A History of Global Politics

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A History of Global

Politics: Creating an
International Order

 The State and Nation

 Nationalism and Internationalism
 Relationbetween Globalization and
 Interstate System
 The Attributes of Today’s World Politics
The State and Nation
 Refers to the country and its government.
 Four (4) Attributes of State:
 Exercises authority over a specific population called citizens.
 Governs a specific territory.
 Hasa structure of government that crafts various rules that
people (society) follows.
 Has sovereignty over its territory.
 Internal and External Authority
 According to Benedict Anderson,
is an “imagined community”.
 It
is limited and does not go
beyond a given “official
Nationalism and
Nationalism and Internationalism
 Nationalism – In politics and public policy,
nationalism is a doctrine whose mission is to
protect a nation's right to self-govern and shield
fellow residents of a state from global
economic and social pressures.

 Internationalism
– the desire for greater
cooperation and unity among countries and
 Two (2) Categories of Internationalism:
a. Liberal Internationalism – believing
that government should be active in
supporting social and political change.
b. Socialist Internationalism – a society in
which major industries are owned and
controlled by the government.
Liberal Nationalism
Immanuel Kant
the late 18th Century
German Philosopher.
He is the first major thinker
of Liberal Nationalism.
Proposed “global
Liberal Nationalism
Jeremy Bentham
late 18th Century
British Philosopher.
“international law”.
Liberal Nationalism
Giuseppe Mazzini
19th Century Italian
Major critic of
Metternich System.
Advocate for the
unification of Italian-
speaking mini states.
Liberal Nationalism
Woodrow Wilson
 United States President (1913 –
 One of the 20th Century most
prominent internationalist.
 He forwarded the Principle of Self-
 Most notable advocate for the
creation of the League of Nations.
 Awarded with the Nobel Prize in
Liberal Nationalism
Karl Marx
 German Socialist Philosopher.
 He placed a premium on economic
 He divided the world into classes instead
of dividing it into countries.
Capitalist Class – owners of factories and
other “means of production”.
Proletariat Class – who works for the
 Friedrich Engels was his co-author. Marx
died in 1883.
Socialist Internationalism
 Established in Paris in 1889.
 Achievement of SI: declaration of May 1 as Labor Day; creation of an
International Women’s Day; successful campaign for an 8-hour
 It collapsed during World War 1.
 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) – revolutionary government
led by Bolshevik Party and leader Vladimir Lenin. In supporting this,
Lenin established Communist International (Comintern) in 1919.
 Comintern was dissolved in 2943 by Joseph Stalin (Lenin’s successor).
 After the World War 2, Stalin re-established Comintern as Communist
Information Bureau (Cominform).
 Soviet Union collapsed in 1991.
 The Socialist International re-establish itseld in 1951.
Socialist Internationalism
Bolshevik Party Vladimir Lenin
Relation between
Globalization and
Globalization and Internationalization
 GLOBALIZATION encompasses a multitude of
connections and interactions that cannot be
reduced to the ties between governments.


globalization but it is a major part of it. Exploring
the deepening of interactions between states
refers to the phenomenon of
Interstate System
Treaty of Westphalia or The
Westphalian System
 Setof agreements signed in 1648 to end
the Thirty Years’ War between the major
continental powers of Europe.
designed by The Holy Roman Empire, Spain,
France, Sweden, and the dutch republic
 agreed that each state has absolute
sovereignty over its territory.
Napoleonic Code(1803-1815)
Napoleon Bonaparte
 A French statesman and a
military leader
 He believed in the principles of
the French Revolution: Liberty,
Equality, and Fraternity
 He started the Napoleonic
Napoleonic Code
Napoleon Bonaparte
 implemented the Napoleonic
code in every country they
 Forbade birth previliges
 Encouraged freedom or
 Promoted meritrocracy in
qovernment service.
 defeated in the Battle of
Waterloo in 1815
Concert of Europe
 Created to prevent another war from
happening and to restore the Westphalian
 It restored monarchical system
 Restored the sovereignty of states
 It lasted from 1815-1914, at the dawn of
world war.
The Attributes of
Today’s World Politics
Four (4) Attributes of Today’s Global
1. Some countries or states are independent and
governs themselves.
2. These countries interact with each other
through diplomacy.
3. The interactions are facilitated by International
Organizations like United Nations (UN).
4. Aside from facilitating meetings between
states, international organizations also take on
lives of their own.

 https://www.thoughtco.com/nationalism-definition-4158265
 https://socratic.org/questions/what-was-the-metternich-system-and-
 http://valdaiclub.com/multimedia/infographics/westphalian-system/
Group 2

John Lester Glenn Apigo

Fathima Ariola
Samantha Bartolome
Gerald Bista


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