Managing Human Resource
Managing Human Resource
Managing Human Resource
Gilang Ramadhan, SST., M.Sc
Why Is HRM Important?
• First, it can be a significant source of
competitive advantage as various studies have
• Second, HRM is an important part of
organizational strategies
• Finally, the way organizations treat their
people has been found to significantly impact
organizational performance
External Factors That Affect the HRM
• The economy’s effect on HRM
• Employee labor unions
• Legal environment of HRM
• Demographic trends
HRM Process
Human Resource Planning
• Human resource planning is the process by
which managers ensure that they have the
right number and kinds of capable people in
the right places and at the right times
• Current assessment
• Meeting future HR needs
• Job Analysis, an assessment that defines a job
and the behaviors
• Job Description is a written statement describing
a job— typically job content, environment, and
conditions of employment necessary to perform
• Job Specification states the minimum
qualifications that a person must possess to
successfully perform a given job. It identifies the
knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to do the
job effectively
Recruitment and Decruitment
• Recruitment—that is, locating, identifying,
and attracting capable applicants
• Decruitment, Reducing an organization’s
Decruitment Options
• Selection, Screening job applicants to ensure
that the most appropriate candidates are
• Selection involves predicting which applicants
will be successful if hired
Selection Decision Outcomes
Selection Tools
• Orientation, Introducing a new employee to his
or her job and the organization
• Work unit orientation familiarizes the employee
with the goals of the work unit, clarifies how his
or her job contributes to the unit’s goals, and
includes an introduction to his or her new
• Organization orientation informs the new
employee about the company’s goals, history,
philosophy, procedures and rules
Employee Training
Traditional Training Methods
Employee Performance Management
• Performance Management System,
establishing performance standards that are
used to evaluate employee performance
Performance Appraisal Methods
Compensation and Benefits
• Skill-based Pay systems reward employees for
the job skills and competencies they can
• Variable Pay, A pay system in which an
individual’s compensation is contingent on
What Determines Pay
and Benefits
Contemporary Issues in Managing
Human Resources
• Managing Downsizing, is the planned elimination of
jobs in an organization
• Managing Sexual Harassment
Sexual Harassment is any unwanted action or activity
of a sexual nature that explicitly or implicitly affects an
individual’s employment, performance, or work
• Managing Work–Life Balance
Family-friendly benefits, Benefit that accommodate
employees’ needs for work–life balance
• Controlling HR Costs, employee health care costs and
employee pension plan costs
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