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Different Designs

of Irrigation
1. SURFACE IRRIGATION water is applied to the field in
either the controlled or uncontrolled manner.
Surface irrigation is consist of:
1.1 Furrow system

A. Furrow Irrigation by B. Furrow Irrigation with

Cutting the Ridge Siphons
The Major Design Considerations in Surface Irrigation Include:

1.Storing the readily available moisture in the root zone, if

2.Obtaining as uniform water application as possible;
3.Minimizing soil erosion by applying non-errosive streams;
4.Minimizing runoff at the end of the furrow by using a re-use
system r a cut-back stream;
5.Minimizing labor requirements by having good land preparation,
6.Good design and experienced labor and
7.Facilitating use of machinery for land preparation, cultivation,
furrowing, harvesting etc.
1.2 Border Irrigation System

1. In border irrigation, controlled surface flooding is practiced whereby the field is

divided up into two trips by parallel ridges or dikes and each strip is irrigated
separately by introducing water upstream and it progressively covers the entires
2. Border irrigation is suited for crops that can withstand flooding for a short time e.g.
3. It can be used for all crops provided that the system is designated to provide the
needed water control for irrigation of crops.
4. It is suited to soils between extremely high and very low infiltration rates
5. In border irrigation, water is applied slowly.
6. The root zone is applied with water gradually down the field.
7. At a time, the application flow is cut-off to reduce water loses.
8. Ideally, there is no runoff and deep percolation.
9. The problem is that the time to cut off the inflow is difficult to determine.
Design Parameters of Border Irrigation System

a) Strip width: Cross slopes must be eliminated by levelling.

Since there are no furrows to restrict lateral movement, any
cross slope will make water move down one side leading to poor
application efficiency and possibly erosion
- The stream size available should also be considered in choosing
a strip width.
- The size should be enough to allow complete lateral spreading
throughout the length f the strip.
- The width of the strip for a given water supply is a function of
the length.
- The strip width should be atleast bigger than the size of
vehicle tract for contruction where applicable.

b) Strip Slope: Longitudinal slopes should be almost same

as for the furrow irrigation.

c) Construction of Levees: Levees should be big enough

to withstand erosion, and of sufficient height to contain
the irrigation stream.

d) Selection of the Advance Stream: The maximum
advance stream used should be non-erosive and
therefore depends on the protection afforded by the
crop cover. Clay soils are less susceptible to erosion
but suffer surface panning at high water velocities.
Table 3.4 gives the maximum flows recommendable
for bare soils.

e) The Length of the Strip: The ideal lengths can be

obtained by field tests.
1.3 Basin Irrigation System
1.In basin irrigation, water is flooded in wider areas. It is ideal
for irrigationg rice.
2.The area is normally flat.
3.In basin irrigation, a very high stream size is introduced into
the basin so that rapid movement of water is obatined.
4.Water does not infiltrate a lot initially.
5.At the end, close the water inlet to avoid water loss in the
6.The opportunity time difference between the upward and
the downward ends are reduced.
The size of basin is related to stream size and soil type.
Suggested basin areas for different soil types and rates of
water flow


l/s m^3 / hr HECTARES

30 108 0.02 0.06 0.12 0.2

60 216 0.04 0.12 0.24 0.40
90 324 0.06 0.18 0.36 0.60
120 432 0.08 0.24 0.48 0.80
150 540 0.10 0.30 0.60 1.00
180 648 0.12 0.36 0.72 1.20
210 756 0.14 0.42 0.84 1.40
240 864 0.16 0.48 0.96 1.60
300 1080 0.20 0.60 1.20 2.00
NOTE: The size of basin for clays is 10 times that of sand
as the infiltration rate for clay is low leading to higher
irrigation time. The size of basin also increases as the
flow rate increases. The table is only guide and practical
values from an area shoul be relied upon. There is need
for field evaluation.

The sprinkler system is ideal in areas where water is scarce.

A sprinkler system conveys water through pipes and applies
it with a minimum amount of loses.
- Water is applied in form of sprays sometimes stimulating
natural rainfall.
- The difference is that this can be controlled in duration and
- If well-planned, design and operated, it can be used in
sloping land to reduce erosion where other systems are not
Components of a Sprinkler Irrigation System
Types of Conventional Sprinkler Sytem
a) Fully portable system: The laterals, mains, sub-mains
and the pumping plant are all portable
The system is designed to be moved from one field to
another or other pumping sites that are in the same field
b) Semi-portable system: Water source and pumping plant
are fixed in location. Other components can be moved.
The system cannot be moved from field to field or from
farm to farm except when more than one fixed pumping
plant is used.
c) Fully permanent system: Permanent laterals, mains,
sub-mains awell as fixed pumping plant. Sometimes
laterals and manlines may be buried. The sprikler may be
permanently located or moved along the lateral. It can be
used on permanent irrigation fields and for relatively high
vale crops e. g. Orchards and vineyards.
Labor savings throughout the life of the system may later
offset high installation cost.
a. Water is applied directly to the crop ie. entire field is
not wetted.
b. Water is conserved.
c. Weeds are controlled because only the places getting
water can grow weeds.
d. There is low pressure system.
e. There is slow rate of water application somewhat
matching the consumptive use. Application rate can be as
low as 1 - 12 l/hr.
f. There is reduced evaporation, ony potential transpiration is
g. There is no need for drainage system.

Components of a Drip Irrigation Sytem

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