Snort Project
Snort Project
Snort Project
Detection Software
Matt Gustafson
Becky Smith
CS691 Semester Project
Spring 2003
Intrusion Detection Systems are used to
discover “attempts to comprise the confidentiality,
integrity, and availability… of a computer or
network.” (Bace, p.5)
<action> <protocol> <src IP/mask> <port> -> <dest
IP/mask> <port> (msg: <alert message>; content:”search packet
for”; … etc)
Some of the Rules We Wrote
A Scan Rule:
alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HOME_NET any
(flags: A; ack: 0; tag: host, 500, packets, src; msg: “NMAP
TCP ping”;)
A Local Rule:
pass tcp $HOME_NET any -> 53 (msg:
“DNS zone transfer – Transfer domain:; flags:
A+; content: “|00 00 FC|”; offset: 13; reference: arachmids,
212; classtype: attempted-recon; sid: 255; rev:5;)
IDS Responses to Detection