Journal Uretroplasty Grace
Journal Uretroplasty Grace
Journal Uretroplasty Grace
Tissue-engineered oral
mucosa graft (TEOMG)
represents an alternative
material for urethroplasty
(Ram-Liebig et al.,2015)
Materials and Methods
• Study Design and Patients
• Prospective, observational survey conducted at eight German urologic centers,
with < 10 to > 80 urethroplasties/year
• Enrolled were adult male patients with recurrent urethral stricture
Fig. 2. Kaplan-Meier plot of re-stricture-free survival. Time calculated from date of urethroplasty surgery. One patient with first
assessment after 12 months was excluded from analysis. Urethral strictures of any etiology, location, length and severity were
included in the study. Re-stricture-free survival rate, based on uncensored data, using age-related Qmax (Ortega & Pena, 2009) as
measure for stricture recurrence.
• After catheter removal, 92.6% (75 of 81 evaluable patients)were able to spontaneously micturate
comparedwith 70.8% (52 of 72) at baseline.
• Preoperatively, mean±SD Qmaxwas 8.3±4.7 mL/s (n=57) increasing to 25.4 ± 14.7 mL/s (n= 51) following
catheter removal.
Fig. 3. Kaplan-Meier plot of re-stricture-free survival by number of previous surgeries (urethrotomy or urethroplasty). One patient
with first assessment after 12 months was excluded from analysis. Urethral strictures of any etiology, location, length and severity
were included in the study