Grey Partridge

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• Submitted To= Dr.

• Submitted By= Muhammad Saleem Ullah
• Roll No=AGB-15- 01 (A)
• Topic= Grey Partridge
• Course Code= FRW-201
• Semester= 3rd (Summer)
• Faculty= Agriculture
• Ghazi University Dera Ghazi Khan
• Kingdom = Animalia
• Phylum = Chordata
• Class = Aves
• Order = Galliformes
• Family = Phasianidae
• Genus = Perdix
• Scientific Name = Perdix perdix
 It looks like a stray pigeon from a distance.
 Size = Grows to 28 to 32 cm in length.
 Shape = It is roundish in shape.
 Weight = Both sexes weigh 390-400 gm.
 Color = The belly is white in color and is
marked with horse shoe marks in both the
 Wingspan = It stretches up to 46 cm. The wings
are round shape.
 Bill = The bird possesses a thick but short bill.
 Eyes = Their eyes are brown and are
surrounded by faint, red eye ring.
 Tail = Partridge has short neck and tail.
 They are also known as English and Hungarian
partridge. This species of birds are mostly seen
in areas covered with tussocky grass margins.
 It has 8 sub-species which are;
 P.p. amoricana
 P.p. canescens
 P.p. hispaniensis
 P.p. italica
 P.p. lucida
 P.p. perdix
 P.p. robusta
 P.p. sphagnetorum.
 This specie of game-bird were introduced from
 Decrease in cereal production resulted in their
decline. The decline was so serious that in 1930
wild birds from abroad were released and
prohibiting the shooting was introduced.
 It was from year 1933, that increase in their
growth rate was seen.
 This species of birds had colonised areas in
Ireland where they was unknown some 20
years back.
 This particular species of bird breeds on
farmland across Europe,Asia,North
America,Canada and United States.
 They are usually non-native species and were
introduced to North America.
 Now they are seen in almost all parts of the
 Grey partridge are mainly sedentary.
 Some of them migrate and that also because of
unsuitable weather conditions.
o They prefer residing in cultivated areas,steppes
as well as grasslands in temperate zones.
o They actually need ground cover such as
shrubby areas and hedgerows from where they
flush when being disturbed.
o They love wandering in open areas and has
also adopted to the changes for agricultural
 ?

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