Debt Markets
Debt Markets
Debt Markets
An introduction to the debt markets
Market Participants
Short term Instruments
Long term Instruments
The Government securities market has witnessed
significant changes during the past decade.
Introduction of an electronic screen based trading
system, dematerialized holding, straight through
processing, establishment of CCIL as the Central
Counterparty for guaranteed settlement, new
instruments and changes in the legal environment
are some of the major aspects that have contributed
to the rapid development of the market.
Major participants in the Government securities
market historically have been large institutional
investors. With the various measures for
development, the market has also witnessed the
entry of smaller entities such as co-operative banks,
small pension and other funds etc. These entities
are mandated to invest in Government securities
through respective regulations.
What are Financial Markets?
A market is where buyers and sellers meet to
exchange goods, services, money, or anything of
In a financial market, the buyers are investors or
lenders: the sellers are issuers or borrowers. An
investor/lender can be a government, an individual,
company or any entity that has surplus funds.
An issuer/borrower is an entity that has a need for
capital. Each investor and issuer is active in a market
that meets its needs.
Needs are based on many factors, including a time
horizon (short/long term), cost/return preference
and type of capital (debt or equity).
What is a Security
Securityis a generic term that refers to a debt or
equity IOU issued by a borrower or issuer.
Debt security or bond – an IOU promising periodic
payments of interest and/or principal from a claim
on the issuer's earnings.
Equity or stock – an IOU promising a share in the
ownership and profits of the issuer.
Types of Financial Markets
Money markets
Capital markets
Types of Financial Markets
Money Markets : Money markets trade short-
term, marketable, liquid, low-risk debt securities.
These securities are often called "cash equivalents"
because of their safety and liquidity. The liquidity
of a market refers to the ease with which an
investor can sell securities and receive cash.
A market with many active investors and few
ownership regulations usually is a liquid market; a
market with relatively few investors, only a few
securities, and many regulations concerning security
ownership is probably less liquid.
Types of Financial Markets
Capital Markets: Capital markets trade in longer-
term, more risky securities. There are three general
subsets of capital markets- bond (or debt) markets,
equity markets and derivatives markets.
Debt markets specialize in the buying and selling
of debt securities.
Types of Financial Markets
Reverse Repo
It is the rate at which RBI borrows from banks.
It is currently at 5.75 %.
As an alternative to the call money market, CCIL
has developed CBLO, a money market instrument
recognized by RBI.
It is an instrument which is issued at a discount and
in electronic book entry form, for initial maturities
ranging from one day to one year.
CBLO rates are generally comparable to market
repo rates, both being secured transactions.
Promissory notes of the central government and
therefore qualify as being free of credit risks.
Issued to meet short term funding requirements of
the government account with Reserve Bank.
Sale is by auction. Any individual, corporate, bank,
primary dealer or other entity is free to buy T-Bill.
Denominations of 91, 182 and 364 days.
Promissory notes issued by the corporate sector for
raising short term funds and is sold at a discount to face
Maturity can range between a minimum of 7 days and a
maximum of 1 year.
CPs are required to be rated and the minimum rating
eligibility is P2.
Every CP issue has an Issuing and Paying Agent (IPA),
which has to be a scheduled bank.
Stamp duty is payable on CP issues, depending on the
maturity and who the initial buyer is.
Itis similar to CPs except that the issuer is a bank.
The minimum amount of a CD can be Rs. 1 lakh
and maturity will range between 7 days and 1 year.
Financial Institutions can issue CDs only for
maturities between 1 and 3 years.
The RBI introduced the Bills Market Scheme (BMS)
in 1952 which was later modified into the New Bills
Market Scheme (NBMS).
Under this scheme commercial banks can
rediscount the bills which were originally discounted
by them with approved institutions (viz.,
Commercial Banks, Development Financial
Institutions, Mutual Funds, Primary Dealers etc.)
CRR is the amount of funds that the banks have to
keep with RBI. If RBI decides to increase this %,
the available amount with the banks comes down.
RBI increases the CRR to drain out the excessive
money from the banks. It is currently at 4.00 %.
A SLR is the percentage of net time and demand
liabilities banks have to invest in government bonds
and other approved securities.
It is currently at 21.50 %. RBI is empowered to
increase the ratio up to 40 %.
Pass Through Certificates
They are fixed-income securities that represent an
undivided interest in a pool of federally insured
mortgages put together by the Government
National Mortgage Association.
