Biological and Artificial Neurons

Human neuron A simple neuron with weight

Architecture of neural networks

Feed-forward networks Feedback networks

Structural damage detection

 Assess the condition of structures.

 Gives improved understanding about structure’s capacity
and typical performance during its service.
 Can be found out by monitoring change in structural
responses, natural frequencies and mode shapes and strain
mode shapes.
 These direct methods can’t locate and quantify damage.
 Modal analysis can give the location and magnitude of
Modal analysis

 The modal vibration test data is used.

 The natural frequencies and mode shapes can be considered
to represent the state of the structure.
 Modal parameters depend only on the mechanical
characteristics of the structure and not on the excitation
 Theoretically the structure can be represented by
measurements taken at a single location.
 Reduction in time and cost of performing damage
monitoring and predictive maintenance.
Damage Detection Process

 Every structure has its own natural vibration (or resonance)

 Each vibration mode has a different energy distribution.
 Any localized damage will affect each mode differently
depending on the location and severity of the damage.
 Modal parameters are sensitive to boundary conditions, i.e.,
physical constraints of the structure.
 Damage will soften the structure and thus modify its
dynamic characteristics such as frequency and mode shape.
Damage Detection Process
Artificial Neural Network

 The feed-forward, multilayered, supervised neural network

with the error back propagation algorithm is used.
 Two stages.1st is data feed forward.
 The output of each node is defined as 
netj = ij Oi + ϴj  
Oj = f( netj )
 Threshold function is
{1 x>1
f(x) = {x -1≤x≤1
{-1 x<-1
Artificial Neural Network

 The 2nd stage is error back propagation and weights

 The system error is defined as E
E= (1/2P)* p=1∑P n=1∑N (dpn – opn)
P - number of instances in the training set,
dpn ,opn - desired and calculated output of the nth output node for
the pth instance, respectively
Damage Detection in Cantilever plate

 Cantilever steel plate properties

 Cross-section of 50.75 x 6.0 mm2 and mass density of 7670
 The first 6 natural frequencies for the intact and damaged
configurations for this cantilever plate are taken from
 The damage configuration was introduced by saw cuts at
the clamped end (Cut-1) and the mid-span (Cut-2) of the
 The depth (d) of the cut is 20 mm.
Damage Detection in Cantilever plate
 Damage made by cuts at locations 1 and 5 for the cantilever

 Division into 9 components for simulation of damage in

Measured and computed (FEA) frequencies.

Frequencies, Hz
Case Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 Mode 4 Mode 5 Mode 6

Measured 5.67 35.58 100.33 196.38 319.50 485.71


Measured 5.11 31.60 94.44 179.97 308.89 452.71


FEA 5.68 35.61 99.70 195.36 322.90 482.27

The Neural Network Architecture

 A feed forward back-propagation neural network has been

 In input stage, 6 processing elements in the input layer
representing a vector of the first 6 natural frequencies of the
 In output stage,10 PEs for the output layer, where the first
node consists of damage magnitude and the remaining 9
nodes represent the damage indicators at each of 9 locations.
 The damage indicators '0' and '1' represent the undamaged
and fully damaged conditions, respectively.
The Neural Network Architecture

 In the hidden layer design ,18 PEs in single hidden layer

network was chosen as it results in less RMS error.
Training Data

 To obtain training data finite element (FE) model has been

generated for the cantilever plate with 36 finite elements.
 The damage was defined as the fractional loss of the second
moment of area over one location.
 The data was generated for a wide range of damage
magnitudes of 1%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30%.
 Hence, the database consists of training sets corresponding
to 7 damage states in each of 9 locations of the cantilever
beam. This results in 63 training sets.
Training Data
 For multiple damage scenario, namely, simultaneous
damage in two locations, training data has been generated
for 1%, 10% and 20% damage magnitudes in each of two
damage locations simultaneously which resulted in 144
training sets.
Test /Validation Data
 For validating the network, a test data set has been
generated for 3 damage magnitudes of 3%, 13% and 23%.
 This test database consist of data pertaining to 3 damage
levels for each of 9 damage locations which resulted in 27
test sets for single damage scenario.
 For validating multiple damage state, test data set
corresponding to the above three damage magnitudes in
three selected pairs of damage locations, namely, at (1,3),
(1,5) and (1,7), have been generated which resulted in 9 test
Neural Network Training

 The learning rate parameter (η) for the network is chosen as

0.01 and the error tolerance is chosen as 0.01 after trials.
 Fractional change in resonant frequencies used to get
accurate results.
 zi = (fui – fdi ) / fui
zi is the fractional change in the i-th mode,
f u and f d are the frequencies of undamaged and damaged
structure, respectively.
Damage detection using ANN
Multiple damage detection
Applications for Neural Networks

 Detection of medical phenomena

 Stock market prediction
 Credit assignment
 Monitoring the condition of machinery.
 Engine management
 In marketing
 Facial recognition
 Robotics

 The detection and identification of structural damage is a

vital part of the monitoring and servicing of structural
systems during their lifetime.
 It was observed that prediction capability of ANN is better
by using fractional difference of frequencies instead of
using the frequencies.
 The results show that the ANN method is capable of
predicting the location and magnitude of damage with good
accuracy for single and multiple damage scenarios.

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