Bahasa Inggris Kelompok 4

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Bahasa Inggris
untuk Guru SD

PDGK 4304

Present By Group 4
The Member is :
1. Desi
2. Nisa
3. Zuhruf
4. Laya
Unit 1 Shopping for Food : Supermarket
will present by Desi and Nisa

Unit 2 Shopping for Foor : Traditional Market

will present by Zuhruf

Unit 3 At the Restaurant

will present by Laya

Unit 1
Kalimat tanya ?
where can you buy it ?
Where can you buy meat ?
Where can i buy meat ?
Where is the meat ?

it is on the meat department.
it is in the meat department.
Bagian-bagian supermarket :

a. Bakery section ( bagian roti / produk kue yang dipesan )

b. Dairy section ( bagian kebutuhan sehari-hari)
c. Produce section ( bagian sayuran )
d. Meat department ( bagian daging )

Snack Section (Bagian makanan ringan)

Seafood Section (Bagian ikan segar)
Canned Foods Section (Bagian makanan kaleng)
Beverages Section (Bagian minuman kaleng)
Frozen Food Section (Bagian makanan beku)
House Hold Items Section (Bagian alat rumah tangga)
Healty & Beauty Section (Bagian produk kecantikan)
Bread Section (Bagian produk roti yang dikemas)
Condimentes Section (Bagian bumbu)
Stationary section (Bagian alat tulis dll)

Adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk membandingkan

atau menyamakan satu hal dengan yang lain.

Degree Comparison ada 3 macam

1. Positive Degree
2. Comparative Degree
3. Superlative Degree
1. Positive Degree
we use positive degree to compare something to
another. Where the comparison thing are same in common.

Frist Compare Thing + tobe + as + Adjective + as + Secon Comparison Thing

Example :
Orange is nice
Orange is as nice as grape
Onion is cheap
Onion is as cheap as garlic
2. Comparative Degree
we use comparative degree if the thing compare, one is consider
more than the other.

a. One Syllable (Satu Suku Kata)

RUMUS : Pb. 1 + tobe + Adjective + er + than + Pb. 2

Example :
Apple is small
Apple is smaller than melon
Melon is big
Melon is bigger than apple
Kata sifat yang terdiri dari satu suku kata, dan Ada beberapa kata sifat yang tidak bisa diubah
berakhir pada konsonan, maka kata terakhirnya kedalam bentuk comperative dan superlative yaitu
diulangi. kata Good
Misalnya : Karena bentuknya akan seperti :
Fat – Fatter Good – Better – Best
Big – Bigger Baik – Lebih Baik – Palig Baik

Kata sifat yang berakhir pada suku kata yang

berakhiran y ,
Maka berubah menjadi i kemudian ditambah er
Misalnya :
Happy – Happier
Lazy – Lazier
Tasty - Tastier
b. More Than One Syllable

Pb. 1 + tobe + more + Adjective + than + Pb. 2

Example :
Meat is expensive
Meat is more expensive than fruit

Fruit is delicious
Fruit is more delicious than vegetables
3. Superlative Degree
we use superlative if the thing compare, one is
consider most than the other thing in a same kind.

a. One Syllable
Pb. 1 + tobe + the +Adjective + est + Pb. 2

Example :
Orange is nice
Orange is the nicest of all
Orange is the nicest fruit
Pineaple is the tastiest fruit
b. More Than One Syllable
Pb. 1 + tobe + the + most + Adjective + Pb. 2

Example :

Meat is expensive
Meat is the most expensive of all

Fruit is delicious
Fruit is the most delicious of all
Number One Syllable More Than One Syllable Information

1 Orange is nice Beef is expensive Bentuk Asal

2 Orange is as nice as grape Beef is as expensive as vegetables Positive

3 Orange is nicer than apple Beef is more expensive than vegetables Comparative

4 Orange is the nicest Beef is the most expensive of all Superlative

Latihan 4
Latihan 5
A Kilo Of ........

Unit 1
Ada beberapa ukuran benda yang tidak bisa dihutung (uncountable noun) maka kita bisa
menggunakan jumlah takarannya misalnya, kilo, liter, meter, sebotol, satu gelas dan

Perhitungan satuan jumlah ukuran dapat dilaukan sebagai berikut

Contoh :
A kilo of sugar ( 1 Kg Gula )
A bottle of ketchup ( sebotol kecap)
A slice of bread (seiris roti)
A loaf of bread (sepotong roti)
A bar of chocolate ( sebatang coklat)
A cup of coffe (
A litter of milk (satu liter susu)
A box of milk ( satu boks susu)
An once of garlic
A package of cigerrate
A can of sardine (satu kaleng sarden)
A spoonful of coffee (satu dendok makan kopi)
A teaspoonful of salt (satu sendok teh garam)
A bunch of spinach (seikat bayam)

