Portfolio Management Process: Clases Cfa

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LOS 38.a: Describe the portfolio approach to investing.
 Modern portfolio theory concludes that the extra risk from holding
only a single security is not rewarded with higher expected
investment returns.
 Diversification allows an investor to reduce portfolio risk without
necessarily reducing the portfolio’s expected return.
 One measure of the benefits of diversification is the diversification
ratio. It is calculated as the ratio of the risk of an equally weighted
portfolio of n securities (measured by its standard deviation of
returns) to the risk of a single security selected at random from the n
 During periods of financial crisis, correlations tend to increase, which
reduces the benefits of diversification.
LOS 38.b: Describe types of investors and distinctive characteristics and
needs of each.
 Insurance companies invest customer premiums with the objective of
funding customer claims as they occur. Life insurance companies have
a relatively long-term investment horizon, while property and casualty
(P&C) insurers have a shorter investment horizon because claims are
expected to arise sooner than for life insurers.
 An endowment is a fund that is dedicated to providing financial support
on an ongoing basis for a specific purpose. For example, in the United
States, many universities have large endowment funds to support their
 Individual investors save and invest for a variety of reasons, including
purchasing a house or educating their children.
 The investment objective of a bank, simply put, is to earn more on the
bank’s loans and investments than the bank pays for deposits of various
 Sovereign wealth funds refer to pools of assets owned by a
 Investment companies manage the pooled funds of many investors.
Mutual funds manage these pooled funds in particular styles and restrict
their investments to particular subcategories of investments or particular
LOS 38.c: Describe defined contribution and defined benefit pension
 A defined contribution pension plan is a retirement plan in which the
firm contributes a sum each period to the employee’s retirement
account. The investment decisions are left to the employee, who
assumes all of the investment risk.
 In a defined benefit pension plan, the firm promises to make
periodic payments to employees after retirement. The benefit is
usually based on the employee’s years of service and the
employee’s compensation at, or near, retirement.
LOS 38.d: Describe the steps in the portfolio management process.
 Step 1: The planning step begins with an analysis of the investor’s risk tolerance,
return objectives, time horizon, tax exposure, liquidity needs, income needs, and
any unique circumstances or investor preferences. This analysis results in an
investment policy statement (IPS) that details the investor’s investment
objectives and constraints. It should also specify an objective benchmark (such
as an index return) against which the success of the portfolio management
process will be measured. The IPS should be updated at least every few years
and any time the investor’s objectives or constraints change significantly.
 Step 2: The execution step involves an analysis of the risk and return
characteristics of various asset classes to determine how funds will be allocated
to the various asset types. Often, in what is referred to as a top-down analysis, a
portfolio manager will examine current economic conditions and forecasts of
such macroeconomic variables as GDP growth, inflation, and interest rates, in
order to identify the asset classes that are most attractive.
 Step 3: The feedback step is the final step. Over time, investor circumstances will
change, risk and return characteristics of asset classes will change, and the
actual weights of the assets in the portfolio will change with asset prices. The
portfolio manager must monitor these changes and rebalance the portfolio
periodically in response, adjusting the allocations to the various asset classes
back to their desired percentages.

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