Osteo Arthritis and Inflammatory Arthritis: DR - Yanto Budiman. SP - Rad, M.Kes Bagian Radiologi FK/RS. Atma Jaya

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Osteo arthritis and inflammatory


Dr.Yanto Budiman. Sp.Rad, M.Kes

Bagian Radiologi FK/RS. Atma Jaya
• Divided into 2 class
– Degenerative join disease (Osteoarthritis)
– Inflammatory join disease (Rheumatoid
arthritis, Gout, Psoriasis athritis, spondylitis
Angkylosing, etc.)
Imaging modality for arthritic disease

• Plain films - cortical bone changes such as

erosions / osteophytes.
• USG -evaluating articular cartilage-
inflammation, erosions
• Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)- early
changes such as cartilage thinning, early
marrow edema, or synovial inflammation
Osteo Arthritis
• Predilection : major weight bearing joints (
hip and knee), PIP, DIP of hand, wrist
involvement at the base of the thumb in a
trapezocentric distribution. MTP 1st
• unilateral and asymetric distribution.
• Sign of plain radiograph :
– Osteophytes, *in hand - Heberden’s nodes
(DIP), Bouchard’s nodes (PIP)
– narrowing of joint space,
– bone sclerosis,
– subchondral cysts
OA hand Plain radiograph of the finger
shows both Heberden’s node ( arrow ) and
Bouchard’s node ( arrowhead )
MRI-Non-invasive cartilage
assessment ( Cartigram )
MRI :defect of the cartilage in the medial facet of the
patela, subchondral edema, and a large joint

• Knee-MRI T1 Coronal plane , showing small

osteophyte and loss of cartilage in medial femorotibial
Rheumatoid Arthritis
• inflammatory joint condition –usually
billateral and simetrical

• Most common inflammatory arthritis, 1% of

the population, 2-3:1 female to male ratio,
peak incidence between ages 40 to 60

• Onset usually insidious over months

• Plain radiograph finding :
– Marginal erosions and subchondral cysts
– Joint space narrowing due to destruction of the
articular surface
– Osteoporosis that can be generalized or focal
– Boutonnière deformity, Swan-neck deformity,
Hitchhiker thumb deformity, Hitchhiker thumb
deformity. Opera-glass hand. Hammer-toe
– Predilection : the carpal/tarsal, carpometacarpal
phalangeal, and proximal interphalangeal joints
. rare for the distal interphalangeal joints to be
affected. In spine : C1-2
– Subluxations and mal-alignments at the MCP
and MTP joints are typical. The subluxations
tend to deviate the phalanges in the ulnar
RA- Joints Commonly Involved
MCP 1st and 4th Narrowing joints space

Marginal Erosion

Rheumatoid Arthritis – marginal Erosion
• RA- shows multiple erosion in carpals bones- Plain
radiograph and MRI
RA hip joints - symmetric

Sela sendi menyempit merata

Osteoporosis juxta-artikular

Rheumatoid arthritis
a. Classical RA sign : marginal
eosions, joint space narrowing
and osteoporosis
b. Boutonniere deformity
c. Hitchhiker thumb deformity



Ankylosing Spondylitis

• (Marie–Strümpell Disease)
• a chronic, progressive infl ammatory
disease of unknown origin that affects the
axial skeleton (vertebral column plus the
pelvis), and is characterized by bilateral
sacroiliitis, stiffness of the axial joints
(ankylosis), and syndesmophytes formation.
• 3:1 male to female ratio
• Plain radiograph finding
– Sacroiliitis involvement (90 % billateral)
– Vertebral bodies squaring ( caused by
– Syndesmophytes (ossifications of the annulus fi
brosus–longitudinal ligament complex as a
healing process after enthesitis.)
– Dagger sign, Trolley track sign

a. b.

• Anteroposterior plain radiograph of the hip of a patient,

a. Early AS, shows Sacroileitis, b. advanced ankylosing
spondylitis (AS) shows complete sclerosis of the
sacroiliac joints bilaterally ( arrowheads )
Ankylosing spondylitis: lumbar vertebrae,
bamboo spine
• Anteroposterior plain
radiograph of the thoracic
vertebrae shows the dagger
Gout Arthritis
• hyperuricemia with deposition of uric acid
monocrystals in the synovial fluid
inflammation  arthritis
• Clasically involves first MTP joint. ( more
than one joint may be involved- hand, feet,
• Radiograph finding
– Gout erosion : "overhanging margin," with a rim of
eroded cortex hanging over a soft tissue density
called a "tophus."
Gout Arthritis

Gout Arthritis
• Tophi in MTP 1st –
shows overhanging
Psoriatic Arthritis
• Associated with psoriasis
• Tends to involve DIP of both hands, involve
multiple joints of single hand, single ray
• No/minimal osteoporosis, marginal
erosions, periosteal reaction, intraarticular
osseous excrescences
• Plain radiograph findings
– Osteoporosis is mild or absent
– Bony erosions
– Pencil and cup deformity
– Sausage fingers or toes, Ivory phalanx
Psoriatic Arthritis
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
• Autoimmune disease  autoantibodies and
immune complexes damage organs, tissue
and cells.
• Musculo sceletal manifestation :
polyarthritis, Joint deformities (hands and
feet) occur in (10%) no evidence of bone
or joint destruction, Myositis.
Classifitcation Criteria for theDiagnosis of SLE
Malar Rash Fixed erythema, flat or raised, over the malar eminences
Discoid rash Erythematous circular raised patches with adherent keratotic scaling and
follicular plugging
Photosensitivity Exposure to ultraviolet light causes rash
Oral ulcers Oral and pharyngeal ulcers
Arthritis Non-erosive arthritis of two or more peripheral joints, with
tenderness, swellling or effusion
Serositis Pleuritis or pericarditis
Renal disorder Proteinuri > .5g/dL or ≥ 3+, or cellular casts
Neurologic disorder Seizures or psychosis without other causes
Hematologic disorder Hemolytic anemia, leukopenia, trombocytopenia
Immunologic disorder Anti ds.DNA, anti-Sm, and/or anti phospholipid
Anti nuclear antibodies Abnormal titer of ANA
Systemic Sclerosis
• Scleroderma
• chronic systemic autoimmune diseases
characterized by fibrosis (or hardening),
vascular alterations, and autoantibodies.
• Musculosceletal : polyarthritis (fingers and
knees) , myositis, resorption of bone (
phalanges, ribs, clavicle, angle of mandible)
Sign on plain radiograph :
• subcutaneous soft tissue calcification
• Shortening and resorption of distal phalanges.
• resemble to rheumatoid arthritis

Calcinosis and Acroosteolysis

• Thank You

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