Grey Partridge
Grey Partridge
Grey Partridge
• Submitted By= Muhammad Saleem Ullah
• Roll No=AGB-15- 01 (A)
• Topic= Grey Partridge
• Course Code= FRW-201
• Semester= 3rd (Summer)
• Faculty= Agriculture
• Ghazi University Dera Ghazi Khan
• Kingdom = Animalia
• Phylum = Chordata
• Class = Aves
• Order = Galliformes
• Family = Phasianidae
• Genus = Perdix
• Scientific Name = Perdix perdix
It looks like a stray pigeon from a distance.
Size = Grows to 28 to 32 cm in length.
Shape = It is roundish in shape.
Weight = Both sexes weigh 390-400 gm.
Color = The belly is white in color and is
marked with horse shoe marks in both the
Wingspan = It stretches up to 46 cm. The wings
are round shape.
Bill = The bird possesses a thick but short bill.
Eyes = Their eyes are brown and are
surrounded by faint, red eye ring.
Tail = Partridge has short neck and tail.
They are also known as English and Hungarian
partridge. This species of birds are mostly seen
in areas covered with tussocky grass margins.
It has 8 sub-species which are;
P.p. amoricana
P.p. canescens
P.p. hispaniensis
P.p. italica
P.p. lucida
P.p. perdix
P.p. robusta
P.p. sphagnetorum.
This specie of game-bird were introduced from
Decrease in cereal production resulted in their
decline. The decline was so serious that in 1930
wild birds from abroad were released and
prohibiting the shooting was introduced.
It was from year 1933, that increase in their
growth rate was seen.
This species of birds had colonised areas in
Ireland where they was unknown some 20
years back.
This particular species of bird breeds on
farmland across Europe,Asia,North
America,Canada and United States.
They are usually non-native species and were
introduced to North America.
Now they are seen in almost all parts of the
Grey partridge are mainly sedentary.
Some of them migrate and that also because of
unsuitable weather conditions.
o They prefer residing in cultivated areas,steppes
as well as grasslands in temperate zones.
o They actually need ground cover such as
shrubby areas and hedgerows from where they
flush when being disturbed.
o They love wandering in open areas and has
also adopted to the changes for agricultural