Physical Assessment - Integument
Physical Assessment - Integument
Physical Assessment - Integument
Sweat glands
Subcutaneous Tissue
The nails, located on the distal phalanges of fingers and toes,
are hard, transparent plates of keratinized epidermal cells.
The nail body extends over the entire nailbed and has a pink
tinge as a result of the rich blood supply underneath.
At the base of the nail is the lunula, a paler, crescent-shaped
There are two general types of hair: vellus
and terminal.
Vellus hair is short, pale, and fine and is
present over much of the body.
The terminal hair (particularly scalp and
eyebrows) is longer, generally darker, and
coarser than the vellus hair. Puberty
initiates the growth of additional terminal
hair in both sexes on the axillae, perineum,
and legs
Coupled with a yearly skin exam by a doctor, self-examination of your
skin once a month is the best way to detect early warning signs of the
three main types of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell
carcinoma, and melanoma. Look for a new growth or any skin change.
What you’ll need: a bright light, a full-length mirror, a hand mirror, 2
chairs or stools, a blow dryer, body maps and a pencil.
(From The Skin Cancer Foundation.
1. Ask the client to remove all clothing and jewelry and put on an examination gown.
2. Ask the client to remove nail enamel, artificial nails, wigs, toupees, or hairpieces as
3. Have the client sit comfortably on the examination table or bed for the beginning of
the examination.
4. Ensure privacy by exposing only the body part being examined.
5. Make sure that the room is a comfortable temperature.
6. Keep the room door closed or the bed curtain drawn to provide privacy as
7. Explain what you are going to do, and answer any questions the client may have.
8. Wear gloves when palpating any lesions because you may be exposed to drainage.
Clients from conservative religious groups (e.g., Orthodox
Jews or Muslims) may require that the nurse be the same
sex as the client. Also, to respect the client’s modesty or
desire for privacy, provide a long examination gown or robe.
Examination light
Mirror for client’s self-examination of skin
Magnifying glass
Centimeter ruler
Wood’s light
Examination gown or drape
Braden Scale for Predicting Pressure Sore Risk
Pressure Ulcer Scale for Healing (PUSH) tool to measure pressure
ulcer healing
When preparing to examine the skin, hair, and nails,
remember these key points:
Inspect skin color, temperature, moisture, texture.
Check skin integrity.
Be alert for skin lesions.
Evaluate hair condition; loss or unusual growth.
Note nail bed condition and capillary refill.
Assessment Procedure Normal Findings Abnormal Findings
Inspect general skin coloration. Inspection reveals evenly Pallor (loss of color) is seen in
Keep in mind that the amount colored skin tones without arterial insufficiency,
of pigment in the skin accounts unusual or prominent decreased blood supply, and
for the intensity of color as well discolorations. Small amounts anemia. Pallid tones vary from
as hue. of melanin are common in pale to ashen without
whiter skins, while large underlying pink. Cyanosis may
amounts of melanin are cause white skin to appear
common in olive and darker blue-tinged, especially in the
skins. Carotene accounts for a perioral, nailbed, and
yellow cast. conjunctival areas. Dark skin
may appear blue, dull and
lifeless in the same areas.
The older client’s skin becomes pale due to
decreased melanin production and decreased
dermal vascularity
Skin color ranges from pale white with pink, yellow, brown, or olive
tones to dark brown or black.
No strong odor should be evident, and the skin should be lesion free.
Skin should be soft, warm, slightly moist with good turgor and without
edema or lesions.
Dark-skinned newborns have lighter skin color than their parents.
Their color darkens with age. Bluish pigmented areas called
Mongolian spots may be noted on the sacral areas of Asian, black,
Native American, and Mexican-American infants.
Abnormal Findings
If you suspect a fungus, shine a Wood’s Lesion does not Blue-green fluorescence indicates fungal
light (an ultraviolet light filtered through a fluoresce. infection.
special glass) on the lesion.
If you observe a lesion, note its location, Normal lesions may In abnormal findings, distribution may be
distribution, and configuration. Measure be moles, freckles, diffuse (scattered all over), localized to
the lesion with a centimeter ruler. birthmarks, and the one area, or in sun-exposed areas.
like. They may be Configuration may be discrete (separate
scattered over the and distinct), grouped (clustered),
skin in no particular confluent (merged), linear (in a line),
pattern. annular and arciform (circular or arcing),
or zosteriform (linear along a nerve
Vitiligolesions better
evidenced under Wood's
lamp than under visible
Assessment Procedure Normal Findings Abnormal Findings
Palpate skin to assess texture. Skin is smooth and Rough, flaky, dry skin is
Use the palmar surface of even. seen in hypothyroidism.
your three middle fingers to Obese clients often report
palpate skin texture. dry, itchy skin.