– A kilo of sugar ( 1 Kg Gula ) – Two kilos of sugar ( 2 Kg Gula )

– A bottle of ketchup ( sebotol kecap) – five bottles of ketchup ( 5 botol kecap)
– A slice of bread (seiris roti) – three slices of bread (3 iris roti)
– A loaf of bread (sepotong roti) – four loafs of bread (4 potong roti)
– A bar of chocolate ( sebatang coklat) – two bars of chocolate ( 2 batang coklat)
– A cup of coffe ( – ten cups of coffe (
– A litter of milk (satu liter susu) – Four litters of milk (4 liter susu)
– A glass of milk ( satu gelas susu) – two glasses of milk ( 2 gelas susu)
– An once of garlic – Eight ounces of garlic
– A package of cigerrate – package of cigerrate
– A can of sardine (satu kaleng sarden) – Two cans of sardine (2 kaleng sarden)
– A spoonful of coffee (satu dendok makan kopi) – six spoonfuls of coffee (6 dendok makan kopi)
– A teaspoonful of salt (satu sendok teh garam) – five teaspoonfuls of salt (5sendok teh garam)
– A bunch of spinach (seikat bayam) – Two bunchs of spinach (2 ikat bayam)
Mengungkapkan ukuran benda
yang akan dibeli.
How Much sugar would you like ?
(berapa banyak gula yang kamu inginkan)

I would like a kilo of sugar

(saya menginginkan satu kilogram gula)

I would like two kilos of sugar

(saya menginginkan 2 kilogram gula)
Ungkapan lain bisa dengan
menggunakan kalmat :
Could you give me two bars of chocolate, please ?
Can you give me a spoonfuls of sugar, please ?
Could I have a bunch of spinach, please ?
I need two cans of sardine could you give them ?
Kita bisa menjawabnya dengan :
Here they are.
Certainly, here they are.
OK. Here it is.
OK. Is that all ?
Unit 2

Shopping for Food :

Traditional Market
Traditional market

Dalam pelajaran ini dharapkan dapat menanyakan dan

menawar harga barang, untuk mendukung
kemampuan berbelanja serta membedakan countable
and uncountable noun yang berhubungan dengan
makanan serta kemampuan menggynakan indefinite
pronouns seperti a lot of, many, or several yang tentu
berhubungan dengn makanan.
Much and Many

o Much
digunakan untuk kata benda yang tidak bisa dihitung
( Uncountable noun ).

o Many
digunakan untuk kata benda dapat dihitung (
Countable noun ).
Countable noun

 Orange
 Apple
 Egg
 Potato
 Tomato
 Kiwi
 Pear
 Manggo
Uncountable noun

 Water
 Milk
 Rice
 Meat
 Tea
 Sugar
 Money
 chocolate
How much

Kata tanya yang digunakan utuk menanyakan

harga yaitu “ how much” . Berikut kata kata
untuk menanyakan harga suatu barang :
How much is that/ this for?
How much does that cost?
How much are these/ those?
Unit 3

At the Restaurant
Tujuan yang akan dicapai dalam
unit ini:

 Mampu menggunakan ungkapan untuk memesan menu breakfast, lunch, atau

dinner di restosan.
 Menawarkan makanan atau minuman kepada oranglain
 Mampu menjawab pertanyaan pemahaman berdasarkan wacana sederhana.
Dialogue at the restaurant

 Dialogue 1  Dialogue 3
Guest: Have you got a table for two? Waiter: May I take your order,
Waiter: Yes, Sir. Over here, by the please?
window. Guest: Yes I would like spaghetti.
 Dialogue 2 Waiter: What would you like to
Guest: May I see the menu, please? drink?

Waiter: Here you are. I’ll be back in a Guest: Tea without sugar, please.
minute to take your order.
Guest: Thank you.
Grammar focus

I’ll = I will => I’ll be back, I’ll see you, I’ll take your order
I’d like = I would like => I’d like some egg salad
May I => May I see a menu? May I take your order?
Could you => Could you give me more coffee?

I’ll = singkatan dari I will

May I + infinitive tanpa to…..? Permintaan yang sopan
Could you + infinitive tanpa to…..? Permintaan yang sopan
Have you got + noun? Permintaan yang sopan

1. Untuk memesan tempat di restoran

Have you got a table for two?
2. Memesan makanan atau minuman di restoran
May I see the menu, please.
have more coffee, please.
have tea without sugar, please.
I’d like some fried eggs, please
a cup of tea, please.
Coffee, please.
3. Waiters restaurant dalam melayani tamu
a. What would you like to eat?
to drink?
for dessert?
b. May I take your order, please?
4. Pola-pola kalimat permintaan
- Could you give me some more coffee?
- Could you bring me some tomato-juice?
5. Pola-pola kalimat penawaran
- Would you like some coffee?
- Would you like something to drink?


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