Functional Requirement (FR) Non Functional Requirements (NFR)
Functional Requirement (FR) Non Functional Requirements (NFR)
Functional Requirement (FR) Non Functional Requirements (NFR)
IS184309, 3 sks
Feby Artwodini M.
Learning Objectives
•To introduce types of requirement
•To comprehend the differences between functional and non functional requirements
High level: The system shall charge users credit cards for purchases
Low level: The system shall validate all passwords contain upper and lowercase
characters and one number
Functional Requirements (4)
Are testable
◦ your “test lead” should be collecting sets of basic tests generated for each
requirement linked to the requirement
◦ this is part of writing the requirement!
◦ The system shall store user information in an Oracle database including name, DOB, address,
SSN. <-- bad
The system shall provide facilities that allow any user to check if
personal data is maintained on the system. A procedure must be
External requirement defined and supported in the software that will allow users to inspect
personal data and to correct any errors in that data.
Types of Non Functional Requirements Ian Sommervile
requir ements
System Acceptability
Subjectively pleasing
1. IEEE vs Sommerville
2. Van Vliet vs Keller
3. ISO 9126 vs Nielsen Model
4. Gilb 2005 vs Mc Calls
5. Miller 2009 vs FURPS+