LEGO Therapy

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LEGO© Therapy

An overview of the aims and


By Ioanna Boura
Windmill Center Manager
Millbank Academy
March 2016
 What is LEGO© therapy?

 Skills practiced

 Who is LEGO© therapy for?

 How does LEGO© therapy help?

 How does LEGO© therapy work?

 Session plan

 Difficulties and support needed

 Lets build!!!
What is LEGO© therapy?
 LEGO© therapy is a collaborative play
therapy in which children work together to
build LEGO© models

 Instead of building LEGO© sets by

themselves, children work in pairs or
teams of 3 or 4

 The task of LEGO© building is divided into

different roles such that social intervention
is necessary to participate
Skills practiced
 The LEGO© Group provides a motivating
environment in which to practice skills such as:
 sharing
 taking turns
 following social rules
 listening to instructions
 verbal and non-verbal communication
 not always getting your own way!

 Children may also be chosen to take part in

LEGO© Group as positive role models to their
Who is LEGO© therapy for?
 LEGO© therapy was initially developed for
children with autism spectrum disorder

 However, it has also been found to be

helpful for children with other language or
social communication difficulties, anxiety
disorders (including social phobia),
depression, or adjustment difficulties.
How does LEGO© therapy help?
 LEGO© therapy is a skill building

 It assumes that as children practice

their co-operative functioning, self
regulation, and problem solving, their
underpinning social and behavioural
deficits are replaced by more
adaptive behaviours
How does LEGO© therapy work?
 Within the groups of 3 you have the:
 Engineer  this person will describe the
 Supplier  who finds the correct pieces
 Builder who listens to the Engineer to
assemble the pieces
 After sometime the group will swap
roles, allowing each member a chance
at communicating in a different way
Session plan
 LEGO© Club Schedule:
 Rules and jobs  Children to be introduced to
rules of group and allocation of roles
 Build Together  Following the LEGO©
 LEGO points  To reflect on children’s positive
contribution and skills development
 LEGO play  To reward children for their
 Back to class  To give children sense of
completion and plan carry over new skills into
their classroom
Difficulties and Support
 Children may need help to wait and listen. Prompt
them with rules of the group and what they need to do
within their specific roles.
 Giving clear instructions can be difficult. Support
the child by using visual to help describe pieces and
construction requirements.
 Follow the order of construction by using the
LEGO© guide and not following the child’s lead.
 Rotate the roles so children all get a turn at carrying
out each of the functions.
 Use visuals to help the child reflect on their skills and
successes. Ask the other children in the group to also
give praise.
 Set goals for the classroom based on an achievement
in the group so the child is motivated to carry this out!
Let’s Build!!!
Welcome to LEGO© Club…
Any questions?

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