Isolation and Purification of Organic Compounds
Isolation and Purification of Organic Compounds
Isolation and Purification of Organic Compounds
Organic Compounds
Dr. Ralph C. Gatrone
Department of Chemistry and Physics
Virginia State University
Fall, 2008 1
Melting and Boiling Points
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Based upon relative solubility between two
immiscible solvents
Useful for:
– Removing interferences
– Concentrating species
– Obtaining measurable amounts of material
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Separation of a component from a mixture
by means of a solvent
Separatory funnel and shaking two
immiscible solvents
Desired component is more soluble in the
extracting solvent
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Separatory Funnel
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Distribution Coefficient
Defined as
Kd = concentration of solute in solvent A
concentration of solute in solvent B
Quantitative description the relative solubility
Assumes ideal behavior
Solvent A has density greater than or less
than one
Solvent B has density equal to one
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Multiple Extractions
It is not always possible to remove a
substance on single extraction
Increase volume of solvent
Use multiple extractions
More efficient method
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Separation of a solid compound from
impurities by differences in solubilities
Solubility varies with temperature
Majority of compounds have greater
solubility in hot solvents than cold
Critical aspect is choice of solvent
Generally a trial and error process
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Solvent Properties
Polarity – like dissolves like
High dielectric constants dissolve more
polar compounds
(the dielectric constant is a relative measure
of how polar a solvent is –
– Water: 80 at 20o C
– Hexane: 1.89 at 20o C
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Melting and Boiling Points
Melting Point
Solids – finite vapor pressure
As T increases the vapor pressure increases
At the mp – solid and liquid are at equilibrium
solid liquid
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Melting Points
Physical characteristic
Generally reproducible
Presence of trace impurities depresses mp
Pure compounds melt over 0.5 to 2 degrees
Impure compounds have larger ranges
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Boiling Points
vapor pressure of liquid and gas phases are equal
bp is dependent upon pressure
pressure and boiling point are recorded
100.3 degrees at -285’ (1.01atm)
100.0 degrees at 0’ (1.00atm)
93 degrees at 7520’ (0.75atm)
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Boiling Points
Polar compounds have higher bp than non-polar
Increasing MW increases bp (constant polarity)
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bp of mixtures dependent upon mole fraction of
component present
moles A
mole fraction A =
moles A + moles B
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Simple Distillation
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Fractional Distillation
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Simple Fractional
Simple setup Complicated setup
Fast process Slow process
Consumes less E Energy intensive
Poorer separation Better separation
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Constant boiling liquid mixtures
Cannot be purified further by distillation
95.6% EtOH + 4.4% HOH: bp = 78.2 o
Vapor composition is the same as the liquid
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Vacuum Distillation
Boiling point is dependent upon pressure
As pressure is reduced the bp reduces
Can distill high boiling organics by reducing
the pressure - vacuum distillation
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Vacuum Distillation
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Oil Lubrica
Vacuum Pump
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Steam Distillation
co-distillation with water
two components are immiscible
each exerts separate full vapor pressure
total vapor pressure = total vapor pressure
T is always less than bp of water
application in flavor and fragrance industries
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Evaporation generally requires melting
Some substances evaporate from solid state
Iodine, carbon dioxide
High vapor pressures below mp
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Purification by Sublimation
Vaporize without melting
Vaporizes without decomposition
Vapor condenses to solid
Impurities present do not sublime
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Thin-Layer (TLC)
Gas-Liquid (GC)
Liquid (LC)
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Developed in early 1900’s
Mikhail Semenovich Tsvet
Distribution of a substance between two phases
Stationary phase
Mobile phase
Affinity for stationary phase versus
Solubility in mobile phase
Adsorption onto stationary phase
Desorption into mobile phase
Equilibrium process – partitions between two phases
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Thin-Layer Chromatography
Developed in late 1950’s
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Stationary phase
glass or plastic plates coated with thin layer
of adsorbent
Silica gel, alumina, cellulose
Mobile phase
Solvent or mixture of solvents
