Recruitment: Pallavi Tyagi
Recruitment: Pallavi Tyagi
Recruitment: Pallavi Tyagi
{ Pallavi Tyagi
Process of attracting individuals on
a timely basis, in sufficient
numbers, with appropriate
qualifications, and encouraging
them to apply for jobs with an
External Environment
Internal Environment
Human Resource Planning
Alternatives to Recruitment
Employee Requisition
Recruited Individuals
Economic factors
Social factors
Technological factors
Political factors
Legal factors
Process (External
Image of the organization.
Nature of the Job (Attractive or Unattractive).
Conservative Internal Policies.
Budget supporting Recruitment.
Process (Internal
Overtime: Short term fluctuations in work volume could
best be solved through overtime. The employer benefits
because the costs of recruitment, selection and training
could be avoided. The employee benefits in the form of
higher pay. However, an overworked employee may
prove to be less productive and turn out less than optimal
performance. Employees may slow down their pace of
work during normal working hours in order to earn
overtime daily. In course of time, overtime payments
become quite routine and if, for any reason, these
payments do not accrue regularly, employees become
resentful and disgruntled.
Process (Alternatives to
Temporary employees: Employees hired for a limited time to
perform a specific job are called temporary employees. They are
particularly useful in meeting short term human resource needs.
A short term increase in demand could be met by hiring
temporary hands from agencies specializing in providing such
services. It’s a big business idea in United States these days ($3-$4
billion industry). In this case the firm can avoid the expenses of
recruitment and the painful effects of absenteeism, labor
turnover, etc. It can also avoid fringe benefits associated with
regular employment. However, temporary workers do not
remain loyal to the company; they may take more time to adjust
and their inexperience may come in the way of maintaining high
Process (Alternatives to
Employee leasing: Hiring permanent employees of another
company who possess certain specialized skills on lease
basis to meet short-term requirements – although not
popular in India – is another recruiting practice followed by
firms in developed countries. In this case, individuals work
for the leasing firm as per the leasing
agreement/arrangement. Such an arrangement is beneficial
to small firms because it avoids expense and problems of
personnel administration.
Process (Alternatives to
Outsourcing: Any activity in which a firm lacks internal
expertise and requires on unbiased opinion can be
outsourced. Many businesses have started looking at
outsourcing activities relating to recruitment, training,
payroll processing, surveys, benchmark studies, statutory
compliance etc., more closely, because they do not have the
time or expertise to deal with the situation. HR heads are no
longer keeping activities like resume management and
candidate sourcing in their daily scrutiny. This function is
more commonly outsourced when firms are in seasonal
business and have cyclical stuffing needs.
Process (Alternatives to
Recruitment sources: Place where
qualified individuals are found
Recruitment methods: Means by which
recruit employees:
Internal and External
(i) Economical: The cost of recruiting (i) Limited choice: The organization is
internal candidates is minimal. No forced to select candidates from a limited
expenses are incurred on pool. It may have to sacrifice quality and
advertising. settle for less qualified candidates.
(ii) Suitable: The organization can (ii) Inbreeding: It discourages entry of
pick the right candidates having the talented people, available outside an
requisite skills. The candidates can organization. Existing employees may fail
choose a right vacancy where their to behave in innovative ways and inject
talents can be fully utilized. necessary dynamism to enterprise
(iii) Reliable: The organization has (iii) Inefficiency: Promotions based on length
knowledge about the suitability of a of service rather than merit, may prove to
candidate for a position. ‘Known be a blessing for inefficient candidates.
devils are better than unknown They do not work hard and prove their
angels!’. worth.
(iv) Satisfying: A policy of preferring (iv) Bone of contention: Recruitment from
people from within offers regular within may lead to infighting among
promotional avenues for employees. employees aspiring for limited, higher-level
It motivates them to work hard and positions in an organization. As years roll
earn promotions. They will work with by, the race for premium positions may
loyalty, commitment and enthusiasm. end up on a bitter note.
Employee databases
Job Posting (Also referred as
Job Bidding
Employee Referrals
Process (Internal
External Sources: External Sources is the
potential workforce that lie outside the
Wide choice: The organization has the Expensive: Hiring costs could go up
freedom to select candidates from a substantially. Tapping multifarious sources
large pool. Persons with requisite of recruitment is not an easy task, either.
qualifications could be picked up.
Injection of fresh blood: People with Time consuming: It takes time to
special skills and knowledge could be advertise, screen, to test and to select
hired to stir up the existing employees suitable employees. Where suitable ones
and pave the way for innovative ways of are not available, the process has to be
working. repeated.
Motivational force: It helps in Demotivating: Existing employees who
motivating internal employees to work have put in considerable service may
hard and compete with external resist the process of filling up vacancies
candidates while seeking career growth. from outside. The feeling that their
Such a competitive atmosphere would services have not been recognized by the
help an employee to work to the best of organization, forces them to work with less
his abilities. enthusiasm and motivation.
Long term benefits: Talented people Uncertainty: There is no guarantee that
could join the ranks, new ideas could find the organization, ultimately, will be able to
meaningful expression, a competitive hire the services of suitable candidates. It
atmosphere would compel people to give may end up hiring someone who does not
of their best and earn rewards, etc. ‘fit’ and who may not be able to adjust in
the new set-up.
Direct Methods Indirect Methods Third Party Methods
Campus Placement Newspaper Ads Private Employment
Search Firms
Television and Radio Employment
Ads Exchanges
Gate Hiring and
Unsolicited Applicants
and Walk-ins
Internet Recruiting
Head Hunters
Employee Poaching
Process (External
Employee Branding: It is all about influencing the behavior of
organization members. Employee branding is the practice of
‘aligning’ an employee’s behavior and often the employee’s
point of view with the image that the organization wants to
project to its customers and eternal stakeholders.
E-Recruitment: Job portals like Naukari,LinkedIn, Monster
and Shine enable recruiter to reach out to a large candidates.
This source is widely used for entry level and mid-level
HR Analytics:Human resource analytics (HR analytics) is an
area in the field of analytics that refers to applying analytic
processes to the human resource department of an
organization in the hope of improving employee performance
and therefore getting a better return on investment.
New Approaches to
Time Lapse Data: They show the time lag
between the date of requisition for
manpower supply from a department to
the actual date of filling the vacancies in
that department
Evaluation of Sources of
Yield Ratio: They show the number of
contacts required to generate a given
number of hires at a point of time. They
usually express the relationship of
applicant inputs and outputs at various
decision points.
Evaluation of Sources of
Yield Ratio