Pak Suzuki Motor

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Yermiah Munir (40213)

Mishma Nobel (40913)
 Pak Suzuki motors is a public based automobile company founded in
september 1983.

 The founder of company is MICHIO SUZUKI.

 The markets in which they operate are two segment that is

automobile and motorcycle.

 They have showrooms in almost different cities.

 Its competitor are Toyota, Honda, and Indusmotor Mehran.

 Vision
 Mission
 Strategic Goals
 Strategic plan
 Operational plan
 Long term
 Short term
 C.E.O

 M.D

 D.M.D




 H.O.Ds


 Functional

 Process

 Product

 customer
 Work Specialization: in every department skilled worker
are hired and to enhance their work specialization, employees are
trained within organization and also sending them to other
 Trade department
 General administration department
 Planning and finance department
 Sales management department
 Quality control department
 Product line department
 Finance department
 Audit department
 Human resource department
 Marketing management
 Strategic management department
 Product management department
 Research department
 S.M.C
 Fuctional heads
 Divisional heads
 H.O.Ds
 Sectional heads
 Leaders role is to understand the system and bring change with in
employees through their career development by understanding and
building less communciation gap.

 Pak Suzuki practice on Japanese motivation theory named kiazen

which mean is process of improving it could be improvement in any

 Pak Suzuki motors motivate their employees by motivational

speeches and daily/ monthly target.

 The criteria to apply for job in this company is multi tasking

individuals .

 Company provide job surety after provisional periods.

 democratic leadership bring the best out of the employees as
it promotes them to use their skills and talents and utilize
them in decision making.

 Democratic leadership adapts new methods are flexibility in

changing environment through new idea.

 But unfortunately the decision making process becomes slow

as every individual become part of it.
 It can control, monitor, improve and its position. Its is the techniques
process of verification whether all thing are working properly and
smoothly with the plan adopted, instructions given the rules established.

 That all the company resources are being used and working properly.

 A firm in coordinating and functioning well and majorly in planning its

future activities, plan , objectives, and various other activities and its
adopting new and better methods and daily techniques to bring about
the change in the current plan or way or working.

 Quality control

 Employee Evaluation
 we would like to conclude that pak suzuki motor
are doing well in pakistan and are leading the
market shareholder. They are doing their best to
provide best quality products.

 To increase their sales they shoulder come up with

new product line like more advanced hybrid cars.

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