Determined by sample polarity
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Gas-Liquid Chromatography
Analysis of volatile organic liquids
Quick and easy method
Separates very complex mixtures
Compounds must have high vapor pressure
Known samples must be available for
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1952 by A. Martin and R. Synge
Stationary Phase
Non-volative liquid
Packed column – coated on solid support
Capillary column – thin film coated on
capillary tube
Mobile phase
Inert gas (He or N2)
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Sample is injected
Heated injection port
Vaporized into gas
Components are partitioned between gas
and stationary phase
Equilibrium depends upon
Temperature, gas flow rate, solubility in
stationary phase
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Packed Columns
Interior diameter = 2 – 4 mm
Length = 2 – 3 m
Coating = 0.05 – 1 micrometer
Capillary Columns
Interior diameter = 0.25 – 0.5 mm
Length = 10 – 100 m
Coating = 0.1 – 5 micrometer
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Stationary Phase
Liquid phase is most efficient when it is
similar to the material being separated
Non-polar phases for non-polar compounds
Polar phases for polar compounds
Most be cognizant of temperature range
Many types available
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Senses material present
Converts into electrical signal
Thermal conductivity
Flame ionization
Mass selective
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Thermal Conductivity
Heat loss is related to gas composition
Hot filament generates electrical signal
Constant in flow of He gas
Sample causes change in electrical signal
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Flame Ionization
More sensitive
Non-flammable samples are not detected
Carrier gas is mixed with hydrogen
Sample is burned producing ions
These alter electrical output generating a
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Liquid Chromatography
High Performance
Separate mixtures of low volatility
Useful for nanogram to multi gram quantities
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Column Chromatography
Vertical glass column
Stationary phase
– Silica gel
– Alumina
– Reverse phase
Elution solvents
– Generally made progressively more polar
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Flash Chromatography
Gravity elution is time consuming
Gas pressure is applied to push eluent
through column
Silica gel of much smaller pore size is used
More efficient separations are obtained
Gas pressure controls eluent flow rate
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Faster more efficient separations
Stationary phases – 3 – 10 microns
Increased surface area
Enhanced separation and sensitivity
Flow restrictions are managed using
pressures of 1000 – 6000 psi
Flows of 1 – 2 mL per minute
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HPLC Detectors
UV Detectors
– Fixed wavelength
– Multi-wavelength
– Diode Array
Electrochemical conductivity
Refractive index
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Refractive Index
Bulk property
Changes in Rf by solute in the eluent
Developed in 1942
Limited sensitivity
Useful for compounds that
– Do not fluoresce
– Do not absorb uv
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Rf Schematic
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Light is emitted by molecule excited by
electromagnetic radiation
Release of light stops on removal of source
Release of light is immediate
Release is delayed
Release continues after removal of source
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Greater sensitivity to sample concentration
Lesser sensitivity to instrument instability
– Measured against low light background
Very few compounds fluoresce
Primarily compounds from food, drugs, and
dyes have this property
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UV Detectors
Compounds respond to light in 180 – 350 nm
Contains pi electrons, lone pairs of electrons,
carbonyls, etc.
Very sensitive
Relationship based upon Beer’s Law
Fixed – single wavelength lamp; Hg at 254nm
– Inexpensive
– Somewhat sensitive
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Schematic of Fixed Wavelength
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UV Detectors
Multi-wavelength Detector
Light source releases light over a range of
Deuterium or Xenon lamps are used
– Dispersion and diode array
– Dispersion detectors are almost not sold
– Diode array is most common
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Dispersion UV Detectors
Light is dispersed before it enters cell
Fluorescent compounds disrupt detection
Generally not a problem, but must be
Response is a function the intensity of the
transmitted light
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Schematic of Dispersive Cell
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Diode Array
Deuterium lamp
Light from all wavelengths is passed through the
cell and dispersed over an array of diodes
Light is continuously monitored by all diodes
Fluorescence is still a concern
Output from any diode may be looked at
Sensitivity is a little less than fixed wavelength
More than adequate
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Schematic of Diode Array
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