Unit - 3: Training and Devlopment
Unit - 3: Training and Devlopment
Unit - 3: Training and Devlopment
Traditional Approach –
Most of the organizations before never used to
believe in Training. They were holding the
traditional view that managers are born and not
made. There were also some views that training is a
very costly affair and not worth. Organizations used
to believe more in executive pinching. But now the
scenario seems to be changing.
• The modern approach of training and
development is that Indian Organizations
have realized the importance of corporate
training. Training is now considered as more
of retention tool than a cost. The training
system in Indian Industry has been changed
to create a smarter workforce and yield the
best results
• Training and development is important to
ensure that people continue to learn skills, etc.
to help the company be successful. Employee
training is a learning experience that seeks a
relatively permanent change in employees
such that their ability to perform at their
current job improves. This may mean
changing what employees know, how they
work, or their attitudes toward their jobs, co-
workers, managers, and the organization.
• The principal objective of training and
development division is to make sure the
availability of a skilled and willing workforce
to an organization.
• In addition to that, there are four other
objectives: Individual, Organizational,
Functional, and Societal.
• Individual Objectives – help employees
in achieving their personal goals, which in
turn, enhances the individual contribution
to an organization.
1) Sometimes short-sited
2) Limited accumulation of knowledge/skills
3) Only limited number of trainees
4) Quality depending on trainers’ ability
5) Reliance between trainers and trainees
Group Training
Strong Points of Group Training
1) Training by professional trainers
2) Training more participants at the same time
3) Systematic training contents
4) Choice of necessary training courses
5) Exchange of information by participants
How to collect needs of (potential) participants
1) Questionnaire for participants
Right after the whole training course finished
Asking about good and bad points, future
training needs, etc.