Balance Score Card: Roshith CP 2017MBARG151
Balance Score Card: Roshith CP 2017MBARG151
Balance Score Card: Roshith CP 2017MBARG151
(iv) It must provide intelligence for decision makers, not just compiling
The balanced scorecard has evolved from its early use as a simple
performance measurement framework to a full strategic planning and
management system.
BSC shows how to link the organizational vision to critical success factors or
outcomes and key performance indicators , representing all perspectives of the
business. This compels the senior management team to operate as a unified
team, balancing competing objectives to achieve the optimum result for the
organization as a whole.
BSC expands the set of business unit objectives beyond summary financial
measures. Corporate executives can now measure how their business units
create value for customers and how they must enhance internal capabilities to
improve future performance.
BSC clearly reveals the value drivers for superior long term financial and
competitive performance created by skilled, motivated organizational
participants, while retaining the financial performance as a short term financial
The objectives and measures for BSC are more than just a somewhat ad hoc
collection of financial and non-financial performance measures, they are derived
from a top down process driven by the mission and strategy of the business unit.
BSC should translate a business unit’s mission and strategy into tangible
objectives and measures. The measures represent a balance between external
measures for shareholders and customers and internal measures of critical
business processes, innovation and learning ,growth.
Learning and growth metrics address the question of how the firm must
learn, improve, and innovate in order to meet its objectives. Much of this
perspective is employee-centered.
Break down organizational barriers:
To overcome unfounded fears about the perceived adverse effects of
performance measurement and improvement, the official uses of the BSC
need to be spelled out to employees and managers.
Other Key Steps:
• Demonstrate a clear need for improvement
• Make realistic initial attempts at implementation
• Integrate scorecard into the organization
• Change the corporate culture
• Institutionalize the process.
Performance Management:
It is the use of performance measurement information to effect positive
changes in organizational culture, system and processes, by helping to
set agreed upon performance goals, allocating and prioritizing resources,
informing managers to either confirm or change current policy or
programme directions to meet those goals, and sharing results of
performance in pursuing those goals.