Distillation Column Design
Distillation Column Design
Distillation Column Design
⚫ Usually the SOL is the last line to draw, after both ROL and q-line are
drawn. Fixing the ROL and the q-line automatically fixes the SOL.
Effects of adverse Vapour Flow Conditions
Foaming :
⚫ expansion of liquid due to passage of vapour or gas
⚫leads to liquid buildup on trays
⚫In some cases foam may mix with liquid on the tray above
⚫separation efficiency is always reduced
Entrainment :
⚫liquid carried by vapour up to the tray above
⚫caused by high vapour flow rates
⚫efficiency is reduced
⚫lower volatile material is carried to a plate holding liquid of
higher volatility
⚫contaminate high purity distillate
Effects of adverse Vapour Flow Conditions
⚫This phenomenon is caused by low vapour flow
⚫ pressure exerted by the vapour is insufficient to hold up
the liquid on the tray
⚫liquid starts to leak through perforations
⚫Excessive weeping will lead to dumping
⚫liquid on all trays will crash (dump) through to the base of
the column and the column will have to be re-started
⚫Weeping is indicated by a sharp pressure drop in the
column and reduced separation efficiency
Effects of adverse Vapour Flow Conditions
⚫Flooding is brought about by excessive vapour flow,
causing liquid to be entrained in the vapour up the
⚫The increased pressure from excessive vapour also backs
up the liquid in the downcomer, causing an increase in
liquid holdup on the plate above.
⚫Depending on the degree of flooding, the maximum
capacity of the column may be severely reduced.
⚫Flooding is detected by sharp increases in column
differential pressure and significant decrease in separation
Choice b/w Tray and Packed column
⚫Plate column are designed to handle wide range of
liquid flow rates without flooding
⚫For large column heights, weight of the packed
column is more than plate column.
⚫Man holes will be provided for cleaning in tray
columns. In packed columns packing must be
removed before cleaning
⚫When large temperature changes are involved as in
the distillation operations tray column are often
⚫Random-Packed Column generally not designed with
the diameter larger than 1.5 m and diameters of
commercial tray column is seldom less than 0.67m
Reflux Ratio Analysis
Reflux Ratio Analysis
Analysis of Reflux Ratio Changes
⚫There is an inverse relationship between the reflux ratio
and the number of theoretical stages
Total Reflux Ratio
⚫ As R approaches infinity), the slope
approaches 1.0 and the intercept
apraoches Zero. The ROL (thus the
SOL as well) coincides with the 45o
diagonal line
⚫ The entire area between the
equilibrium curve and diagonal line
is used for separation, with the
largest possible driving force
⚫ In practice, the total reflux can be
achieved by reducing the feed to
zero, returning all the overhead
product back to the column as
reflux and reboiling all the bottoms
⚫ infinite reboiler heat duty and
condenser cooling capacity for a
given feed rate
Optimum Reflux Ratio
Optimum Reflux Ratio
⚫ At minimum reflux ratio, the fixed cost is infinite (due to infinite
number of stages required), but the operating cost is at a
minimum, because minimum amount of liquid is to be handled
(e.g. consuming lesser pump horsepower, lesser cooling capacity,
⚫ The total cost, which is the sum of fixed cost and operating cost,
must therefore passes through a minimum. The reflux ratio at this
minimum total cost is the optimum (or economical) reflux ratio.
Typically the optimum reflux ratio is approximately 1.2 to 1.5 times
Tray Efficiency
⚫Deviation from equilibrium due to :
⚫ Insufficient time of contact
⚫ Murphree Efficiency
Overall Efficiency
⚫Eo = No. of Theoretical Trays / No. of Actual Trays
⚫Intercept of ROL
0.80 / (5/3+1) = 0.30.
Solution CONTD…..
⚫From the graph plotted,
⚫ number of triangles = 15.
⚫ number of equilibrium stages required = 14 + 1 reboiler.
⚫ Optimum feed plate location = stage #13.
⚫Material Balance:
B = 1000 – D
⚫MVC Balance:
F xF = D xD + B xB
Substituting for B gives:
( 1000 ) ( 0.20 ) = ( D ) ( 0.80 ) + ( 1000 - D ) ( 0.02 )
Solving D = 230.77 kg-mole/hr
B = 769.23 kg-mole/hr
SOLN Contd……
Solution Analysis
⚫Rectifying Section has more trays (12) than the
Stripping Section (3). This is because the relative
volatility of ethanol decreases sharply with increase in
ethanol concentration.
⚫The relative volatility is very high initially, resulting in
fewer trays being required for separation in the
Stripping Section. As concentration of ethanol (mole
fraction) increases, the relative volatility drops
Calculation of Actual Number of Plates :
N = Nth / Tray Efficiency
Assuming Tray efficiency = 0.8
Nact in Rectification Section = 12/0.8 =15
Nact in Stripping Section = 3/0.8 = 3.75 ==4 stages
Total No. of trays required = 19
= 18 + 1 reboiler
New Feed Location = 16th Tray
Calculation of column diameter:
At the top:
Number of moles of vapor :
V= L + D = D(R + 1)
V = 230.77 (5/3 + 1) = 615.38 kmol/hr
Ideal gas behavior is assumed for the vapor.
Volumetric flow rate= (615.38)*0.082*371=18721.09
Vapor velocity=0.5m/s
Cross sectional area=18721.09/(3600*0.5)=10.40m2
Column diameter=(10.40*4/3.14) 0.5 = 3.64m
At the bottom:
Number of moles of vapor = 615.38 kmol/hr
Ideal gas behavior is assumed for the vapor.
Volumetric flow rate= (615.38)*0.082*398=20083.5m3/h.
Vapor velocity=0.5m/s
Cross sectional area=20083.5/(3600*0.5)=11.15m2
Column diameter=(11.15*4/3.14)0.5 = 3.77m
Column is designed for higher diameter, i.e, 3.77m
Column Height :
For column diameter > 1 m tray spacing b/w 0.3 to o.6 m
Choosing Tray Spacing = 0.5m
Column Height = (18 + 2) * 0.5
= 10 m
Pressure Drop Calculations: