Theory of Metal Cutting: Submitted To MR. GURPREET SINGH Submitted by

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 Submitted to MR. GURPREET SINGH

 Submitted by:
1. Overview of Machining Technology
2. Theory of Chip Formation in Metal Machining
3. Force Relationships and the Merchant Equation
4. Cutting Temperature
Material Removal Processes
 A family of shaping operations, the common feature
of which is removal of material from a starting work
part so the remaining part has the desired geometry
 Machining – material removal by a sharp cutting tool,
e.g., turning, milling, drilling
 Abrasive processes – material removal by hard,
abrasive particles, e.g., grinding
 Nontraditional processes - various energy forms other
than sharp cutting tool to remove material
The family tree
of material

 Cutting action involves shear deformation of work material to

form a chip, and as chip is removed, new surface is exposed: (a)
positive and (b) negative rake tools
Why Machining is Important
 Variety of work materials can be machined
 Most frequently used to cut metals
 Variety of part shapes and special geometric features
 Screw threads
 Accurate round holes
 Very straight edges and surfaces
 Good dimensional accuracy and surface finish
Disadvantages of Machining
 Wasteful of material
 Chips generated in machining are wasted material
 Time consuming
 A machining operation generally takes longer to shape a
given part than alternative shaping processes
Machining in the
Manufacturing Sequence
 Generally performed after other basic
manufacturing processes, such as casting, forging,
and bar drawing
 Other processes create the general shape of the
starting work part
 Machining provides the final shape, dimensions,
finish, and special geometric details that other
processes cannot create
Machining Operations
 Most important machining operations:
 Turning
 Drilling
 Milling
 Other machining operations:
 Shaping and planing
 Broaching
 Sawing

 Single point cutting tool removes material from a

rotating workpiece to form a cylindrical shape

 Used to create a round

hole, usually by means
of a rotating tool (drill
bit) with two cutting

 Rotating multiple-cutting-edge tool is moved across

work to cut a plane or straight surface
 Two forms: peripheral milling (left) and face milling
Cutting Tool Classification
1. Single-Point Tools
 One dominant cutting edge
 Point is usually rounded to form a nose radius
 Turning uses single point tools
2. Multiple Cutting Edge Tools
 More than one cutting edge
 Motion relative to work achieved by rotating
 Drilling and milling use rotating multiple cutting edge
Cutting Tools
 (a) Single-point tool showing rake face, flank, and tool point;
and (b) a helical milling cutter, representative of tools with
multiple cutting edges
Cutting Conditions in
 Three dimensions of a machining process
 Cutting speed v – primary motion
 Feed f – secondary motion
 Depth of cut d – penetration of tool below original work
 For certain operations (e.g., turning), material removal
rate RMR can be computed as
RMR = v f d
Cutting Conditions in Turning
 Speed, feed, and depth of cut in a turning operation
Roughing vs. Finishing Cuts
 In production, several roughing cuts are usually taken
on a part, followed by one or two finishing cuts
 Roughing - removes large amounts of material from
starting work part
 Some material remains for finish cutting
 High feeds and depths, low speeds
 Finishing - completes part geometry
 Final dimensions, tolerances, and finish
 Low feeds and depths, high cutting speeds
Machine Tool
 A power-driven machine that performs a machining
operation, including grinding
 Functions in machining:
 Holds work part
 Positions tool relative to work
 Provides power at speed, feed, and depth that have been set
 The term also applies to machines that perform metal
forming operations
Orthogonal Cutting Model

 Simplified 2-D model of machining that describes

the mechanics of machining fairly accurately
Chip Thickness Ratio
r 

where r = chip thickness ratio; to = thickness of

the chip prior to chip formation; and tc = chip
thickness after separation
 Chip thickness after cut is always greater than
before, so chip ratio is always less than 1.0
Determining Shear Plane Angle
 Based on the geometric parameters of the
orthogonal model, the shear plane angle  can be
determined as:
r cos 
tan  
1  r sin

where r = chip ratio, and  = rake angle

Actual Chip Formation
 More realistic view of
chip formation,
showing shear zone
rather than shear
 Also shown is the
secondary shear zone
resulting from
tool-chip friction
Difference b/w orthogonal and oblique cutting
Four Basic Types of Chip in
1. Discontinuous chip
2. Continuous chip
3. Continuous chip with Built-up Edge (BUE)
Discontinuous Chip
 Brittle work materials
 Low cutting speeds
 Large feed and depth of
 High tool-chip friction
Continuous Chip
 Ductile work materials
 High cutting speeds
 Small feeds and depths
 Sharp cutting edge
 Low tool-chip friction
Continuous with BUE

 Ductile materials
 Low-to-medium cutting
 Tool-chip friction causes
portions of chip to adhere
to rake face
 BUE forms, then breaks
off, cyclically
Forces Acting on Chip

 (a) Friction force F and Normal force to friction N

 (b) Shear force Fs and Normal force to shear Fn
Resultant Forces
 Vector addition of F and N = resultant R
 Vector addition of Fs and Fn = resultant R'
 Forces acting on the chip must be in balance:
 R' must be equal in magnitude to R
 R’ must be opposite in direction to R
 R’ must be collinear with R
Coefficient of Friction
 Coefficient of friction between tool and chip
 Friction angle related to coefficient of friction as

  tan 
Shear Stress
 Shear stress acting along the shear plane

where As = area of the shear plane
t ow
As 
sin 
 Shear stress  = shear strength S of work material
during cutting
Cutting Force and Thrust Force

 F, N, Fs, and Fn
cannot be directly
 Forces acting on
the tool that can be
measured: Cutting
force Fc and Thrust
force Ft
Forces in Metal Cutting
 Equations to relate the forces that cannot be measured
to the forces that can be measured:
F = Fc sin + Ft cos
N = Fc cos - Ft sin
Fs = Fc cos - Ft sin
Fn = Fc sin + Ft cos
 Based on these calculated force, shear stress and
coefficient of friction can be determined
The Merchant Equation
 Of all the possible angles at which shear
deformation can occur, the work material will
select a shear plane angle  that minimizes energy
 
  45  
2 2
 Derived by Eugene Merchant
 Based on orthogonal cutting, but validity extends to
3-D machining
What the Merchant Equation Tells
 
  45  
2 2

 To increase shear plane angle

 Increase the rake angle
 Reduce the friction angle (or reduce the coefficient
of friction)
Effect of Higher Shear Plane

 Higher shear plane angle means smaller shear plane

which means lower shear force, cutting forces, power,
and temperature
Cutting Temperature
 Approximately 98% of the energy in machining is
converted into heat
 This can cause temperatures to be very high at the
 The remaining energy (about 2%) is retained as elastic
energy in the chip
Cutting Temperatures are
 High cutting temperatures result in the following:
 Reduce tool life
 Produce hot chips that pose safety hazards to the
machine operator
 Can cause inaccuracies in part dimensions due to
thermal expansion of work material

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