Mortgage-backed certificates are the most common
type of pass-through, where homeowners' payments
pass from the original bank through a government
agency or investment bank to investors.
Interest Rate Swaps
A swap is defined as “a financial transaction in
which two counterparties agree to exchange streams
of payments, or cash flows, overtime” on the basis
agreed at the inception of the contract.
Interest payment streams of differing character, on
an agreed, or notional, principal, are periodically
Interest Rate Options (IRO)
Its an agreement between two parties in which one
grants the other, the right to buy (call option) or sell
(put option) an asset under specified conditions
(price, time) and assumes the obligation to buy/sell.
The party who has the right, but not the obligation,
is the buyer of the option, and pays a fee, or
premium, to the writer or seller of the option.
The asset could be a currency, bond, interest rate,
share, commodity or a futures contract.
No IRO in the INR market at present.
Government of India dated securities (G-SECS)
Inflation Linked Bonds
Zero Coupon Bonds
State Government Securities (State Loans)
Public Sector Undertaking Bonds (PSU Bonds)
Corporate Debentures
Bonds of Public Financial Institutions (PFIs)
Government of India dated securities (G-SECs)
G-SECs are issued by RBI on behalf of the Indian
Government. They form a part of the borrowing
program approved by Parliament in the Finance Bill
each year (Union Budget).
They have maturity ranging from 1 year to 30 years.
G-SECs are issued through the auction route. The
RBI pre specifies an approximate amount of dated
securities that it intends to issue through the year.
These are bonds for which the coupon payment in a
particular period is linked to the inflation rate at that
time-the base coupon rate is fixed with the inflation
rate (consumer price index-CPI) being added to it to
arrive at the total coupon rate.
Investors are hesitant to invest in longer dated
securities due to uncertainty of future interest rates.
The idea behind these bonds is to make them
attractive to investors by removing the uncertainty
of future inflation rates, thereby maintaining the real
value of their invested capital.
Zero coupon bonds
These are bonds for which there is no coupon
payment. They are issued at a discount to face value
with the discount providing the implicit interest
payment. In effect, these can be construed as long
duration T-Bills or as bonds with cumulative interest
State Government Securities (State Loans)
These are issued by the respective state
governments but the RBI coordinates the actual
process of selling these securities. Each state is
allowed to issue securities up to a certain limit each
year. State Government issue such securities to fund
their developmental projects and finance their
budgetary deficits.
These are long term debt instruments issued by
(PSUs). The term usually denotes bonds issued by
the central PSUs (i.e. PSUs funded by and under the
administrative control of the GOI).
The issuance of these bonds began in a big way in
the late eighties when the central government
stopped/reduced funding to PSUs through the
general budget.
They have maturities ranging between 5-10 years
and they are issued in denominations (face value) of
Rs.1,000 each.
Most of these issues are made on a private
placement basis to a targeted investor base at market
determined interest rates.
These PSU bonds are transferable by endorsement
and delivery and no tax is deductible at source on
the interest coupons payable to the investor (TDS
Apart from Public Sector Undertakings, Public
Financial Institutions (PFIs)are also allowed to issue
bonds, that too in much higher quantum.
PFIs issue bonds in two ways - through public
issues targeted at retail investors and trusts and
through private placements to institutional investors.
Usually, transfers of the former type of bonds are
exempt from stamp duty while only part of the
bonds issued privately have this facility.
On an incremental basis, bonds of PFIs are second
only to G-SECs in value of issuance.
Corporate debentures are long term debt
instruments issued by private sector companies.
They are issued in denominations as low as Rs.1,000
and have maturities ranging between one and ten
Long maturity debentures are rarely issued, as
investors are not comfortable with such maturities.
Generally, debentures are less liquid as compared to
PSU bonds and the liquidity is inversely
proportional to the residual maturity.
A key feature that distinguishes debentures from bonds
is the stamp duty payment.
Debenture stamp duty is a state subject and the
quantum of incidence varies from state to state.
There are two kinds of stamp duties levied on
debentures viz. issuance and transfer.
Issuance stamp duty is paid in the state where the
principal mortgage deed is registered. Over the years,
issuance stamp duties have been coming down and are
reasonably uniform.
Stamp duty on transfer is paid to the state in which the
registered office of the company is located. Transfer
stamp duty remains high in many states and is probably
the biggest deterrent for trading in debentures resulting
in lack of liquidity.