To Study Role of Earthworm in Increasing Soil
To Study Role of Earthworm in Increasing Soil
To Study Role of Earthworm in Increasing Soil
• Zoology Book
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• Internet
• An extensive review was done to collect
information about the role of earthworms in soil
fertility and factors affecting their population
dynamics. The collected information was
arranged systematically for easy understanding
of the subject matter.
The literature was collected from journal articles,
proceedings, reports, books, thesis works,
online internet etc.
• Environmental factors :
Several environmental factors affect activity, population density, abundance and distribution
of earthworms. Soil organic matter content, soil type, soil moisture content, soil
temperature, soil pH are most critical factors that frequently regulate the earthworm
• Organic matter :-
Organic matter is the major food source of earthworms. Many researchers found a positive
correlation between soil organic matter content and earthworm number and biomass
• Soil type :-
The soil environments in which earthworms inhabit affect their abundance and distribution.
Soil texture affects earthworm populations since it influences other soil properties like
moisture, nutrients and CEC.
• Moisture :-
Earthworms generally require adequate moisture for their proper growth and development.
Water constitutes about 75-90% body weight of earthworms.
• Soil pH:-
Earthworms are very sensitive to soil pH. Abundance, distribution and species
composition of earthworms are affected by soil pH.
• Earthworms are farmer’s friend because they mix the upper and lower soil
layers and doing so they bring the nutrients from lower soil layer to the
layer of root penetration from where plants can easily absorb the
nutrients. They improve soil fertility in a numbers of ways and thus are
important for higher soil productivity. But there are some environmental
factors that threat their population density and distribution. Faulty
agricultural practices like conventional tillage and indiscriminate use of
chemical fertilizers and pesticides are also responsible for decrease in
earthworm numbers in any system. The decline in soil fertility is thus a
result of decrease in earthworm number due to several factors. These
factors are described systematically in this review. But there are factors
that enhance earthworm numbers and soil fertility. Maintenance of soil
fertility for sustained production needs approaches that increase
earthworm’s activity. Therefore, this review was made to collect ideas
about factors that enhance earthworm activity and soil fertility. Input of
sufficient organic manures instead of chemical fertilizers with minimal
disturbances in soil can be adopted for optimum activity of earthworms in
soil for healthy and fertile soil.
• Earthworms play an important role in providing soil
fertility and improving soil physical properties,
especially that of soil structure. Earthworms are both a
measure of soil fertility and an indicator of soil
management practices. So the use of earthworms for
our benefit depends not only on the knowledge about
their activities but also on our awareness that how our
activities affect their abundance and distribution.
Cultivation, cropping, fertilizers and chemicals are four
main practices that influence earthworm populations