Palpate to assess thickness. If Skin is normally thin Very thin skin may be
lesions are noted when but calluses (rough, seen in clients with
assessing skin thickness, put thick sections of arterial insufficiency or in
gloves on and palpate the epidermis) are those on steroid therapy.
lesion between the thumb and common on areas of
finger. Observe for drainage or the body that are
other characteristics. exposed to constant
Assessment Procedure Normal Findings Abnormal Findings
Palpate to detect edema. Skin rebounds and does Indentations on the skin
Use your thumbs to not remain indented may vary from slight to
press down on the skin when pressure is great and may be in one
of the feet or ankles to released. area or all over the body.
check for edema
(swelling related to
accumulation of fluid in
the tissue).
Assessment Normal Findings Abnormal Findings
Have the client remove Natural hair color, as opposed to Nutritional deficiencies may cause patchy
any hair clips, hair pins, chemically colored hair, varies gray hair in some clients. Severe
or wigs. Then inspect the among clients from pale blond to malnutrition in African-American children
scalp and hair for general black to gray or white. The color is may cause a copper-red hair color (Andrews
color and condition. determined by the amount of & Boyle, 1999).
melanin present.
African-American children usually have
hair that is curlier and coarser than white
Tufts of hair over spine may indicate spina
bifida occulta.
Assessment Normal Findings Abnormal Findings
At 1-inch intervals, Scalp is clean and dry. Excessive scaliness may indicate
separate the hair from the Sparse dandruff may be dermatitis. Raised lesions may indicate
scalp and inspect and visible. Hair is smooth and infections or tumor growth. Dull, dry hair
palpate the hair and scalp firm, somewhat elastic. may be seen with hypothyroidism and
for cleanliness, dryness However, as people age, malnutrition. Poor hygiene may indicate
or oiliness, parasites, and hair feels coarser and a need for client teaching or assistance
lesions. Wear gloves if drier. with activities of daily living. Pustules
lesions are suspected or with hair loss in patches are seen in
if hygiene is poor tinea capitis, a contagious fungal
disease. Infections of the hair follicle
(folliculitis) appear as pustules
surrounded by erythema.
Individuals of black African descent often have very dry
scalps and dry, fragile hair, which the client may condition
with oil or a petroleum jelly-like product. (This kind of hair is
of genetic origin and not related to thyroid disorders or
nutrition. Such hair needs to be handled very gently.)
Assessment Normal Findings Abnormal Findings
Inspect amount Varying amounts of Excessive generalized hair loss may occur with
and distribution of terminal hair cover the infection, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal
scalp, body, scalp, axillary, body, disorders, thyroid or liver disease, drug toxicity,
axillae, and pubic and pubic areas hepatic or renal failure (Sabbagh, 1999). It may
hair. Look for according to normal also result from chemotherapy or radiation
unusual growth gender distribution. therapy. Patchy hair loss may result from
elsewhere on the Fine vellus hair covers infections of the scalp, discoid or systemic lupus
body. the entire body except erythematosus, and some types of
for the soles, palms, chemotherapy.
lips, and nipples. Hirsutism (facial hair on females) is a
Normal male pattern characteristic of Cushing’s disease and results
balding is symmetric. from an imbalance of adrenal hormones or it
may be a side effect of steroids.
Older clients have thinner hair because of a
decrease in hair follicles. Pubic, axillary, and
body hair also decrease with aging. Alopecia is
seen, especially in men. Hair loss occurs from
the periphery of the scalp and moves to the
center. Elderly women may have terminal hair
growth on the chin owing to hormonal changes.
Assessment Normal Findings Abnormal Findings
Inspect nail Nails are clean Dirty, broken, or jagged fingernails may
grooming and and manicured. be seen with poor hygiene. They may
cleanliness. also result from the client’s hobby or
Inspect nail Pink tones should Pale or cyanotic nails may indicate
color and be seen. Some hypoxia or anemia. Splinter
markings. longitudinal ridging hemorrhages may be caused by
is normal. trauma. Beau’s lines occur after acute
illness and eventually grow out. Yellow
discoloration may be seen in fungal
infections or psoriasis. Nail pitting is
also common in psoriasis
Dark-skinned children have deeper nail
pigment. Nails extend to end of fingers or
beyond; are well-formed.
Blue nailbeds indicate cyanosis. Yellow
nailbeds indicate jaundice. Blue-black
nailbeds suggest a nailbed hemorrhage.
Dark-skinned clients may have
freckles or pigmented streaks in
their nails.
Assessment Normal Findings Abnormal Findings
Inspect shape There is normally a Early clubbing (180-degree angle with
of nails. 160-degree angle spongy sensation) and late clubbing
between the nail (greater than 180-degree angle) can
base and the skin. occur from hypoxia. Spoon nails
(concave) may be present with iron
deficiency anemia
Assessment Procedure Normal Findings Abnormal Findings