Animal Welfare Board of India (Awbi)
Animal Welfare Board of India (Awbi)
Animal Welfare Board of India (Awbi)
• The animal welfare board of India is a advisory body advising the
government of India .
• Established under section 4 of The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Act, 1960. in the year 1962.
• First chairperson – Rukmini Devi Arundale.
• Earlier within the jurisdiction of the Government of India’s ministry of
Food and Agriculture.
• In 1990, prevention of cruelty to Animals was transferred to The
Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate change.
• It recommended the government to create a committee to control
and supervise experiments on animals.
• As a result CPCSEA ( committee for the purpose of control and
supervision of experiments on animals) was created by the
• Also involved in passing the Performing Animal Rules,2001 which was
later amended in the year 2005.
• Headquarters in Chennai.
• Board consists of 28 members .
• They serve for a period of three years.
• The board includes,
chairman –1
vice chairman –1
Inspectors general of forests –1
Animal Husbandry Commissioner –1
Rep. of Ministry of Home affairs –1
Rep. of Ministry of HRD –1
MP’s lok sabha –4
MP’s rajya sabha –2
Individuals –3
Humanitarians –3
SPCAs –3
AWOs –3
Rep. of Indian Board of Wildlife –1
Rep. of Indian veterinary Assn. –1
Rep. of Indian Medicine –1
Rep. of Allopathic Medicine –1
Municipal Corporations –2
• Members as per XVII board as on 11.12.2017
• Chairman – shri. S.P. Gupta, I.A.S.
• Inspectors general of forests – shri. Soumitra Dasgupta, I.F.S.
• Animal Husbandry commissioner – Dr Suresh S. honnappagol
• Rep. of Ministry of HRD – Ms. Ishita Roy
• Secretary – shri. Ravikumar, I.F.S.
• To keep the law in force in India for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
under constant study and to advise the government on the amendments to
be undertaken in any such law.
• To advise the Central Government on the making of rules under the Act
with a view to preventing unnecessary pain or suffering to animals
generally, and more particularly when they are being transported from one
place to another or when they are used as performing animals or when
they are kept in captivity or confinement.
• To advise the Government or any local authority or other person in the
design of slaughter houses or the maintenance of slaughter houses or in
connection with slaughter of animals so that unnecessary pain or suffering,
whether physical or mental, is eliminated in the pre- slaughter stages as far
as possible, and animals are killed, wherever necessary, in as humane a
manner as possible
• To take all such steps as the Board may think fit to ensure that
unwanted animals are destroyed by local authorities, whenever it is
necessary to do so, either instantaneously or after being rendered
insensible to pain or suffering.
• To encourage by the grant of financial assistance or otherwise, the
formation or establishment of rescue homes, animals shelters,
sanctuaries and the like, where animals and birds may find a shelter
when they have become old and useless or when they need
• To give financial assistance and other assistance to Animal Welfare
Organisations functioning in any local area or to encourage the formation
of Animal Welfare Organisations in any local area which shall work under
the general supervision and guidance of the Board.
• To impart education inrelation to thehumanetreatment of animals and to
encourage the formation of public opinion against the infliction of
unnecessary pain or suffering to animals and for the promotion of animal
welfare by means of lectures books, posters, cinematographic exhibitions
and the like.
• To advise the Government on any matter connected with animal welfare or
the Prevention of infliction of unnecessary pain or suffering on animals.
• The Board grants recognition to the newly started Animal Welfare
Organisations (AWOs). For which the AWO has to submit the
registration certificate under the Societies Registration Act or Trust
Act, Audited Statement of Accounts and Annual Reports for the last
three years, two copies of Memorandum of Association/Bye-laws and
Animal Welfare Activities Report.
• The AWO has to agree to nominate a representative of the AWBI on
its Managing/Executive Committee and also for regular inspection of
its functioning. The new organizations are inspected by Board
Members/authorized Inspection Agencies and if the inspection report
is satisfactory, then they are considered for grant of recognition.
• One of the most important functions of the Board is to provide
financial assistance to the recognised Animal Welfare
Organisations(AWOs). The applications in the prescribed format
received from the AWOs are scrutinized and eligible applications are
placed before the Board for sanction of grant. Financial Assistance is
released in two instalments after obtaining audited statement of
accounts and utilisation certificate for the earlier grants and
satisfactory Inspection reports. The Board provides financial
assistance to AWOs under various schemes viz. Regular Grant, Cattle
Rescue Grant, Provision of Shelter House for looking after the
Animals, Animal Birth Control (ABC) Programme, Provision of
Ambulance for the animals in distress and Natural Calamity grant.
• Applicants who are applying for registration /permission for films/ AD
films/TV Serials/Pet Shows etc should enclose a copy of Identity Card
of the Applicant (Company ID Card) and for the owner of the animal
(Voter ID Card/PAN Card/any ID proof) as proof of Identity of the
Applicant and the owner of the animal.
• The applicants shall intimate about use of computer
graphics/dummy/animation of animals' performance with details of
such scenes at the time of seeking pre-shoot permission itself. They
shall also furnish an affidavit in a Rs.20/- stamp paper about the
specific scenes of animals shown in computer
graphics/dummy/animation while applying for NOC.
• While forwarding NOC application, 2 CDs containing actual animal
scenes (including computer graphics/animated/dummy) which are
going to be shown in the final film shall be sent. If computer
graphics/animation/dummy scenes are used, then a CD containing
the rushes/making of the computer graphics/animation/dummy
scenes shall also be sent.
• In case of Serials, please furnish the Episode Number and date of
telecast in Television and Channel Name. (This is mandatory).
• The applicants while submitting the CDs/DVDs for approval, wherever
computer graphics animals scenes are used, has to submit the
CDs/DVDs with scroll message in English and regional language that
no animal(s) was harmed during the shooting of the film and that
“Computer Graphics/Animation/stock footage” was used for the
animals. CDs/DVDs without this message will not be considered. The
message submitted to the Board in the CDs/DVDs should be also
shown in the main part of the film.
• The applications received for inclusion of additional animals in the
film/Ad film/TVS etc after issue of permission by the Board, must be
accompanied by an application form along with a DD for Rs.500/- for
each such application, seeking pre-shoot permission from the Board.
• The applicants who wish to use elephants as performing animals shall
furnish the copies of the records and registers that an owner has to
maintain in respect of the Elephant owned by him along with the
Transportation certificate/permit issued by the Chief Wildlife Warden of
the State for transporting the Elephant in state (wherever interstate
transportation is involved copy of the NOC of the other state should also be
furnished) as per the directions given in the “Guidelines of the Care and
Management of Elephants dated 8.1.2008 issued by the Ministry of
Environment & Forests, Project Elephant”. These records shall be furnished
by the applicant after obtaining same from the owner for a minimum
period of six months before the date of application.
• Pre shoot permission
• Post shoot permission
• NOC 2018